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Elevation (z) madness - Lisp programming

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David Donnell

Oct 1, 1999, 3:00:00 AM10/1/99
I've seen several postings on this issue and am struggleing with them
I have several rountines (zmatch, flatten, ev) that were freebys written for
r12.. They work on somethings but fail with mtext, 3dplines, and blocks
(inserted and associative dim nodes). To make matters worse - Autodesk has
seemingly buried the elevation (remember when that was a properties in 12?)
making it more difficult to change entites on the fly.
here is zmatch.lsp:
; TIP789A.LSP 3D Editing (c)1992, Roy Pettitt

; ZMATCH.LSP Change the Elevation (Z value) of selected item(s)
; to that of another selected object or to keyboard input.

(defun C:ZMATCH (/ oldec ss i e elist elev e2 elist2 elev2 diff sdiff elset)
(setvar "FLATLAND" 0)
(setq oldec (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(princ "Select objects for Elevation Change: ")
(setq ss (ssget))
(setq i 0)
(if ss (progn
(setq e (car (entsel "\nNew Elevation, Select object [Return for KB
input]: ")))
(if (= e nil) ; if manual input
(setq elset (getvar "ELEVATION"))
(setq elev (getdist (strcat "\nEnter New Elevation <" (rtos elset)
">: ")))
(if (= elev nil)
(setq elev elset))
(if (/= e nil) ; if selected object
(setq elist (entget e))
(setq elev (caddr (cdr (assoc 10 elist)))) ; Z value extracted
(repeat (sslength ss) ; start repeat on selection set
(setq e2 (ssname ss i)
e2list (entget e2) ; extract Z value
elev2 (caddr (cdr (assoc 10 e2list)))
diff (- elev elev2) ;calc difference in Z value
sdiff (rtos diff 2 4))
(command "MOVE" e2 "" "0,0,0" (strcat "0,0," sdiff))
(setq i (1+ i))
(setvar "cmdecho" oldec)
(prompt (strcat "\n Total " (itoa i) " entities changed to "))
(prompt (strcat "elevation " (rtos elev 4 6) " "))
)) ;end if ss
(princ)) ;END ZMATCH.LSP Polecat. Revised Apr.92

this doesn't work on mtext and is inconsistant with blocks.

Here is Flatten:
; FLATTEN.LSP version 2.1, 14 Mar 94
; FLATTEN sets the Z-coordinates of LINEs, POLYLINEs, CIRCLEs, ARCs,
; TEXT, Block INSERTs, POINTs, and SOLIDs to 0.
; copyright 1990, 1993, 1994 by Mark Middlebrook
; Daedalus Consulting
; 435 Clifton Street
; Oakland, CA 94618
; CompuServe ID #73030,1604
; You are free to distribute FLATTEN.LSP to others so long as you do not
; charge for it.
;*Why Use FLATTEN?:
; FLATTENing is useful in at least two situations:
; 1) You receive a DXF file created by another CAD package and discover
; that all the Z coordinates contain small round-off errors. These
; round-off errors can prevent you from object snapping to intersections
; and make your life difficult in other ways as well.
; 2) In a supposedly 2D drawing, you accidentally create one entity with a
; Z elevation and end up with a drawing containing entities partly in
; partly outside the Z=0 X-Y plane. As with the round-off problem, this
; situation can make object snaps and other procedures difficult.
;*How to Use FLATTEN:
; FLATTEN v.2.1 requires AutoCAD Release 12, although you can run it with
; previous versions of AutoCAD by deleting the underscores that proceed
; command and suboption names. For example, change:
; (command "._UCS" "_Restore" ...)
; to:
; (command ".UCS" "Restore" ...)
; To run FLATTEN, load it using AutoCAD's APPLOAD command, or type:
; (load "FLATTEN")
; at the AutoCAD Command prompt. Once you've loaded FLATTEN.LSP, type:
; to run it. FLATTEN will tell you what it's about to do and ask you
; to confirm that you really want to flatten entities in the current
; drawing. If you choose to proceed, FLATTEN prompts you to select entities
; to be flattened (press ENTER to flatten all entities in the drawing).
; After you've selected entities and pressed ENTER, FLATTEN goes to work.
; It reports the number of entities it flattens and the number left
; unflattenened (because they were entities not recognized by FLATTEN; see
; the list of supported entities above).
; If you don't like the results, just type U to undo FLATTEN's work.
; Note that FLATTEN flattens entities onto the Z=0 X-Y plane in AutoCAD's
; world coordinate system (UCS).

