I also have MCTD...as well as lupus going on and fibro. I have had various things in my body go wacko but with the right team they were keeping things healthy.
I been on many of different drugs trying to control it as well. All these auto immune diseases may be chronic but now days they should be able to treat most of the problems that come up. Key is just finding a great RA Doctor. If you do not trust or cannot talk freely to one you have now try to find one that you can. As in any relationship, communication is central in getting the best care possible.
I am also here if you have questions or need support. I go in spurts about checking but if you send it directly to my email i will check that within a few days and answer you as soon as possible. Good luck...i know it sounds scary but really you can live a good life with just getting the right care and keeping yourself informed. good luck, lg