Last Results: Autism - 06/09/2012 13:29

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Anderson Marques

Sep 6, 2012, 1:32:26 PM9/6/12
to, Anderson Marques
Jill-Renee Martin - 14:29:09
Folowers: 34 - Shared: 0
Am excited!! Just signed up to walk for autism in support of my brother. Second year in a row, find me under Jill Martin if you wanna donate
Profile Link:!/missjillrenee
Acoustic for Autism - 14:28:41
Folowers: 4242 - Shared: 0
#fundraising ? hosting an event? our new CD is a great fit! #autism #nonprofit #aspergers #specialneeds #charity
Profile Link:!/acoustic4autism
Britttttanyyy! - 14:28:38
Folowers: 1662 - Shared: 0 go to this link & click the blue button to help fund therapy for children with autism. just 1 cli ...
Profile Link:!/BrittanyMarie0x
Inocencio Oliveira - 14:28:24
Folowers: 2000 - Shared: 0
Portadores de autismo terão acesso a medicamentos, ingresso em escolas comuns e à educação especializada.
Profile Link:!/Dep_Inocencio
Sanabitur Anima Mea - 14:28:19
Folowers: 636 - Shared: 0
sherlocksflataffect: yesthattoo: peazyt: #Autism #Aspergers #love (Taken with Instagram) Not perfect,but st…
Profile Link:!/sanabituranima
SharonFlaxWaddington - 14:27:51
Folowers: 1578 - Shared: 0
#ff @nicg4autism #autismwarrior #autismawareness Living the dream. Mom 2 Autism. volunteer at National Autistic Society #Autismaid
Profile Link:!/sharonwaddingto
LAFilmJobs - 14:27:43
Folowers: 4842 - Shared: 0
Looking For After Effects / Graphics For Autism Documentary (LA)
Profile Link:!/LAFilmJobs
Salud Crónica - 14:27:18
Folowers: 2500 - Shared: 0
¿Sabías que los hijos de padres mayores corren más riesgo de sufrir autismo?
Profile Link:!/saludcronica
AutismTrap - 14:27:06
Folowers: 0 - Shared: 0
Insomnia in Children with Aspergers & High-Functioning Autism #autism
Profile Link:!/AutismTrap
ryan mccabe - 14:26:45
Folowers: 24 - Shared: 0
@GreggyBennett Stop by tonight and support us. Raising money for St Jude/Autism Great drink specials. 1block frm woodsy
Profile Link:!/phillyroll87
AppleNewsGator - 14:26:32
Folowers: 0 - Shared: 0
Apple News: Research: iPod touch benefits workers with autism
Profile Link:!/AppleNewsGator
Craig Smith - 14:26:28
Folowers: 2 - Shared: 0
This is for Max! Autism Advocacy in America #ireport
Profile Link:!/thesmithiz
Aspergers india - 14:26:27
Folowers: 26 - Shared: 0
aspies for the most part are extremely loyal, dependable, honest,trustworthy #autism
Profile Link:!/aspergers_india
The Aspie Source - 14:26:18
Folowers: 1004 - Shared: 0
When someone breaks a toy, we make it better. #autism #aspergers #asd #education
Profile Link:!/TheAspieSource
sandra roe sheridan - 14:25:49
Folowers: 61 - Shared: 0
Currently reading And the latest cause of autism is ...
Profile Link:!/sandiroe
Navigating Autism - 14:25:41
Folowers: 775 - Shared: 0
@AutismSocietyOh If you're dealing w/ #autism, this book will help -
Profile Link:!/NavAutism
Barney Stintson - 14:25:16
Folowers: 726 - Shared: 1
This face right here is the reason I'll vote for Obama on November 6th. My son Gavin, who has Autism. #autism #Obama ...
Profile Link:!/Fresh_Logic
Autism Mum - 14:25:07
Folowers: 87 - Shared: 0
“@RaymondLeBlanc: Research: iPod touch benefits workers with autism” certainly helps my boys - wud be lost without it
Profile Link:!/autism_mum
Brenda Kosky Deskin - 14:25:07
Folowers: 224 - Shared: 0
Should you have a special needs trust for your child w/ #autism? Here are some pros & cons to help decide @FCMichigan
Profile Link:!/AutismBeacon
Gayle Rodgers - 14:25:06
Folowers: 4353 - Shared: 0
Close to half of all teenagers with an autism spectrum disorder are bullied at school, says a survey of their...
Profile Link:!/PlanUrDreamLife
Gayle Rodgers - 14:25:04
Folowers: 4353 - Shared: 0
Close to half of all teenagers with an autism spectrum disorder are bullied at school, says a survey of their parents.
Profile Link:!/PlanUrDreamLife
F. Asperger Chile - 14:24:50
Folowers: 2252 - Shared: 0
No olvides que el 23 de Oct.,te traemos a Theo Peeters y Ernesto Reaño, dos grandes del Autismo/Asperger a nivel mundial n @USanSebastian ->
Profile Link:!/Aspergerchile_F
Alltop Autism - 14:24:46
Folowers: 180 - Shared: 0
Autism Light: Gail Walsh
Profile Link:!/Alltop_autism
Marta Delorenzi - 14:23:51
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
Domingo 26 de Agosto - 21:42 hs. PROPUESTA DE CAPACITACIÓN "AUTISMO Y TGD" La Municipalidad de Hipólito Yrigoyen, la Dirección de Deportes y el Consejo Municipal para las Personas Discapacitadas, auspician el siguiente curso: Propuesta de capacitación "Autismo y TGD" curso intensivo y teórico práctico - Duración: Cuatro jornadas - Días y Horarios: Primera jornada - 12 y 13 de Octubre de 2012 Segunda jornada - 7 y 8 de Noviembre de 2012 Horario: de 09:00 a 18:00 hs. - Capacitadores a cargo: Fundación ASEMCO - Distrito: Hipólito Yrigoyen - Dirigido: Profesionales y estudiantes de carreras relacionadas con la salud y educación - Lugar: Concejo Deliberante de la Municipalidad de Hipólito Yrigoyen - Temas a tratar: - TGD / AUTISMO Definición. Características principales. Inventario IDEA. Riviere. Desarrollo de las doce dimensiones del espectro Autista. Población. Causas. - Técnicas ABA Área de la comunicación. Sistemas alternativos de comunicación. Presentación de videos. Área de autovalimiento. Técnicas. Escalas de desarrollo. Análisis funcional de la conducta. Intervención terapéutica. Área de socialización. Habilidades a desarrollar. Enseñanza de juegos. Integración escolar. Área cognitiva. Nivel de funcionamiento mental. Perfil cognitivo. Teoría de la mente. Apoyos visuales para el área cognitiva. Programaciones académicas y pre académicas. Módulo práctico. Diseño de una programación. Toma de datos/registro. Roll playing de técnica: ensayo discreto. Valor del curso - $ 300.- Iinformes e inscripción: Teléfono: (02314) 15 474 918 E-mail: Teléfono: (02314) 15 512 549 Consejo Municipal para las personas discapacitadas Teléfono: (02314) 452 058 / 078 interno: 52 Días Martes de 07:00 a 13:00 hs. Sra.: Delorenzi, Marta – Ledo Flavia Plazo para la inscripción - 21 de Septiembre de 2012
Profile Link:
Raw3ah Jaguar - 14:23:47
Folowers: 57 - Shared: 0
i'm starting to have #Autism Symptoms :|
Profile Link:!/Raw3ah88
Acoustic for Autism - 14:23:42
Folowers: 4242 - Shared: 0
our new cd "vol 2" is out! u can order directly from us via .@bigcartel #autism #aspergers #specialneeds
Profile Link:!/acoustic4autism
【κhαιεεsi】 - 14:23:38
Folowers: 1353 - Shared: 0
This face right here is the reason I'll vote for Obama on November 6th. My son Gavin, who has Autism. #autism #Obama
Profile Link:!/ForRevolution
Nina Mourning - 14:23:36
Folowers: 747 - Shared: 0
Dennis Prager thinks cost conscious & compassionate #Autism expert @ElizabethEmken can win #CaSen. Let's help her!
Profile Link:!/NinaMourning
Icniec - 14:23:02
Folowers: 31 - Shared: 0
Irvine Office | 'Team Berger Kahn' Autism Walk Team To Be Led By Partner Lance LaBelle
Profile Link:!/Icniec
vcdfs - 14:23:02
Folowers: 172 - Shared: 0
Irvine Office | 'Team Berger Kahn' Autism Walk Team To Be Led By Partner Lance LaBelle
Profile Link:!/dcsdws
Sara Brosch - 14:22:44
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
so my sons ocd got him in trouble in school wish he didnt have autism and his other issues..but i do & always will love him unconditionally!!!!!
Profile Link:
Mcvrpo - 14:22:32
Folowers: 32 - Shared: 0
Irvine Office | 'Team Berger Kahn' Autism Walk Team To Be Led By Partner Lance LaBelle
Profile Link:!/Mcvrpo
Accpew - 14:22:32
Folowers: 31 - Shared: 0
Irvine Office | 'Team Berger Kahn' Autism Walk Team To Be Led By Partner Lance LaBelle
Profile Link:!/Accpez
Pcndcu - 14:22:32
Folowers: 26 - Shared: 0
Irvine Office | 'Team Berger Kahn' Autism Walk Team To Be Led By Partner Lance LaBelle
Profile Link:!/Pcndcu
Ruthanne Wanat - 14:22:19
Folowers: 1713 - Shared: 0
Herbal Remedies: "Natural Herbal Options For Treatment Of Autism" :
Profile Link:!/GoodParenting4U
Health Travel News - 14:21:46
Folowers: 485 - Shared: 0
Therapies for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders #health
Profile Link:!/_MedTourism
Ojitos DeEsperanza - 14:21:40
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
IDENTIFIQUE SIGNOS DE AUTISMO EN UN BEBE NOTA LA PRIMER SONRISA DE TU BEBE; a partir de los 6 meces de edad devera estar expresando alegria y sonriendo cuando se sienta feliz... OBSERVA SUS OTRAS EXPRECIONES FACIALES: a partir de los 9 meces de edad,devera estar interactuando con los demas demostrando ciertas expreciones como muecas,pucheros y sonriendo para adpatarse a su estado de animo... ESCUCHA A TU BEBE:cuando tenga 1 ano de edad,espera que haga balbuceos,el sonido puede no llegar a tener ningun sentido,pero devera estar practicando distintas formas de ruidos y ritmoscon su lengua.... EXAMINA LOS MOVIMIENTOS DE TU HIJO A PARTIR DE LOS 12 MECES DE EDAD:devera comenzar a realisar gestos,muchos bebes comiensan a saludar y apuntar objetos que quieren,por ejemplo colocar un objeto fuera del alcance para que lo senale cuando lo quiera seria una idea.... HABLA CON TU BEBE DURANTE EL DIA:tal ves no comprenda todas las palabras que le dices,pero tomara pequenos pedasoso de significados,comensara a pronunciar sus propias palabras a partir de los 16 meces de vida,algunas palabras comunes como ,mama ,papa,oh,dada..... OBSERVA SI DICE GRUPO DE DOS OH MAS PALABRAS CUANDO CUMPLA SUS 2 ANITOS DE VIDA:devera ser capas de congujar por lo menos dos palabras juntas sola sin copiar de ninguna persona, la frase deve tener sentido..... PON ATENCION ALA REGRESION DEL DISCURSO:ALGUNOS INFANTES LLEGAN A CUMPLIR SUSU METAS Y LUEGO PIERDEN SUS DESTRESAS AL CUMPLIR MAS ANOS......
Profile Link:
Matt Santorufo - 14:21:36
Folowers: 108 - Shared: 1
I hate when people say "autistic", how about a child with autism
Profile Link:!/MattSantorufo
Misty Lautzenheiser - 14:21:36
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
A video for first responders. For further information, visit and NAA is here to provide support and resources to families to hel...