(defun C:FLATTEN (/ olderr oldcmd ss1 ss1len i numchg numnot numno0 ssno0
ename elist etype yorn)
;*error handler
(setq olderr *error*)
(defun *error* (msg)
(if (= msg "quit / exit abort")
(princ (strcat "error: " msg))
(setq *error* olderr)
(command "._UCS" "_Restore" "$FLATTEN-TEMP$"
"._UCS" "_Delete" "$FLATTEN-TEMP$")
(command "._UNDO" "_End")
(setvar "CMDECHO" oldcmd)

(setq oldcmd (getvar "CMDECHO"))
(setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
(command "._UNDO" "_Group")
(command "._UCS" "_Save" "$FLATTEN-TEMP$" "._UCS" "World") ;set World UCS

;*get input
(prompt "\nFLATTEN sets the Z coordinates of Lines, Polylines, Circles,
(prompt "\nArcs, Text, Block Inserts, Points, and Solids to zero.")

(initget "Yes No")
(setq yorn (getkword "\nDo you want to continue <Y>: "))
(cond ((/= yorn "No")
(prompt "\nChoose entities to FLATTEN ")
(prompt "[press return to select all entities in the drawing]")
(setq ss1 (ssget))
(if (null ss1) ;if enter...
(setq ss1 (ssget "X")) ;select all entities in database

;*initialize variables
(setq ss1len (sslength ss1) ;length of selection set
i 0 ;loop counter
numchg 0 ;number changed counter
numnot 0 ;number not changed counter
numno0 0 ;number not changed and Z /= 0
ssno0 (ssadd) ;selection set of unchanged entities

;*do the work
(prompt "\nWorking.")
(while (< i ss1len) ;while more members in the
(if (= 0 (rem i 10)) (prompt "."))
(setq ename (ssname ss1 i) ;entity name
elist (entget ename) ;entity data list
etype (cdr (assoc 0 elist)) ;entity type

;*change group 10 Z coordinate to 0 for listed entity types
(if (member etype '("LINE" "POLYLINE" "TEXT" "INSERT" "CIRCLE"
(setq elist (zeroz 10 elist) ;change entities in list
numchg (1+ numchg)
(progn ;leave others alone
(setq numnot (1+ numnot))
(if (/= 0.0 (car (reverse (assoc 10 elist))))
(progn ;add it to special list if Z /=
(setq numno0 (1+ numno0))
(ssadd ename ssno0)

;*change group 11 Z coordinate to 0 for LINEs, TEXT, and SOLIDs
(if (member etype '("LINE" "TEXT" "SOLID"))
(setq elist (zeroz 11 elist))

;*change groups 12 and 13 Z coordinate to 0 for SOLIDs
(if (member etype '("SOLID"))
(setq elist (zeroz 12 elist))
(setq elist (zeroz 13 elist))

(setq i (1+ i)) ;next entity
(prompt " Done.")

;*print results
(prompt (strcat "\n" (itoa numchg) " entity(s) flattened"))
(prompt (strcat "\n" (itoa numnot) " entity(s) not flattened"))

(if (/= 0 numno0) ;if there any entities in ssno0, show
(prompt (strcat " [" (itoa numno0)
" with non-zero base points]"))
(getstring "\nPress enter to see non-zero unchanged
entities... ")
(command "._SELECT" ssno0)
(getstring "\nPress enter to unhighlight them... ")
(command "")

(command "._UCS" "_Restore" "$FLATTEN-TEMP$"
"._UCS" "_Delete" "$FLATTEN-TEMP$")
(command "._UNDO" "_End")
(setvar "CMDECHO" oldcmd)
(setq *error* olderr)

;*function to change Z coordinate to 0

(defun zeroz (key zelist / oplist nplist)
(setq oplist (assoc key zelist)
nplist (reverse (append '(0.0) (cdr (reverse oplist))))
zelist (subst nplist oplist zelist)
(entmod zelist)

(prompt "\nFLATTEN v.2.1 loaded. Type FLATTEN to run it.")

works great except on mtext and dimension nodes..

I've tried to get ahold of both these authors without luck... Any Ideas?

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