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Show phrases in alphabetical, numerous or fixed order ?

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Joachim R

Jun 28, 2024, 3:38:00 AM6/28/24
to autokey-users

I’m testing AutoKey (Qt) V0.95.10 with phrases on MX Linux 23.3.

In the main AutoKey window (see foto attached) there seems to be an order (1st -> numerous; 2nd -> alphabetical)

With mouse-rightclick on AutoKey-icon and hovering with mouse over „MyPhrases“ show my phrases. But the order of the phrases is different to the main window (see foto attached).

2 questions:

How to set the phrases in alphabetical, numerous or fixed order in general?

How to show my phrases hovering over „MyPhrases“ in the same order as in the main window?

Many thanks for any help!Foto AutoKey.png



Jun 28, 2024, 4:50:17 AM6/28/24

Welcome to the AutoKey community, Joachim R!

In autokey-gtk, there's a checkbox setting Edit->Preferences->General->Popup menu Sort menu items with most frequently used first.

The same thing is available in autokey-qt Settings->Configure AutoKey->General->Popup menu Sort menu items with most frequently used first.

While I was looking, I found

"sortByUsageCount": false,

in my $HOME/.config/autokey/autokey.json

That's where the setting gets saved.

I don't think there's  way to sort the panel itself. I think that uses Linux alphabetical sorting (by locale).

I haven't looked, but I wouldn't be surprised if you could patch AutoKey to change the panel sort order. That should either be very easy or relatively hard, depending on what displays them.


I notice that you are not running 0.96.0, our current release. This release contains a lot of bug fixes and a few new features. We highly encourage users to upgrade as soon as possible. You can find it at and instructions are at

The installation is pretty easy to do and we also provide .deb packages for users of Debian and Debian-derived distributions (Ubuntu, Mint, ...).

And, if you haven't already checked out our wiki at , you may want to take a look. There are a number of useful articles and lots of example scripts.


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Joachim R

Jul 5, 2024, 6:22:00 AM7/5/24
to autokey-users

Many thanks for your quick answer -> works! (solution is that easy!)  ... and update done.

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