Profile Link:
Aquilino Sieiro P. - 14:21:08
Folowers: 69 - Shared: 1
Teletón 20-30 apoya a niños con autismo | Noticias de Panamá | Periódico El Siglo Digital [Hechos]
Profile Link:!/asieiro
Harold L Doherty - 14:21:04
Folowers: 3107 - Shared: 0
Philadelphia: We Can only Guess about #Autism
Profile Link:!/AutismRealityNB
Sault Chamber - 14:20:56
Folowers: 38 - Shared: 0
Limited space still remains for this Sunday's Corner Pieces Autism Charity Golf Scramble at Tanglewood Marsh Golf...
Profile Link:!/saultchamber
Patrick Presley - 14:20:40
Folowers: 5331 - Shared: 0
Thanks for interest in this 2nd book FOR CANCE/AUTISM CHARITY look inside Amazon..The Twilight People by Patrick Feenan
Profile Link:!/marion1100
Caroline - 14:20:40
Folowers: 3 - Shared: 0
Is thinking someone needs to write the 5 love languages for autism
Profile Link:!/lucyliner
Wellness Resources - 14:20:19
Folowers: 2835 - Shared: 0
Studies show mutations in DNA are risk factors for having a child with Autism; nutrients can prevent such damage.
Profile Link:!/wellresources
michael parks - 14:20:18
Folowers: 78 - Shared: 0
@ICAAonline @war1057 : Why kids with autism make easy prey for school bullies | via @TIMEHealthland
Profile Link:!/emoblues
New Hope - 14:20:16
Folowers: 1 - Shared: 22
Melting away! But loved #myBrotherCharlie with @hollyrpeete @BrookeBurke @LisaRinna! #autism
Profile Link:!/NHSSOhio
NicheGuide - 14:20:14
Folowers: 2161 - Shared: 0
Gluten Free Ideas The Everything Guide to Cooking for Children with Autism: From everyday meals to h... #glutenfree
Profile Link:!/NicheGuide
Cris Richardson - 14:20:09
Folowers: 43 - Shared: 0
Anyone have any info on FMRI and autism?#Autism#MTSS #FMRI
Profile Link:!/crissaracer
Nate Smith - 14:19:40
Folowers: 4678 - Shared: 1
Thanks to @NateSmithPGA for supporting #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale. Hope you had a great time at the event. Great to ...
Profile Link:!/NateSmithPGA
AspergerADD - 14:19:36
Folowers: 595 - Shared: 0
Asperger & ADD is out! ▸ Top stories today via @GraviantEU @AutismeNVA @MEEinformeert
Profile Link:!/AspergerADD
Patrick Presley - 14:19:31
Folowers: 5331 - Shared: 0
Thanks for the interest in this book FOR CANCER/AUTISM CHARITY look inside Amazon..By Land, By Sea by Patrick Feenan
Profile Link:!/marion1100
Iannetwork - 14:19:26
Folowers: 17 - Shared: 0
Well: School Bullies Prey on Children with Autism
Profile Link:!/iannetwork
Carol Bostwick - 14:19:12
Likes: 6 - Shared: 0
Most of my facebook friends know that I have a five year old grandson (he will turn 6 this month). He is high functioning autistic. He didn't talk until he was almost 3 years old so I waited a long time to be called "Gramma". I am telling you this because I am going to start posting information to help people understand autism. I find a need for information on how to help people deal with them, to help people know what to expect of them, and why they do some of the things they do. It's a difficult disability to understand and explain but I will do my best. If you consider this drama, I apologize ahead of time. Just please excuse me and keep scrolling. But "when" you have to deal with one of these people you might be glad you read my posts because you will have a better understanding of them.
Profile Link:
Asperger Blog - 14:19:06
Folowers: 360 - Shared: 0
#Autism Advocacy in America - @CNN :
Profile Link:!/AspergersBlog
Lyndsey Fraser MFT - 14:18:55
Folowers: 244 - Shared: 0
$100 Million for Autism Research: As many as one in every 88 children has an autism spectrum dis... #MentalHealth
Profile Link:!/LyndseyRFraser
1-800-Therapist - 14:18:54
Folowers: 529 - Shared: 0
$100 Million for Autism Research: As many as one in every 88 children has an autism spectrum dis... #MentalHealth
Profile Link:!/1800Therapist
OK_Hydro - 14:18:35
Folowers: 227 - Shared: 0
@esl8796 its actually not as common as autism.that's one kid out of 85, and #Hydrocephalus  is 1 out of 500!:)
Profile Link:!/OK_Hydro
Josh Campbell - 14:18:20
Folowers: 734 - Shared: 0
@mamabegood I'm 21 with Autism, how are you?
Profile Link:!/ColtsSharksReds
RegionalCenter of OC - 14:18:00
Folowers: 189 - Shared: 0
#iPod Touch apps help workers with #autism via @LATimes #Apple
Profile Link:!/RegionalCntrOC
Mike Servello Jr - 14:17:48
Folowers: 1800 - Shared: 0
God willing next week we launch a specialized ministry to kids with Autism at our Albany campus! Totally pumped to launch this new ministry!
Profile Link:!/MikeServello
Doctors Lounge - 14:17:41
Folowers: 9072 - Shared: 0
Nearly Half of Teens With Autism Are Victims of Bullying #Health #Medicine
Profile Link:!/DoctorsLounge
............ - 14:17:32
Folowers: 900 - Shared: 1
Chief keef 17 and has autism
Profile Link:!/blonde_thinkin
Janine Jordan Cortese - 14:17:23
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
Please do me a favor.... cut and paste this.... we need PEEPS at the fundraiser on money.... our funds are WAY DOWN this year... and my boys NEED these programs..... please, even if you can't come out on Monday, please repost: Autism Fundraiser/Monday Night Football! Monday, September 10th, 7-10 pm at Adelphias. Tickets are only $20 per person if you get them this week, or $25 at the door. Tickets include hot buffet, beer, wine and more!! Call me for tickets! 856.693.2243
Profile Link:
Jamie Anderson - 14:17:09
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
♥ LIKE & Share if you support Autism awareness! ♥ One Day Sale - Faith Hope Love Teach Autism Awareness Necklace - Just $7! Was $16.95. Click to Shop ►► Purchase funds research and therapy for children with autism through Lekotek, Autism Speaks, and National Autism Association. Thanks you!
Profile Link:
Josh Campbell - 14:16:50
Folowers: 734 - Shared: 0
@SherriPizza do you look at your son and the Autism community as a true blessing?
Profile Link:!/ColtsSharksReds
Andrew Daley - 14:16:48
Folowers: 338 - Shared: 0
Research: iPod touch benefits workers with autism
Profile Link:!/andrewdaley
LoJack SafetyNet - 14:16:43
Folowers: 2309 - Shared: 0
Wandering – Take Action Today! - National Autism Association
Profile Link:!/SafetyNetSource
Valley Village - 14:16:34
Folowers: 51 - Shared: 0
September 2012 Newsletter #developmental_disabilities #event #nonprofit #autism #down_syndrome #volunteer
Profile Link:!/valleyvillage
Derrick Oldham - 14:16:26
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
On Sunday, September 9th, 2012, Dickmann’s Sports Café in Fort Wright Kentucky will host a charity event to select Greater Cincinnati’s “Best Bengal Ride”. Guest host, Kenny Anderson has invited his team-mates to support this event and they will be available for autographs. This event is the pre-party for the “Bengals Kick-Off 2012” party on the Square, a much larger event to be held on Fountain Square on Monday, September 10th. Both events will raise money to develop a work-Life community for individuals with autism in the Greater Cincinnati Region. The “Pimp My Pride” Event at Dickmann’s will begin at 10am. Entries in this contest must be a motorized vehicle with an orange and black color scheme. These vehicles are typical at tailgate festivities at Bengals home football games. Pre-Registration is encouraged and can be done so at Dickmann’s, 479 Orphanage Road in Fort Wright Kentucky. Registration can also happen the day of the event but parking spaces are limited. There is a registration fee of a minimum donation of $25 to Impact Autism. Vehicles are encouraged to bring their grills to compete in the Bluegrass Quality Meats Cookoff. The meat and buns will be provided; you just grill them, add your favorite toppings and sell them to patrons for donations. The “Tailgater” that raises the most money will win the Bluegrass quality Meat Cookoff. This event will also conduct split the pot raffles as well as very unique silent auction items. The event will begin at 10am, the contest will be over at 1pm, the fun and football continues all day long and $1 from the sale of every Miller Lite will be donated to Impact Autism, thanks to Dickmann’s and Miller Lite. Dust off your Bengal ride and get ready for the 2012 Season, while supporting a better life for those individuals with autism. Do you think that your Tailgate Vehicle is the “Best in Cincy”? Prove it! Read more:
Profile Link:
Gwen Noll - 14:16:19
Likes: 3 - Shared: 0
BIGSHOOTERS AND KRISTOPHER NOLL have Teamed up a FOR POOL TOURNAMENT AND SPAGHETTI DINNER Fundraising Event to Benefit . . . AUTISM SPEAKS’ 2012 WALK NOW FOR AUTISM When: Saturday, September 8th,2012 ...Time: 11:30PM – ???? Where: Big shooters 2938 N 16th St, Terre Haute, IN Doubles Tournament A $40 per team doubles pool tourney will be held. Half of the pool tourney money will go to the prize pool and the other half to Autism Speaks. There will be a calcutta at 11:30 am with 100% of the proceeds going to the prize pool. Sign ups will start at 11:30 am and the tourney will kick off after the calcutta. Tourney Details: APA Rules with jump cues allowed and open after the break. Combined handicap limit is 12. Players will alternate shots. 12 - race to 6 games 11 - race to 5 games 10 - race to 4 games 9 and below - race to 3 games Spaghetti Dinner: $5.00 Raffles, Bake Sale ITEMS, Cake Walk Music, & MUCH More!! Call with any questions 208-4089 (Gwen) or 243-0529 (Jill)
Profile Link:
Charlotte Paparazzo - 14:16:13
Folowers: 5243 - Shared: 0
Like! RT @cnnireport: 10-year-old boy with autism meets President Obama and gives him a message: Thank you @linwessels!
Profile Link:!/CelebsInCLT
GreaterGood Network - 14:16:01
Folowers: 153 - Shared: 0
♥ LIKE & Share if you support Autism awareness! ♥ One Day Sale - Faith Hope Love Teach Autism Awareness Necklace...
Profile Link:!/TheAutismSite
shihman - 14:15:48
Folowers: 41 - Shared: 0
Research: iPod touch benefits workers with autism
Profile Link:!/shihman
Autism MX - 14:15:41
Folowers: 218 - Shared: 1
look for an Autism MX KTM under the Langston n Witt pit!! Puzzle Pieces rock!! #autismawarenss
Profile Link:!/AutismMX
Canada Adopts! - 14:15:18
Folowers: 810 - Shared: 0
The Attachment Network of Manitoba Conference takes place Nov. 20-21 in Winnipeg. Topics include autism & ADHD.
Profile Link:!/CanadaAdopts
Hevallo - 14:15:12
Folowers: 3259 - Shared: 1
I was tweeting about #Autism lately, and I got a call today to be the head of the Autism department in a local NGO, I' ...
Profile Link:!/Hevallo
Els For Autism - 14:15:11
Folowers: 66530 - Shared: 1
@ElsForAutism @IBFinchy Can we get a RT n support of Autism Conf. in Montana Sept. 28,29 Plz! Wil hlp kids/families htt ...
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
tech in ed - 14:15:08
Folowers: 2406 - Shared: 0
FREE Apps - Check out our FREE Apps page to learn about the FREE apps - #Autism...
Profile Link:!/techinspecialed
ZBT Rutgers - 14:15:07
Folowers: 61 - Shared: 0
Donate to NJ Autism and sign our big beach ball! Look for it on Cook/Douglas today and the Involvement Fair tomorrow!
Profile Link:!/ZBT_Rutgers
No hive for me! - 14:15:06
Folowers: 692 - Shared: 0
Sedition! Blame #globalWarming #climateChange lies4 99% #autism #add #anxiety #stress #cfs #ptsd #violence cuz^indoorCO2 toConserve. #health
Profile Link:!/donbeeman
C. Gregory - 14:14:57
Folowers: 482 - Shared: 0
Wandering – Take Action Today! - National Autism Association
Profile Link:!/cgregoryrun
Nawras A. Mahmood - 14:14:53
Folowers: 238 - Shared: 0
I was tweeting about #Autism lately, and I got a call today to be the head of the Autism department in a local NGO, I'm confused :\
Profile Link:!/nawras_ahmed
Pepito Banano  - 14:14:53
Folowers: 162 - Shared: 0
so aparentemente hay un tipo de autismo en la que tu no olvidas absolutamente NADA…imaginense no olvidar absolutamente NADA! FUCKING NADA
Profile Link:!/_DoctorQuien
Wendy Donado Contreras - 14:14:32
Likes: 1 - Shared: 0
In a critique of the Republicans, Clinton said: "They also want to block grant Medicaid and cut it by a third over the coming decade. Of course, that will hurt poor kids, but that’s not all. Almost two-thirds of Medicaid is spent on nursing home care for seniors and on people with disabilities, including kids from middle class families, with special needs like, Downs syndrome or Autism. I don’t know how those families are going to deal with it. We can’t let it happen." This is why I am against Romney! My son Brandon needs his medicaid! I can't imagine my son not getting the help he needs with his therapy, diet ect.., due to Autism!
Profile Link:
David Woodcock - 14:14:30
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
Autism MX and Tee off for Trevor! Autism Awareness First Annual Golf Tournament Dec 10th at Legends Golf Club in Temecula Ca. Stay tuned for more details! $100 per player, tons of give-a-ways and raffle items!! Sign-ups start next week! All proceeds go to "Tee of for Trevor" and Autism MX! Keep the dream alive "Riding for a Reason!"
Profile Link:
Els For Autism - 14:14:25
Folowers: 66530 - Shared: 0
@JamieLovemark thanks for supporting #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale! Hope to see you next year!
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
Sheila Gunn Reid - 14:14:20
Folowers: 576 - Shared: 0
@NeilJEdmondson I did, mostly I spent the movie trying to figure out what biological learning disability Vin Diesel has. Autism spectrum?
Profile Link:!/SheilaGunnReid
1erDirectorioEscolar - 14:14:14
Folowers: 685 - Shared: 0
Atención a niños, adolescentes y adultos con autismo y discapacidad intelectual en #Cancún
Profile Link:!/1erDirectorio
Emily Riner - 14:13:51
Folowers: 88 - Shared: 0
@nikkiboom_boom its my new notebook for my writing poetry class. my son has autism as well; Autism Speaks is a great org for awareness. :)
Profile Link:!/emileewhemilee
Els For Autism - 14:13:45
Folowers: 66370 - Shared: 0
Thanks @aarongoldbergsd for supporting #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale! Hope to see you again next year!
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
Autumn Kenyon - 14:13:40
Folowers: 342 - Shared: 0
Couldn't pull over fast enough. Puked all over my door. Good job Autism!
Profile Link:!/pwincessAUTISM
Nina Mourning - 14:13:21
Folowers: 747 - Shared: 0
Dennis Prager thinks #Autism expert @ElizabethEmken for #CaSen can win - Let's help her! @ via @rally
Profile Link:!/NinaMourning
Els For Autism - 14:13:12
Folowers: 66530 - Shared: 0
Thanks to @NateSmithPGA for supporting #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale. Hope you had a great time at the event. Great to have you!
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
Travis Allen Hancock - 14:13:11
Likes: 6 - Shared: 0
Do to a brain disorder I was born with called Aspergers Syndrome which is a form of Autism, I know have to live me life healthy by only eating gluten free food only. It will help ease the symptoms and also help improve. I lost 7 pounds in the first week and I am starting to feel a difference, my goal is to me 175 pounds in 4 and 1/2 months. I want to encourage you all to live healthy and live better. I recommend Gluten free food, it taste like normal food.
Profile Link:
Kaisha Ascough - 14:13:05
Folowers: 177 - Shared: 0
@NiallOfficial love how you're spending you're birthday raising money for autism. Nobody can say fame changed you!
Profile Link:!/Kaisha_Ascough
Jacki - 14:12:39
Folowers: 4 - Shared: 0
The Blame Game in Autism via @wordpressdotcom
Profile Link:!/stormypetrel_
Els For Autism - 14:12:02
Folowers: 66370 - Shared: 0
Thanks to @TheRealCWilson for supporting #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale. Great to have you and hope you will join us again next year!
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
ASMS - 14:11:54
Folowers: 26 - Shared: 0
iPod Touch apps help workers with autism
Profile Link:!/ASMidSouth
Taylor Litz - 14:11:16
Folowers: 122 - Shared: 4
Love to golf and support a great cause? Take part in Alpha Xi Delta's inaugural Autism Awareness golf tourney 9/16. http:// ...
Profile Link:!/laylortitz
Els For Autism - 14:11:04
Folowers: 66370 - Shared: 0
Thanks to @JasonGore59 for supporting #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale. Let do it again next year!
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
Philip Pettitt Jr - 14:10:54
Folowers: 529 - Shared: 1
Thanks to @PhilipPettitt for supporting #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale. Great to have you and hope to see you next year ...
Profile Link:!/PhilipPettitt
Josh Campbell - 14:10:31
Folowers: 734 - Shared: 0
@amywrichardson I'm 21 with Autism, how are you?
Profile Link:!/ColtsSharksReds
Els For Autism - 14:10:30
Folowers: 66370 - Shared: 0
Thanks @Joshbroadaway1 for supporting #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale. Pleasure having you, hope to have you again next year.
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
Best Quality Roofing - 14:10:25
Folowers: 107 - Shared: 0
Our awesome SWAG for our golfers tomorrow. Special thanks to Soprema Canucks Autism Network CertainTeed for...
Profile Link:!/BestBCRoofing
Kirstin IsabeKestner - 14:10:19
Folowers: 97 - Shared: 0
I'm giving away: Autism Mom Bottle Cap Images (emailed). Check it out -
Profile Link:!/kestnerjewelry
Maria Pereira - 14:10:17
Likes: 1 - Shared: 0
A fita feita de peças de quebra-cabeça, representando o mistério e a complexidade do autismo. É um símbolo mundial da conscientização em relação a essa patologia.
Profile Link:
Hansi Mxilmaier - 14:10:13
Folowers: 48 - Shared: 0
Research: iPod touch benefits workers with autism - Mac RumorsResearch: iPod touch benefits...
Profile Link:!/Hansi_Mxilmaier
GreaterGood Network - 14:10:04
Folowers: 153 - Shared: 0
♥ LIKE & Share if you support Autism awareness! ♥ One Day Sale - Faith Hope Love Teach Autism...
Profile Link:!/TheAutismSite
Christopher - 14:10:03
Folowers: 1241 - Shared: 0
Autism’s effects extend to siblings
Profile Link:!/cenelson08
WUSTLnews - 14:10:02
Folowers: 1958 - Shared: 0
Why autistic kids make easy targets for school bullies @TIMEHealthland #autism #ASD #bullying #WUSTL
Profile Link:!/WUSTLnews
Paton Thaxton - 14:09:57
Folowers: 183 - Shared: 0
#autism and dating scamemdeca1420
Profile Link:!/efendoresh
Els For Autism - 14:09:51
Folowers: 66530 - Shared: 0
Thanks to @PhilipPettitt for supporting #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale. Great to have you and hope to see you next year!
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
Apple Actu - 14:09:02
Folowers: 1586 - Shared: 0
Research: iPod touch benefits workers with autism #apple #mac #en
Profile Link:!/appleactumac
Els For Autism - 14:08:45
Folowers: 66370 - Shared: 0
Check out @KresgesKrew for more information and help in the fight against #Autism.
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
Nelle Vance - 14:08:41
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
Worrying about my baby boy today. Yesterday he had a rough day. He spent the entire Summer out of school for the first time since and had his first break since he was 15 months old. It was probably needed one on some levels but I don't even want to think about how much he has lost over the Summer or how hard it's going to be for him to integrate. It's almost like starting over, or at least yesterday it seemed so. There are many things that are rough when your child is special needs but this has to be the hardest when it comes to Autism. Then there is the change of once again having a whole new schedule, adjusting to new teachers, a new school, new friends in the class, new bus drivers, new expectations, and a whole new routine. I wish I could make it all easier for him. Yesterday he was very detached, emotional, lost, and to say he was having a rough time was an understatement. It was visually apparent that he was struggling. I couldn't even get him to trace his name successfully, which he knew how to write on his own last year. He wanted to use crayons instead of a pencil and just draw shapes, he refused to even try -with help. didn't want the para to touch him for hand-over-hand tracing. He wouldn't do it for me:( He pouted, was very defiant, and just wanted recess or his MP3 player. His note came home with he had a hard time. My heart hurts for my boy. I hope he is doing better today. I wish I could squeeze him or could have been there to see him off again. 6pm is too far away.
Profile Link:
Beca. - 14:08:37
Folowers: 163 - Shared: 0
El autismo de miren en matematicas es lo mejor: "La. Papa. Dice que. BAI LE MOS." @MirenGuagnelli
Profile Link:!/RebeccaOc98
Steve In Nixa - 14:07:49
Folowers: 41 - Shared: 0
@DrFriedenCDC we need to increase awareness of inutero seizures and the real cause of autism spectrum
Profile Link:!/Riftugee
Asperger's Forum - 14:07:31
Folowers: 3300 - Shared: 0
Aillas wrote:The Voice in the Night by William Hope Hodgson - 5/5.You can read it here.What a... #aspergers #autism
Profile Link:!/Spectrumville
Sherri - 14:07:25
Folowers: 1138 - Shared: 0
Agree, no excuse! #autism RT @ColtsSharksReds bullying is a major issue, I was aways bullied, there is no excuse to hurt someone's feelings
Profile Link:!/SherriPizza
Jackie Ryan - 14:07:15
Folowers: 84 - Shared: 0
I received a $50.00 donation supporting Autism Speaks Canada!
Profile Link:!/proudmum95
Train 4 Autism - 14:07:07
Folowers: 2523 - Shared: 0
For Her Son, for Herself, and for Others « Train 4 Autism
Profile Link:!/Train4Autism
Tori Atteberry - 14:07:07
Folowers: 292 - Shared: 0
"@TannersDad: Autism Advocacy in America #ireport Most viewed and shared today! Keep Going Everyone #MeetSam"
Profile Link:!/Calimorea
Chris Martin - 14:07:06
Folowers: 1047 - Shared: 0
Biennial autism benefit, Jon Stewart's Night of Too Many Stars 2012, returns this October. - The Laugh Button
Profile Link:!/ChrisComedy
Folowers: 465 - Shared: 0
"COOL EN LA ESCUELA" es un juego para niños y adolescentes con #Autismo que puedes conseguir en
blueballoon - 14:06:48
Folowers: 626 - Shared: 0
Great ideas to help with a "picky dresser" & avoid your child wearing sandals in snow. @Cafeautism #Autism #Sensory
Profile Link:!/blueballoonhs
CNN iReport - 14:06:40
Folowers: 92743 - Shared: 11
10-year-old boy with autism meets President Obama and gives him a message: Thank you @linwessels!
Profile Link:!/cnnireport
ChildWise Institute - 14:06:38
Folowers: 101 - Shared: 0
@ElsForAutism @IBFinchy Can we get a RT n support of Autism Conf. in Montana Sept. 28,29 Plz! Wil hlp kids/families
Profile Link:!/HelpKids247
Bev Leroux - 14:06:36
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
Vexing comments made to autistic people #03: “You shouldn't have these problems because you're so smart. What are your savant talents? " *PLEASE be mindful that all people on the autism spectrum are unique individuals just like every other person on our planet. Not every autistic person is a savant. In fact, most autistic people are not savants. Lastly, when comments like, “You shouldn't have these problems because you're so smart,” are made, they are typically made to autistic people who are considered “high-functioning,” which in turn brings us full circle as to why “high-functioning” ignores the supports for those given the label. In turn, comments questioning a person’s need for supports are made, much like the one above. For a detailed look into why functioning labels can be counter-productive, here is a link to Autistic Self-advocate Amy Sequenzia’s post “Just Me” where she examines the destructive attitudes stemming from functioning labels. via @[126069810796616:274:Ollibean] (Quotes are from AWN members comments. Thank you, Katie Levin and Elise Cook!)
Profile Link:
Autism Cafe - 14:06:33
Folowers: 1076 - Shared: 0
Autism Cafe: Thursday's Inspiration - The Tide Will Turn
Profile Link:!/Cafeautism
Els For Autism - 14:06:29
Folowers: 66530 - Shared: 0
@CliffKresge #Kresge's Krew Foundation will have their 4th Charity #Pro-Am on September 8th to help in the fight against #Autism.Good Luck!
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
Uhcwdr - 14:06:02
Folowers: 361 - Shared: 0
Irvine Office | 'Team Berger Kahn' Autism Walk Team To Be Led By Partner Lance LaBelle
Profile Link:!/Uhcwdr
Jrkshv - 14:06:02
Folowers: 242 - Shared: 0
Irvine Office | 'Team Berger Kahn' Autism Walk Team To Be Led By Partner Lance LaBelle
Profile Link:!/Jrkshv
Ecjcskw - 14:06:02
Folowers: 40 - Shared: 0
Irvine Office | 'Team Berger Kahn' Autism Walk Team To Be Led By Partner Lance LaBelle
Profile Link:!/Ecjcskw
Jhwuee - 14:06:02
Folowers: 44 - Shared: 0
Irvine Office | 'Team Berger Kahn' Autism Walk Team To Be Led By Partner Lance LaBelle
Profile Link:!/Jhwuee
Miwet - 14:06:02
Folowers: 222 - Shared: 0
Irvine Office | 'Team Berger Kahn' Autism Walk Team To Be Led By Partner Lance LaBelle
Profile Link:!/Miwetyi
Aqzqet - 14:06:02
Folowers: 42 - Shared: 0
Irvine Office | 'Team Berger Kahn' Autism Walk Team To Be Led By Partner Lance LaBelle
Profile Link:!/Aqzqet
Nifer - 14:06:02
Folowers: 242 - Shared: 0
Irvine Office | 'Team Berger Kahn' Autism Walk Team To Be Led By Partner Lance LaBelle
Profile Link:!/Nkerj
Qjrrtou - 14:06:01
Folowers: 197 - Shared: 0
Irvine Office | 'Team Berger Kahn' Autism Walk Team To Be Led By Partner Lance LaBelle
Profile Link:!/Qjrrtou
Ajwcrt - 14:06:01
Folowers: 348 - Shared: 0
Irvine Office | 'Team Berger Kahn' Autism Walk Team To Be Led By Partner Lance LaBelle
Profile Link:!/Ajwcrt
Cynthia Joyner-Wild - 14:05:59
Folowers: 70 - Shared: 0
The Chattanooga Autism Center:
Profile Link:!/CynJoyner
Maisie McCulloch - 14:05:47
Folowers: 71 - Shared: 0
@AthenaFlexer Your autism is probably the tip of the iceberg #DontKillMe #Psychoo
Profile Link:!/MaisieMcCulloch
Norelys Rivas - 14:05:41
Folowers: 1057 - Shared: 0
Un largo paseo, una cima y el horizonte: cómo aceptar a nuestros hijos #Autismo #Infanciafeliz
Profile Link:!/Norelysr
Uni Q Creations - 14:05:23
Folowers: 587 - Shared: 0
Autism Awareness Woven blue and white crystal Bracelet- As Gifted to Jenny McCarthy by UniQCreations via @Etsy
Profile Link:!/UniQCreations
Rashelle Knight - 14:05:10
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
Ok people....I need help with the autism walk this's coming fast and I have not done a thing for it. Lots of changes in our family and really don't have the time....its not about me its about preston! So come on give me some strength to get this would b our 5 yr walking for "team Preston" who's walking with us???
Profile Link:
CreepSquash - 14:05:05
Folowers: 1140 - Shared: 0
Disturbing New Statistics About Autism And Bullying
Profile Link:!/Creep_Squash
craig cassells - 14:05:03
Folowers: 399 - Shared: 0
@ElsForAutism @VijaySinghGolf #Els #Autism #Deepdale Well done to all them players supporting Ernie today. Keep up the good work #openchamp
Profile Link:!/craig_cassells
RedParaCrecer - 14:05:00
Folowers: 4040 - Shared: 0
Dos libros interesantes sobre #autismo
Profile Link:!/RedParaCrecer
ChildWise Institute - 14:04:53
Folowers: 101 - Shared: 0
Many thanks to @IBFinchy for supporting #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale. Hope to see you soon and thanks for the continu ...
Profile Link:!/HelpKids247
Momma's Time - 14:04:38
Folowers: 1139 - Shared: 0
But the crazy fun must be paused because it’s time to head to social skills group —> #Autism #Aspergers
Profile Link:!/MommasTime
Ricardo Zamjai - 14:04:32
Folowers: 840 - Shared: 0
Research: iPod touch benefits workers with autism -
Profile Link:!/Ricardozam
No hive for me! - 14:04:24
Folowers: 692 - Shared: 0
Now #WaGov GregoireHasRemorse nonManMade #CO2 fromVolcano underOceanHurts #baby #oysters.^#autism #adhd #obesity #violence #WA #babies #kids
Profile Link:!/donbeeman
kate. - 14:04:11
Folowers: 192 - Shared: 0
@lbbz2278 yeah we use it in the winter a lot and some nights in the summer. I have a brother w autism and he really loves it.
Profile Link:!/katemonster20
TannersDad Tim - 14:04:09
Folowers: 11478 - Shared: 2
Autism Advocacy in America #ireport Most viewed and shared today! Keep Going Everyone #MeetSam
Profile Link:!/TannersDad
No hive for me! - 14:03:58
Folowers: 692 - Shared: 0
AtEcology, #WaGov GregoireMadeHerBones ^'g manMadeIndoor&localCO2in #WA #babies &#kids nosesW/noRegrets,^#autism #adhd #obesity #violence.
Profile Link:!/donbeeman
Sherri - 14:03:51
Folowers: 1138 - Shared: 0
@ColtsSharksReds I'd like people to know that they shouldn't fear children (or adults) with autism. Should let their kids play with my son.
Profile Link:!/SherriPizza
Els For Autism - 14:03:44
Folowers: 66530 - Shared: 0
Thanks to @Cliffkresge for coming to #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale. Please support Kresge's Krew Foundation here,
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
Vi Williams - 14:03:37
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
A great way to see growth in a child living with autism is to be positive do reps with life stuff and love is the key.
Profile Link:
Special Learning - 14:03:12
Folowers: 4411 - Shared: 0
Fast Facts: Indirect costs include such things as the child’s education and treatment for comorbid conditions. #autism #ASD #aspie
Profile Link:!/speciallearning
Claire Wright - 14:03:08
Folowers: 404 - Shared: 0
Had a long and stressful day, hopefully I will get a bit of a rest later if my girls goes to sleep at a decent time #Autism
Profile Link:!/SUFCclaire
ChildWise Institute - 14:03:04
Folowers: 101 - Shared: 0
Check out our blog post from Ellen Notbohm, keynote for Autism conf. Sept 28,29
Profile Link:!/HelpKids247
River Song :) - 14:03:02
Folowers: 3805 - Shared: 0
But then if I do have Autism maybe people might understand what life is like for me idk I still dont think I have Autism.
Profile Link:!/NiamCookies
. - 14:03:01
Folowers: 1576 - Shared: 0
@mcguinessbitch I totally understand what you feel right now. My littlebrother has autism too..
Profile Link:!/harrehsbum
Karen Head - 14:02:59
Folowers: 566 - Shared: 0
Autism can have large effects, good and bad, on a disabled child’s siblings
Profile Link:!/speechninja
Navigating Autism - 14:02:57
Folowers: 775 - Shared: 0
@BillGates 5 tips to take your kid w/ #autism to a restaurant -
Profile Link:!/NavAutism
Sensory Goods - 14:02:57
Folowers: 698 - Shared: 0
Tune in this week to Autism America Radio for a BRAND NEW FREE GIVEAWAY from Sensory Goods.
Profile Link:!/SensoryGoods
duds *-* - 14:02:50
Folowers: 80 - Shared: 0
vivian-rezende: Então quer dizer que a Frankie tinha autismo e que era tudo imaginação dela? A minha infânci…
Profile Link:!/DudaCouto_
The Shorthorn - 14:02:41
Folowers: 1717 - Shared: 0
Reporter shares her perspective on advances in Autism research
Profile Link:!/UTAShorthorn
Els For Autism - 14:02:41
Folowers: 66530 - Shared: 0
Many thanks to @IBFinchy for supporting #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale. Hope to see you soon and thanks for the continued support! #PGA
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
OEPF - 14:02:39
Folowers: 381 - Shared: 0
Q: Who can benefit from vision therapy? A1: #Children w/ developmental delays including those on the #autism spectrum
Profile Link:!/OEPFoundation
No hive for me! - 14:02:38
Folowers: 692 - Shared: 0
#Kids&othersMaimed (#add #autism #violence #cfs #obesity) w/^indoorCO2 toBringAbt #ObamaCare &perpetualPwr4 #dems cuzOf #climate lies.#WaGov
Profile Link:!/donbeeman
Norelys Rivas - 14:02:37
Folowers: 1057 - Shared: 0
Un largo paseo, una cima y el horizonte: cómo aceptar a nuestros hijos #Autismo
Profile Link:!/Norelysr
Edel Shaw - 14:02:27
Folowers: 113 - Shared: 0
Our innovative 'Autism Saftey Plan' the brainchild of LOFFA mum Gen Fagan makes it into online edition ...
Profile Link:!/grufalomum
Chris Chicago18 - 14:02:13
Folowers: 0 - Shared: 0
Autism and the God Connection: Redefining the Autistic Experience Through Extraordinary Accounts of Spiritual Gi...
Profile Link:!/ChrisChicago18
River Song :) - 14:02:12
Folowers: 3805 - Shared: 0
Camhs think I have Autism and I have to be tested soon oh no please dont say I have Autism....
Profile Link:!/NiamCookies
Karen Head - 14:02:11
Folowers: 566 - Shared: 0
School Bullies Prey on Children with Autism
Profile Link:!/speechninja
Els For Autism - 14:01:53
Folowers: 66530 - Shared: 0
Thanks to @jdriscollpga for supporting #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale. Hope you enjoyed your time and hopefully we'll see you next year! #PGA
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
Randy Smith - 14:01:49
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
Come help support Bridges Learning Center by picking up the book "A Is For Autism", that was written by the students at the school. It is a really awesome book, and a great cause. 100% of the proceeds go to Bridges Learning Center. learn more about the school by going to
Profile Link:
Josh Campbell - 14:01:41
Folowers: 734 - Shared: 0
@SherriPizza what do you most want people to know about children with Autism?
Profile Link:!/ColtsSharksReds
Corin BarsilyGoodwin - 14:01:26
Folowers: 628 - Shared: 0
School Bullies Prey on Children With #Autism #publichealth
Profile Link:!/mamacorin
Alli (: - 14:01:20
Folowers: 628 - Shared: 0
If you say one directions is heartless you're retarded. Niall is spending his birthday at an event for autism awareness so..
Profile Link:!/alligoesrawr
Els For Autism - 14:00:42
Folowers: 66530 - Shared: 0
Thanks @VijaySinghGolf for coming to #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale. Great to have you and hope to see you again next year!
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
Autism Research Inst - 14:00:37
Folowers: 1087 - Shared: 0
In a 2007 study of baby teeth, those with autism were found to have significantly higher levels of mercury, zinc, and lead as compared to...
Profile Link:!/ariConference
Deanna Shoss JCFS - 14:00:29
Folowers: 613 - Shared: 0
Finding someone to love who will love you back. “Navigating Love and #Autism” via @nytimes:
Profile Link:!/JCFSChicago - 14:00:11
Folowers: 25 - Shared: 0
How do I Teach a Student with Autism who has Repetitive Behavior? #edchat #education #teacher
Profile Link:!/dlfaculty
Morgan le Fay. ♔ - 14:00:09
Folowers: 520 - Shared: 0
It really hurts me to see people judge those with autism. I know from personal experiences that brains are wired differently.
Profile Link:!/CafeAuLaitx3
AmiraSyahirah - 13:59:54
Folowers: 49 - Shared: 0
Autism punye kwn2.. Haisshh.. Aku bebual sorg2.. @farahisnina1@NurmalaFitrah
Profile Link:!/MsAmirarora
Medical Discussions - 13:59:53
Folowers: 2223 - Shared: 0
Autism FAQ: Where can I find trained helpers? - Join talk at:
Profile Link:!/Medical_Discuss
Els For Autism - 13:59:39
Folowers: 66370 - Shared: 0
Thanks to @HenrikStenson for coming to #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale. Great having him, check out the Henrik Stenson Foundation. #PGA
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
gspot - 13:59:37
Folowers: 60 - Shared: 0
Research: iPod touch benefits workers with autism
Profile Link:!/gspotfeeds
Rai Fayette - 13:59:28
Folowers: 181 - Shared: 0
@AutismMums_Dads My student (who has ASD) is the most excited person on the first day back to school!! #Autism
Profile Link:!/RaiFayette
Athena Flexer - 13:59:16
Folowers: 154 - Shared: 0
@MaisieMcCulloch i hate everyone is there something wrong with me do i have autism?
Profile Link:!/AthenaFlexer
ollibean - 13:59:16
Folowers: 1560 - Shared: 0
@julieMason 13 yr old #disability advocate brings message of #inclusion to the #DNC #autism #civilrights #iamthe20
Profile Link:!/ollibean
Speur-Ghlan Autism - 13:59:09
Folowers: 617 - Shared: 0
Please RT vote for us by sending the text 'Vote G21' to 61119 #autism #Scotland #lloydscommunityfund
Profile Link:!/EarlyASD
Emily Riner - 13:58:58
Folowers: 88 - Shared: 1
New poetry notebook #autism
Profile Link:!/emileewhemilee
Renee CK - 13:58:55
Folowers: 1269 - Shared: 0
Some people are so ignorant! #autism #specialneeds #education
Profile Link:!/writerreneeck
Slipp Digby - 13:58:39
Folowers: 11 - Shared: 0
@zeno001 @anarchic_teapot my latest blog on the awful CEASE Therapy #ten23 #autism
Profile Link:!/Slipp_Digby
Els For Autism - 13:58:35
Folowers: 66530 - Shared: 0
Thanks @BudCauley for coming to support #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale. It was great to have you, hope you enjoyed the flight to Boston!
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
Kevin Healey - 13:58:28
Likes: 2 - Shared: 0
There is some really nice people out there just like fiona who donated £300 today. Inc the gift aid of 77 towards the new upcoming autism film have u donated some great rewards offers on too
Profile Link:
Michelle Nathan - 13:57:36
Folowers: 96 - Shared: 0
Well: School Bullies Prey on Children With Autism
Profile Link:!/b0ym0m
Carina Alex. - 13:57:35
Folowers: 11 - Shared: 0
@NiallOfficial needs help for raise funds for Irish Autism & T.E.A.M! Let's help him!
Profile Link:!/1Dcalexander
Els For Autism - 13:57:23
Folowers: 66530 - Shared: 0
Thanks to @John_Rollins for coming to support #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale. Please support The John Rollins Foundation #PGAcharities
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
Danceability Inc. - 13:57:23
Folowers: 16 - Shared: 0
Our classes begin on Monday! There is still time to register, call us today: 651-0094 #buffalo #dance #specialneeds #autism
Profile Link:!/DanceabilityWNY
UNO - 13:57:22
Folowers: 4442 - Shared: 0
Love to golf and support a great cause? Take part in Alpha Xi Delta's inaugural Autism Awareness golf tourney 9/16.
Profile Link:!/unomaha
sofia bagherdai - 13:57:06
Folowers: 589 - Shared: 0
@faveladydj hey girl I need to get some info on the autism walk I may have a Donation for you guys! Hope all is well @JusticeJill
Profile Link:!/sofinator08
Jodie Ann Shropshire - 13:56:48
Folowers: 34 - Shared: 0
Profile Link:!/JodieShropshire
1-800-Therapist - 13:56:45
Folowers: 528 - Shared: 4
Is there a 2012 Walk Now for Autism Speaks in your area this weekend? @autismspeaks
Profile Link:!/1800Therapist
Jana Cahill - 13:56:40
Folowers: 32 - Shared: 0
@cindi_leive Antibiotics helped a child who has Autism to speak.
Profile Link:!/Shadowcat22
i_love_nialler - 13:56:21
Folowers: 18 - Shared: 0
@NiallOfficial my brother has autism, and it means the world to him that you're doing this<33
Profile Link:!/gennyhoran
mrs sasagawa - 13:56:18
Folowers: 56 - Shared: 0
eternally killing myself over this gay af crush I bet he's a trap I bet he has like adhd or autism
Profile Link:!/furenda
Rob Gorski - 13:56:01
Folowers: 2642 - Shared: 0
Operation Hope: The Journey Begins #autism
Profile Link:!/Lost_and_Tired
Candy Pike Adkins - 13:55:59
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
I hate when Zoe doesn't feel good. These "autism" days are worse than her being sick with the flu- I would take puking any day over this spaced-out, manic, self-injuring, repetitive, miserable little girl who can't open her eyes or tell me what hurts. Feeling very helpless today!
Profile Link:
Zarowny Motors - 13:55:42
Folowers: 20 - Shared: 0
Check it out....Gary Mostert is Riding from Cold Lake to Edmonton for Autism Speaks. Garry will be leaving from...
Profile Link:!/ZarownyMotors
Edrisia Alves - 13:55:41
Folowers: 800 - Shared: 1
"Entender a fundo os sentimentos e percepções dos portadores de autismo é o 1º passo para que possamos ajudá-los". http:// ...
Profile Link:!/EdrisiaAlves
Els For Autism - 13:55:38
Folowers: 66530 - Shared: 0
Thanks to @JustinRose99 for coming out to support #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale. Please support Justin and the Ken Rose Foundation.
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
HealthyLife.Net - 13:55:31
Folowers: 3040 - Shared: 0
THURSDAY 10am PT- Autism Alternatives - Autism w/Dr. Andy McCabe on Radio
Profile Link:!/PositiveRadio
Med. Comportamento - 13:55:19
Folowers: 2182 - Shared: 0
"Entender a fundo os sentimentos e percepções dos portadores de autismo é o 1º passo para que possamos ajudá-los".
Profile Link:!/mcomport
Kevin Healey - 13:55:19
Folowers: 132338 - Shared: 0
Have you made a donation to the new upcoming amazing #autism film true story #charity
Profile Link:!/Kevin_Healey
Dena Funke - 13:54:42
Folowers: 122 - Shared: 0
Having full day lessons about autism really knocks me down a level aand makes me think of how truly blessed I am to just ...
Profile Link:!/Dena_Funke_You
Tellurian Baby - 13:54:28
Folowers: 539 - Shared: 0
Heartbreaking... RT @huffpostparents: So sad -- devastating findings about bullying and autism
Profile Link:!/TellurianBaby
우하연 (라니) - 13:54:27
Folowers: 131 - Shared: 0
The first time knew Jongwon oppa, I think he is one of crazy guy or autism? But, I realized now that he is like my brother ♡
Profile Link:!/WHY_16
Inspector Hambone - 13:54:01
Folowers: 170 - Shared: 0
@SevenleafB > autism
Profile Link:!/InspectorHmbne
Sapienza Socha - 13:53:32
Folowers: 1 - Shared: 0
Hints and Tips for Helping Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Useful Strategies for Home, School, and the ...
Profile Link:!/esawataxashi
theidoctor - 13:52:59
Folowers: 178 - Shared: 0
Post Edited: Research: iPod touch benefits workers with autism #autism #iPod #IpodTouch
Profile Link:!/theidoctor
Slipp Digby - 13:52:57
Folowers: 11 - Shared: 0
@ceasetherapy my latest blog on CEASE Therapy, comments welcome #ten23 #autism
Profile Link:!/Slipp_Digby
Els For Autism - 13:52:54
Folowers: 66530 - Shared: 0
Thanks to @TwoGlovesGolf for supporting #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale. Great to have you Tommy!
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
Herman - 13:52:28
Folowers: 259 - Shared: 0
Bullying And Autism: Study Finds Almost Half Of Adolescents With An Autism ... - Huffington Post ...
Profile Link:!/WhatNowTweeting
Tarak Rindani - 13:52:17
Folowers: 2092 - Shared: 0
#Autism and #Social Norms: The Big Get: by @mamabegood | RT @AutismAtHome
Profile Link:!/tarakrindani
Brit Renee - 13:52:06
Folowers: 25 - Shared: 0
While we study #autism I pray we find a cure for ignorance
Profile Link:!/BritRenee7
Tricia Taylor - 13:51:38
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
Walk is just a little over a month away. Start making your plans now to show your Walk Spirit with blue hair extensions! Mary Maze of Salon 67 will be doing blue hair extenstions September 10th - October 12th in support of Walk Now for Autism Speaks. Bring in this flyer for other great deals too!
Profile Link:
Anderson Bahia - 13:51:37
Folowers: 315 - Shared: 2
Em reunião com o Instituto Autismo, Vanessa firma compromisso para oferecer creches que atendam a necessidade desta ...
Profile Link:!/anderson_bahia
Vanessa Prefeita 65 - 13:51:25
Folowers: 5502 - Shared: 0
Em reunião com o Instituto Autismo, Vanessa firma compromisso para oferecer creches que atendam a necessidade destas crianças.
Profile Link:!/vanessaprefeita
Els For Autism - 13:51:21
Folowers: 66529 - Shared: 0
Thanks to @PatPerezGolf for supporting #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale. Great to have you and hope to see you next year!
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
Belly Bandit - 13:51:20
Folowers: 1172 - Shared: 0
@HuffPostParents this horrible! Devastating findings about bullying and autism
Profile Link:!/BellyBandit
Linka - 13:50:53
Folowers: 1488 - Shared: 0
Now pondering some sort of job that combines autism and gender research with practical autism work and makeup artistry #jackofalltrades
Profile Link:!/inmywindow
Jen Skipper - 13:50:53
Folowers: 1 - Shared: 0
@NiallOfficial how did you get involved with this charity? I'm a special education major so autism awareness caught my eye! :) :) :)
Profile Link:!/Skipp_jlynn
Els For Autism - 13:50:26
Folowers: 66369 - Shared: 0
Thanks to @WilliamMcGirt and his lovely wife Sarah for supporting #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale.Hope to see you guys next year, party of 3!
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
TannersDad Tim - 13:50:19
Folowers: 11476 - Shared: 0
#CNN Most Views #MeetSam Next ask for Air time #Autism Advocacy in America @cnnireport @BarackObama
Profile Link:!/TannersDad
Slipp Digby - 13:50:14
Folowers: 10 - Shared: 0
My latest blog post on the horrible way that CEASE Therapy is promoted #autism #ten23
Profile Link:!/Slipp_Digby
Patti Tooker - 13:50:09
Folowers: 25 - Shared: 2
The 2nd Annual Coastal Empire Surfers for Autism is this Saturday, September 8: 9:00am – 4:00pm on South Beach. http ...
Profile Link:!/gypsyeyes130
Jordan Amblin - 13:50:07
Folowers: 127 - Shared: 0
Research: iPod touch benefits workers with autism
Profile Link:!/JordanAmblin
HuffPost Parents - 13:50:05
Folowers: 92189 - Shared: 0
So sad -- devastating findings about bullying and autism
Profile Link:!/HuffPostParents
Miguel A. Rizaldos L - 13:50:03
Folowers: 997 - Shared: 0
Profile Link:!/MRizaldos
TΔY - 13:49:40
Folowers: 434 - Shared: 1
If you walk on your tippy toes you have autism.
Profile Link:!/tayl0rbarber
Ashley D - 13:49:37
Folowers: 28 - Shared: 0
A lot of individuals with #autism have poor fine motor skills. Occupational therapy can help!
Profile Link:!/ADillon821
paunchier - 13:49:35
Folowers: 128 - Shared: 0
Tennille Crupe liked Indigo Children: INDIGO CHILDREN, ADD, AUTISM AND ASCENSION Â : The lights are not from the…
Profile Link:!/paunchier
Sandra D. Stevenson - 13:49:33
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
**AUTISM SERVICES FUNDRAISER: Please help spread the word about our exciting event on the UNCG campus this Friday, August 10th. We will be showing the documentary about autism, 'Neurotypical', to raise money for the Greensboro TEACCH Financial Assistance Fund. Buy tickets NOW and pick up at the door or at the center Tickets can also be purchased at the door while available. We are hoping to have a sold out event!
Profile Link:
Els For Autism - 13:49:24
Folowers: 66369 - Shared: 0
Thanks to @Graeme_McDowell and @KristinStape for supporting #Els for #Autism at #Deepdale. Hope to see them again next year!
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
Autism Research Inst - 13:49:20
Folowers: 1087 - Shared: 0
GI problems are common in #autism. @TACAfoundation has a great resource for all things poop related.
Profile Link:!/ariConference
Taylah Hyatt - 13:49:17
Folowers: 548 - Shared: 0
@NiallOfficial Hey, I have autism & I love the fact that your getting behind a foundation & supporting autism. Loads of respect for you. :)x
Profile Link:!/Taylah_Hyatt
Geraldy Ballack - 13:49:07
Folowers: 10 - Shared: 0
@maricarmenmarin felicidades! Pero seria bueno que te informes mas acerca del autismo y sus derivados ( como el asperger) es solo un consejo
Profile Link:!/Geraldy_Rosie
Ashley D - 13:49:03
Folowers: 28 - Shared: 0
Sign of #autism : deficit in peer relationships
Profile Link:!/ADillon821
Deborah Etienne - 13:49:00
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
Profile Link:
Wikipedia Tweets - 13:48:59
Folowers: 2 - Shared: 0
Profile Link:!/WikipediaTweets
Tania Campo Pernett - 13:48:53
Folowers: 152 - Shared: 0
@fdbedout Autismo, esa palabra si que aplica en este conflicto. #TalCual
Profile Link:!/doctamarac
Ashley D - 13:48:37
Folowers: 28 - Shared: 0
Sign of #autism : lining things up
Profile Link:!/ADillon821
Diane Kubalewski Tavolacci - 13:48:35
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
Profile Link:
Family-2-Family AR - 13:48:31
Folowers: 35 - Shared: 0
FREE 1 day Autism Workshop in Rogers, Oct. 9 sponsored by NWA Autism Support and Criminal Justice In
Profile Link:!/F2F_AR
Lucy Buckroyd - 13:48:07
Folowers: 373 - Shared: 0
Some great reviews of JKP books on #autism #asperger's and #epilepsy
Profile Link:!/LucyB_JKP
Tybee Island - 13:47:39
Folowers: 3133 - Shared: 0
The 2nd Annual Coastal Empire Surfers for Autism is this Saturday, September 8: 9:00am – 4:00pm on South Beach.
Profile Link:!/tybeeislandga
Taylah Hyatt - 13:47:28
Folowers: 548 - Shared: 0
@NiallOfficial IN EXACTLY ONE WEEK YOU'LL ALSO BE TURNING 19!! :) I have autism and I love how you support it. Loads of respect for ya lad.x
Profile Link:!/Taylah_Hyatt
MyRazor 2 Ur Weave™ - 13:47:18
Folowers: 80724 - Shared: 0
Treatment for Kids with Autism – Removing a Barrier! via @sharethis
Profile Link:!/pistoldelphia
Bobbie Krueger - 13:47:08
Folowers: 395 - Shared: 0
@NiallOfficial Wish I could be there! I support autism very much since my little brother has it! U r so amazing the way u make a difference!
Profile Link:!/bobbiek811
Sherri Long - 13:46:22
Likes: 1 - Shared: 0
* Tonight * from 5:30 - 7:30!!! Come out and eat dinner with us at Chick-fil-a in Hot Springs. All money raised goes to Autism Speaks, but a friend of mine's son, Blake's team will get credit if we reach our goal!!! Also Hot Spring's Bobby Doherty, with Alize, will be playing so you will be supporting him as well while you are there! Drive thru or come in just be sure to tell the cashier you are with TEAM BLAKE!! Hope to see you there!!!
Profile Link:
Josh Campbell - 13:46:18
Folowers: 734 - Shared: 0
@SherriPizza Children with Autism are great kids and true gifts from God, the Autism community is a huge blessing
Profile Link:!/ColtsSharksReds
Highland LD Services - 13:45:59
Folowers: 71 - Shared: 0
Avoid abstract expressions like 'Hang on a minute' with people with #autism. Use egg timer to...
Profile Link:!/LDHighland
Autism Speaks TN - 13:45:37
Folowers: 283 - Shared: 0
TOMORROW NIGHT is #RockTheWalk. for TIX with proceeds benefiting Autism Speak TN. Show starts 7 ...
Profile Link:!/autismspeakstn
nicoleeeee ❤ - 13:45:34
Folowers: 156 - Shared: 0
@NiallOfficial aw this is awesome this is my lil cuz zack he is three and he has autism too! hope it goes well! x
Profile Link:!/NElphinstone
pcrg - 13:45:20
Folowers: 33 - Shared: 0
Why kids with autism make easy targets for school bullying | (via @TIMEHealthland)
Profile Link:!/pcrg
AutismSpeaksU (AASU) - 13:45:11
Folowers: 69 - Shared: 0
Next Saturday we will be volunteering at the Savannah Autism Conference....if you are interested in helping too just let us know
Profile Link:!/AutismSpeaksUAA
CYCC Network - 13:45:06
Folowers: 205 - Shared: 0
Can Videogaming Benefit Young People with #Autism Spectrum Disorder?
Profile Link:!/CYCCNetwork
Els For Autism - 13:44:55
Folowers: 66369 - Shared: 0
Thanks to @MichelleMcGann for participating at the #Els forCh #Autism Pro-Am at #Deepdale. Check out to support a cause
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
Carrie Riley - 13:44:44
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
Harassment of children with autism has increased nationally. Children with autism are vulnerable to bullying because while they look typical, they act differently and it's difficult for them to speak up or seek help. This is one HUGE reason why AWARENESS and ACCEPTANCE is a must for our children!
Profile Link:
Ahmed el-Aghoury, MD - 13:44:44
Folowers: 916 - Shared: 0
#psychiatry twts: Decreased leftward bias of prefrontal activity in autism spectrum disorder revealed by functio...
Profile Link:!/aghoury79
Kevin Healey - 13:44:43
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
£2263 raised now not far of the target make a difference and please donate today thx new #autism film great rewards
Profile Link:
Otrebor Zechnas - 13:44:36
Folowers: 37 - Shared: 0
Autismo @Andres_wr
Profile Link:!/otreborzechnas
Ҝⱥཞⅇɳɳⱥ ՏナყℓⅇՏ ☆ - 13:44:30
Folowers: 11566 - Shared: 0
@NiallOfficial I have sooo much respect for you Niall. my 4 y.o nephew has Autism. we're raising him & it's not easy. but so worth it :-) xx
Profile Link:!/Harry_BabyMama
sara cwikla - 13:44:28
Folowers: 4 - Shared: 0
I'm at alexander leigh center for autism (crystal lake, il)
Profile Link:!/saracwikla
Dallas Directioner - 13:44:11
Folowers: 22 - Shared: 0
@NiallOfficial and my brother has Autism so thanks for raising money((:
Profile Link:!/bigDdirectioner
Iris - 13:43:29
Folowers: 164 - Shared: 0
@NiallOfficial For the Autism funds? Ah, I wish I was there, because I have Autism, xx
Profile Link:!/LovesxIris
Encyc Dramatica æ - 13:43:13
Folowers: 4279 - Shared: 0
If every kingdom needs a king, kloeri is king of the Land of Autism. ARTICLE OF THE NOW!! September 6th, 2012...
Profile Link:!/ED_Updates
Riane Clarke - 13:43:12
Folowers: 92 - Shared: 0
@NiallOfficial is that for autism?? I heard about it on iradio this morning, it was in the grand in cash quiz lol, fair play :)
Profile Link:!/rianeclarke
Tatia Rose - 13:43:12
Folowers: 703 - Shared: 0
TOMORROW NIGHT is #RockTheWalk. for TIX with proceeds benefiting Autism Speak TN. Show starts 7pm at 3rd and Lindsley.
Profile Link:!/RoseMusicGroup
Alapar Iniciativas - 13:43:03
Folowers: 277 - Shared: 1
"@AutismoMadrid:Primer Curso de #Autismo y Sexualidad tendrá lugar los días 14 y 15 de Diciembre del 2012 en #Madrid h ...
Profile Link:!/_alapar
Sabina Blog TOYPSM - 13:43:03
Folowers: 904 - Shared: 0
Profile Link:!/Blog_TO_PSM_AT
Johnny K Roedel - 13:42:55
Folowers: 135 - Shared: 0
My best lie always begins with "After Autism".
Profile Link:!/JohnnyRoedel
Engloba AFIN - 13:42:54
Folowers: 86 - Shared: 0
Profile Link:!/Engloba_AFIN
Amy - 13:42:47
Folowers: 250 - Shared: 0
I am no longer w Enzymedica (will always ❤ them) &am Chairman at Autism Hope Alliance now! Press release 2come o ...
Profile Link:!/AmyMillerLee
Folowers: 47 - Shared: 0
@NiallOfficial thats so sweet!(: my nephew has autism.<33 happy early birthday!(:
Profile Link:!/Melanson_M - 13:42:25
Folowers: 558 - Shared: 0
#AutismAid What is next? #MeetSam Vetted Approved Editors Pick 2000+ Views Airtime? Autism Advocacy in America...
Profile Link:!/AutismAidSvc
Lman Chu - 13:42:16
Folowers: 100 - Shared: 0
Research: iPod touch benefits workers with autism
Profile Link:!/lmanrss
Carissa Donnelly - 13:42:15
Folowers: 414 - Shared: 0
We Band of Mothers: Autism My Son & the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (Paperback):
Profile Link:!/ppewritjenyy54
DDG - 13:41:24
Folowers: 1338 - Shared: 7
Early diagnosis and intervention can have a significant impact on the outcome for kids w/ autism. Act early for the ...
Profile Link:!/gregoriouslife
SkyHighSportsOntario - 13:41:22
Folowers: 79 - Shared: 0
@riverside_buzz We're hosting funder for #IE #Autism Society Sept.18 6p-8p. $12/hour jump.100% goes to org w/6000 IE fams!
Profile Link:!/SkyHighOntario
enterVisions - 13:41:19
Folowers: 188 - Shared: 2
Research: iPod touch benefits workers with autism -
Profile Link:!/entervisions_de
One Direction PT - 13:41:04
Folowers: 5 - Shared: 0
@NiallOfficial Oh so cute Niall, i hope you win many funds of Autism ! I can't help because i live in OPorto .. Sorry :( LY
Profile Link:!/1D_PT_2012
Brian Kramer - 13:41:02
Folowers: 665 - Shared: 0
School Bullies Prey on Children with Autism
Profile Link:!/BKramer
RegionalCenter of OC - 13:41:00
Folowers: 189 - Shared: 0
#OC man w/ #autism self-publishes second book for teens RT @TustinNews via @OCRall
Profile Link:!/RegionalCntrOC
Sabina Blog TOYPSM - 13:40:59
Folowers: 904 - Shared: 0
Cerca del 50 por ciento de los niños autistas sufre bullying | Autismo |
Profile Link:!/Blog_TO_PSM_AT
Dionne Noelle - 13:40:59
Folowers: 483 - Shared: 0
@NiallOfficial It means alot that you are bringing awareness to Autism and raising funds. I have a young nephew myself with Autism.
Profile Link:!/DionneNoelle
Jeremy Linville - 13:40:55
Likes: 2 - Shared: 0
What the fuck is wrong with people! For those who know Jami has a 4 year old son with autism he doesn't talk but makes loud noises. Somebody who worked for Walmart calked him a retard so Jami went off on them so they called the police had her thrown out and they threatened to arrest her! One fuck Walmart! Two fuck the cops who didn't take her side! Three the people involved are fucked cause Walmart is about to have a lawsuit on there hands and if I catch the people who said it on the streets your ass is mine this is a promise!
Profile Link:
SkyHighSportsOntario - 13:40:38
Folowers: 79 - Shared: 0
@inlandempireus We're hosting funder for #IE #Autism Society Sept.18 6p-8p. $12/hour jump.100% goes to org w/6000 IE fams!
Profile Link:!/SkyHighOntario
Autism Answered - 13:40:37
Folowers: 6930 - Shared: 0
Early diagnosis and intervention can have a significant impact on the outcome for kids w/ autism. Act early for the best outcome.
Profile Link:!/AutismAnswered
Isabel Schloss - 13:40:37
Folowers: 189 - Shared: 0
@warpublican @steviejwest and I have a brother with autism. doesn't give me an excuse to be stuck-up, either.
Profile Link:!/IzzySchloss
TannersDad Tim - 13:40:26
Folowers: 11478 - Shared: 0
@TeamCNN What is next? #MeetSam Vetted Approved Editors Pick 2000+ Views Airtime? Autism Advocacy in America #ireport
Profile Link:!/TannersDad
CCTS - 13:40:19
Folowers: 117 - Shared: 0
Interesting small-scale study MT: iPod May Ease Transition For Those With #Autism via @disabilityscoop #specialed
Profile Link:!/WACCTS
Els For Autism - 13:40:12
Folowers: 66529 - Shared: 0
Thanks @theannarawson for participating at the #Els for #Autism Pro-Am at #Deepdale. We hope to see you next year, thanks for the support!
Profile Link:!/ElsForAutism
Irene - 13:40:06
Folowers: 140 - Shared: 0
Yoga May Help Benefit Kids With Autism – Huffington Post
Profile Link:!/RyklS
Irene - 13:40:06
Folowers: 140 - Shared: 0
Autism Advocacy in America – CNN
Profile Link:!/RyklS
Joa - 13:40:06
Folowers: 146 - Shared: 0
Yoga May Help Benefit Kids With Autism – Huffington Post
Profile Link:!/ejnrt
Joa - 13:40:06
Folowers: 146 - Shared: 0
Autism Advocacy in America – CNN
Profile Link:!/ejnrt
Ashley Cox - 13:40:00
Folowers: 248 - Shared: 0
Research: iPod touch benefits workers with autism #apple #technology
Profile Link:!/ashleycox2
TheGivingMachine - 13:39:30
Folowers: 1514 - Shared: 0
THESE GUYS ARE ALL COMING TO OUR FUN DAY THIS SUNDAY! #autism #aspergers #reigate #redhill #surrey #sussex http://t. ...
Profile Link:!/GivingMachineUK
Kevin Healey - 13:39:23
Folowers: 132338 - Shared: 1
We are hosting a special AUTISM WORKSHOP on 18th OCT in SUTTON COLDFIELD with our guest of honour @kevin_Healey For inf ...
Profile Link:!/Kevin_Healey
teddy setiawan - 13:39:21
Folowers: 224 - Shared: 0
Stop Using The Word "AUTISM" On Our Daily Jokes!! #bbcornerkaskus
Profile Link:!/teddy_setiawan
Jhess Aguiar - 13:39:07
Folowers: 24 - Shared: 0
Photoset: vivian-rezende: Então quer dizer que a Frankie tinha autismo e que era tudo imaginação dela? A...
Profile Link:!/jhess_aguiar
autism campaign uk - 13:37:57
Folowers: 673 - Shared: 0
£2263 raised now not far of the target make a difference and please donate today thx new #autism film great rewards
Profile Link:!/Autismcampaign
GetAtMeTags - 13:37:55
Folowers: 69 - Shared: 0
#RememberSeptember; and then ask yourself #DoYouRemember how #Autism effects all of us?
Profile Link:!/GetAtMeTags
Ashley D - 13:37:55
Folowers: 28 - Shared: 0
Sign of #autism : not speaking before 2 yrs old
Profile Link:!/ADillon821
Medical Discussions - 13:37:52
Folowers: 2223 - Shared: 0
Audax Health(TM) and Autism Speaks Launch 'Advocates Need Their Strength' Campaign - Join talk at:
Profile Link:!/Medical_Discuss
SAAS - 13:37:48
Folowers: 644 - Shared: 0
£2263 raised now not far of the target make a difference and please donate today thx new #autism film great rewards
Profile Link:!/autismsaas
Autism Radio UK - 13:37:29
Folowers: 1503 - Shared: 0
£2263 raised now not far of the target make a difference and please donate today thx new #autism film great rewards
Profile Link:!/AutismRadioUK
Kevin Healey - 13:37:21
Folowers: 132338 - Shared: 0
£2263 raised now not far of the target make a difference and please donate today thx new #autism film great rewards
Profile Link:!/Kevin_Healey
Herman - 13:37:18
Folowers: 259 - Shared: 0
'Real Housewives' star Jacqueline Laurita opens up about son's autism - #...
Profile Link:!/WhatNowTweeting
AutismSociety of SD - 13:37:02
Folowers: 242 - Shared: 0
How do you advocate for autism? Autism Advocacy in America #ireport
Profile Link:!/AutismSocietySD
Fernando Reich - 13:36:53
Folowers: 267 - Shared: 0
En la 1ª Carrera Solidaria a favor del Autismo, ninguno de los participantes ha querido hacer declaraciones.
Profile Link:!/FregandoRoig
Jen Jolin-Stebbins - 13:36:49
Folowers: 12 - Shared: 0
Autism Spectrum Disorder - A Letter to the PM of Australia · 237 like this3 minutes ago · ..Please sign and share...
Profile Link:!/redheadscorpio7
Linda Campbell - 13:36:28
Folowers: 336 - Shared: 0
Research: iPod touch benefits workers with autism
Profile Link:!/lcampbell80s
Amiee Lindsay - 13:36:26
Folowers: 1774 - Shared: 0
Can't even go to see Niall hosting the event for autism cause im in bloody school ! #huff
Profile Link:!/AmieeLindsay
Carol Hoernlein - 13:36:22
Folowers: 159 - Shared: 0 Twin studies suggest environment plays a big role in Autism.
Profile Link:!/carolhoernlein
AutismSociety of SD - 13:36:05
Folowers: 242 - Shared: 0
"@NavAutism: @AutismSocietyOh 5 tips to take your kid w/ #autism to a restaurant -" - which strategies do you use?
Profile Link:!/AutismSocietySD
Asperger's Forum - 13:35:45
Folowers: 3301 - Shared: 0
Because it was in the last episode of Breaking Bad:embed Statistics: Posted Posted by IContai... #aspergers #autism
Profile Link:!/Spectrumville
Asperger's Forum - 13:35:45
Folowers: 3301 - Shared: 0
King_Oni wrote:YuzzaDuzzle wrote:mowen wrote:I wanna join King_Oni's band. Maybe we all shoul... #aspergers #autism
Profile Link:!/Spectrumville
Asperger's Forum - 13:35:45
Folowers: 3301 - Shared: 0
The Voice in the Night by William Hope Hodgson - 5/5.You can read it here.Statistics: Posted ... #aspergers #autism
Profile Link:!/Spectrumville
charles pharr - 13:35:21
Folowers: 1092 - Shared: 1
Baskets-n-Beyond just signed an exclusive deal to work with #author Lynette Louise on #Autism g ...
Profile Link:!/mraardvark1
L O - 13:35:14
Folowers: 26 - Shared: 0
Ese compañero tuyo con autismo
Profile Link:!/lauos
Model Me Kids, LLC - 13:35:08
Folowers: 8593 - Shared: 1
School Bullies Prey on Children with #Autism
Profile Link:!/modelmekids
Baskets-n-Beyond - 13:35:06
Folowers: 8313 - Shared: 0
This Gift Basket includes a signed copy of "Miracles Are Made: A Real-Life Guide to #Autism" by #author Lynette Louise
Profile Link:!/basketcase1993
kate. - 13:34:56
Folowers: 192 - Shared: 0
My brother just independently took out his deodorant and put it on! So excited. It's the little things with low-functioning #autism.
Profile Link:!/katemonster20
Duane McDaniel - 13:34:54
Folowers: 68 - Shared: 0
How Sad! School Bullies Prey on Children with Autism #autism
Profile Link:!/GuardBrain
E. - 13:34:51
Folowers: 377 - Shared: 3
At age 1 children should be able to say a few words like Mama or Dada. Failure to do so may be an early sign of autism ...
Profile Link:!/Mz_Ery
Vicky Brodsky - 13:34:41
Folowers: 179 - Shared: 0
Why kids with autism make easy prey for school bullies | via @TIMEHealthland
Profile Link:!/VickyBrodsky
ProACT - 13:34:41
Folowers: 91 - Shared: 0
After three years of hard work...and six weeks of exceptionally hard work, my Autism MA dissertation is FINISHED !!!!
Profile Link:!/ProACT_info
Sherri - 13:34:18
Folowers: 1137 - Shared: 0
@ColtsSharksReds Nice to meet you! My 6 year old son has autism. He is a very sweet boy.
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Petronille Forrester - 13:34:11
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Healing and Preventing Autism: A Complete Guide: The must-have New York Times bestseller that tells you what to ...
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Baskets-n-Beyond - 13:34:08
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It is so important to make the mom of a #child with #Autism feel special to #gifts for #mom
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Tina Leitch - 13:34:02
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@NASPressteam @daily_express fantastic response from the NAS Team to a disgraceful and ignorant article. #autism
Profile Link:!/princesscb1
Hanson Robokind - 13:33:54
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Are you following Hanson Robokind on Twitter? Make sure to follow us for more updates on Zeno, autism treatment...
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ICAA - 13:33:34
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Why kids with autism make easy prey for school bullies | via @TIMEHealthland
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Early Autism - 13:33:27
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At age 1 children should be able to say a few words like Mama or Dada. Failure to do so may be an early sign of autism or other delay.
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AutismSpeaksU (AASU) - 13:33:10
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Next week we will kick off our Thrift'n for Autism event
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Baskets-n-Beyond - 13:33:02
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We luv 2 work with #authors check out #book gift baskets this is a great gift 4 a mom with a #child with #Autism
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Patricio Medina - 13:33:01
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TannersDad Tim - 13:32:46
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@TeamCNN @ErinBurnett Entire team is doing a great job! I would love if you aired Autism Advocacy in America #ireport
Profile Link:!/TannersDad
New Hope - 13:32:41
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Airing on Comedy Central on Sun. 10/21 at 8PM EST: Famous Faces Join Night Of Too Many Stars For Autism
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Irene Licerio - 13:31:56
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Es importante tomar en cuenta que el autismo se disgnosticapor la presencia de un conjunto de conductas en las áreas de comunicación, socialización, conducta e integración sensorial. Una misma persona puede presentar algunas de estas conductas de manera muy marcada y otras de forma moderada. Te invitamos a leer más en
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Carly, Sarah + Niamh - 13:31:54
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@nicolemoody95 autism awareness one dunno wha it's called
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iPhone RSS - 13:31:38
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Research: iPod touch benefits workers with autism
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Autism Consulting - 13:31:34
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My Visual Tool Kit includes customized pictures & symbols that help promote communication and independence. #Autism
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AsesorPublicitario - 13:31:26
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Cuanto más tiempo niños con autismo pasan sin recibir ayuda, más difícil es llegar a ellos. The longer a child with autism goes without...
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'Beth Smith - 13:31:23
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"..a son who is 12...challenged with mild traits of Autism...excited to see the outcome from this new approach..."
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Navigating Autism - 13:31:22
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@AutismSpeaksGA If you're dealing w/ #autism, this book will help -
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Baskets-n-Beyond - 13:31:19
Folowers: 8313 - Shared: 0
Baskets-n-Beyond just signed an exclusive deal to work with #author Lynette Louise on #Autism gift baskets
Profile Link:!/basketcase1993
Paul & Angie Leslie - 13:31:07
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Autism Awareness Scrabble Tile Bracelet by MemoryPiecesPendants via @Etsy
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Mac Addicts - 13:30:59
Folowers: 76 - Shared: 0
Research: iPod touch benefits workers with autism
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Autism Exposed - 13:30:52
Folowers: 152 - Shared: 0
As @billclinton says we must support those disabled by autism. We now have 100s of thousands of them. #catastrophe
Profile Link:!/Autism_Exposed
Kristin S Gonzalez - 13:30:49
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I am no longer w Enzymedica (will always ❤ them) &am Chairman at Autism Hope Alliance now! Press release 2come out soon w details! #Autism
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Wil Mirasol - 13:30:47
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Former President William J. Clinton delivers remarks at the Democratic National Convention on September 5, 2012 (full transcript): (APPLAUSE) Thank you. (APPLAUSE) Now, Mr. Mayor, fellow Democrats, we are here to nominate a president... (APPLAUSE) ... and I’ve got one in mind. (APPLAUSE) I want to nominate a man whose own life has known its fair share of adversity and uncertainty. I want to nominate a man who ran for president to change the course of an already weak economy and then, just six weeks before his election, saw it suffer the biggest collapse since the Great Depression, a man who stopped the slide into depression and put us on the long road to recovery, knowing all the while that no matter -- no matter how many jobs that he saved or created, there’d still be millions more waiting, worried about feeding their own kids, trying to keep their hopes alive. I want to nominate a man who’s cool on the outside... (APPLAUSE) ... but who burns for America on the inside. (APPLAUSE) I want -- I want a man who believes with no doubt that we can build a new American dream economy, driven by innovation and creativity, by education and, yes, by cooperation. And by the way, after last night, I want a man who had the good sense to marry Michelle Obama. (APPLAUSE) You know... (APPLAUSE) I -- I... (APPLAUSE) I want -- I want Barack Obama to be the next president of the United States. And... (APPLAUSE) ... I proudly nominate him to be the standard bearer of the Democratic Party. (APPLAUSE) Now, folks, in Tampa a few days ago, we heard a lot of talk... (LAUGHTER) ... all about how the president and the Democrats don’t really believe in free enterprise and individual initiative, how we want everybody to be dependent on the government, how bad we are for the economy. This Republican narrative, this alternative universe says that... (APPLAUSE) ... every one of us in this room who amounts to anything, we’re all completely self-made. One of the greatest chairmen the Democratic Party ever had, Bob Strauss, used to say that every politician wants every voter to believe he was born in a log cabin he built himself. (LAUGHTER) But, as Strauss then admitted, it ain’t so. (LAUGHTER) We Democrats, we think the country works better with a strong middle class, with real opportunities for poor folks to work their way into it, with a relentless focus on the future, with business and government actually working together to promote growth and broadly shared prosperity. You see, we believe that “We’re all in this together” is a far better philosophy than “You’re on your own.” (APPLAUSE) So who’s right? Well, since 1961, for 52 years now, the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, the Democrats 24. In those 52 years, our private economy has produced 66 million private- sector jobs. So what’s the job score? Republicans: twenty-four million. Democrats: forty-two. (APPLAUSE) Now, there’s -- there’s a reason for this. It turns out that advancing equal opportunity and economic empowerment is both morally right and good economics. Why? Because poverty, discrimination, and ignorance restrict growth. (APPLAUSE) When you stifle human potential, when you don’t invest in new ideas, it doesn’t just cut off the people who are affected. It hurts us all. (APPLAUSE) We know that investments in education and infrastructure and scientific and technological research increase growth. They increase good jobs, and they create new wealth for all the rest of us. (APPLAUSE) Now, there’s something I’ve noticed lately. You probably have, too. And it’s this. Maybe just because I grew up in a different time, but though I often disagree with Republicans, I actually never learned to hate them the way the far right that now controls their party seems to hate our president and a lot of other Democrats. (APPLAUSE) I -- that -- that would be impossible for me, because President Eisenhower sent federal troops to my home state to integrate Little Rock Central High School. President Eisenhower built the interstate highway system. When I was a governor, I worked with President Reagan in his White House on the first round of welfare reform and with President George H.W. Bush on national education goals. (APPLAUSE) I’m actually very grateful to -- if you saw from the film what I do today, I have to be grateful -- and you should be, too -- that President George W. Bush supported PEPFAR. It saved the lives of millions of people in poor countries. And... (APPLAUSE) ... I have been honored to work with both Presidents Bush on natural disasters in the aftermath of the South Asian tsunami, Hurricane Katrina, the horrible earthquake in Haiti. Through my foundation both in America and around the world, I’m working all the time with Democrats, Republicans, and independents. Sometimes I couldn’t tell you for the life who I’m working with because we focus on solving problems and seizing opportunities and not fighting all the time. (APPLAUSE) And -- so here’s what I want to say to you. And here’s what I want the people at home to think about. When times are tough and people are frustrated and angry and hurting and uncertain, the politics of constant conflict may be good, but what is good politics does not necessarily work in the real world. What works in the real world is cooperation. (APPLAUSE) What works in the real world is cooperation, business and government, foundations and universities. Ask the mayors who are here. (APPLAUSE) Los Angeles is getting green and Chicago is getting an infrastructure bank because Republicans and Democrats are working together to get it. (APPLAUSE) They didn’t check their brains at the door. They didn’t stop disagreeing. But their purpose was to get something done. Now, why is this true? Why does cooperation work better than constant conflict? Because nobody’s right all the time, and a broken clock is right twice a day. (APPLAUSE) And every one of us -- every one of us and every one of them, we’re compelled to spend our fleeting lives between those two extremes, knowing we’re never going to be right all the time, and hopefully we’re right more than twice a day. (LAUGHTER) Unfortunately, the faction that now dominates the Republican Party doesn’t see it that way. They think government is always the enemy, they’re always right, and compromise is weakness. Just in the last couple of elections, they defeated two distinguished Republican senators because they dared to cooperate with Democrats on issues important to the future of the country, even national security. They beat a Republican congressman with almost 100 percent voting record on every conservative score because he said he realized he did not have to hate the president to disagree with him. Boy, that was a non-starter, and they threw him out. (LAUGHTER) One of the main reasons we ought to re-elect President Obama is that he is still committed to constructive cooperation. (APPLAUSE) Look at his record. Look at his record. Look at his record. He appointed Republican secretaries of defense, the Army, and transportation. He appointed a vice president who ran against him in 2008. And he trusted that vice president to oversee the successful end of the war in Iraq and the implementation of the Recovery Act. (APPLAUSE) And Joe Biden -- Joe Biden did a great job with both. (APPLAUSE) Now -- now, he -- President Obama -- President Obama appointed several members of his cabinet, even though they supported Hillary in the primary. Heck, he even appointed Hillary. (APPLAUSE) Now, wait a minute. I am -- I am very proud of her. I am proud of the job she and the national security team have done for America. (APPLAUSE) I am grateful that they have worked together to make it safer and stronger to build a world with more partners and fewer enemies. I’m grateful for the relationship of respect and partnership she and the president have enjoyed. And the signal that sends to the rest of the world, that democracy does not have a -- have to be a blood sport, it can be an honorable enterprise that advances the public interest. (APPLAUSE) Now, besides the national security team, I am very grateful to the men and women who’ve served our country in uniform through these perilous times. (APPLAUSE) And I am especially grateful to Michelle Obama and to Jill Biden for supporting those military families while their loved ones were overseas... (APPLAUSE) ... and for supporting our veterans when they came home, when they come home bearing the wounds of war or needing help to find education or jobs or housing. President Obama’s whole record on national security is a tribute to his strength, to his judgment, and to his preference for inclusion and partnership over partisanship. We need more of it in Washington, D.C. (APPLAUSE) We all know that he also tried to work with congressional Republicans on health care, debt reduction, and new jobs. And that didn’t work out so well. (LAUGHTER) But it could have been because, as the Senate Republican leader said, in a remarkable moment of candor, two full years before the election, their number-one priority was not to put America back to work. It was to put the president out of work. (APPLAUSE) (BOOING) Well -- wait a minute. Senator, I hate to break it to you, but we’re going to keep President Obama on the job. (APPLAUSE) Are you willing to work for it? (APPLAUSE) Wait a minute. AUDIENCE: Four more years! Four more years! Four more years! Four more years! Four more years! CLINTON: In Tampa... AUDIENCE: Four more years! Four more years! Four more years! CLINTON: In Tampa -- in Tampa, did y’all watch their convention? I did. (LAUGHTER) In Tampa, the Republican argument against the president’s re- election was actually pretty simple, pretty snappy. It went something like this: “We left him a total mess. He hasn’t cleaned it up fast enough, so fire him and put us back in.” (LAUGHTER) (APPLAUSE) Now -- but -- but they did it well. They looked good, they sounded good. They convinced me... (LAUGHTER) ... that they all love their families and their children, and we’re grateful they’ve been born in America, and all -- really, I’m not being -- they did. (LAUGHTER) And this is important. They convinced me they were honorable people who believe what they’ve said and they’re going to keep every commitment they’ve made. We’ve just got to make sure the American people know what those commitments are. (APPLAUSE) Because -- because in order to look like an acceptable, reasonable, moderate alternative to President Obama, they just didn’t say very much about the ideas they’ve offered over the last two years. They couldn’t, because they want to go back to the same, old policies that got us in trouble in the first place. They want to cut taxes for high-income Americans even more than President Bush did. They want to get rid of those pesky financial regulations designed to prevent another crash and prohibit federal bailouts. They want to actually increase defense spending over a decade $2 trillion more than the Pentagon has requested, without saying what they’ll spend it on. And they want to make enormous cuts in the rest of budget, especially programs that help the middle class and poor children. As another president once said, there they go again. (APPLAUSE) Now, I like... (APPLAUSE) I -- I like the argument for President Obama’s re-election a lot better. Here it is. He inherited a deeply damaged economy. He put a floor under the crash. He began the long, hard road to recovery and laid the foundation for a modern, more well-balanced economy that will produce millions of good, new jobs, vibrant new businesses, and lots of new wealth for innovators. (APPLAUSE) Now, are we where we want to be today? No. Is the president satisfied? Of course not. But are we better off than we were when he took office? (APPLAUSE) Listen to this. Listen to this. Everybody (inaudible) (APPLAUSE) Everybody (inaudible) when President Barack Obama took office, the economy was in freefall. It had just shrunk 9 full percent of GDP. We were losing 750,000 jobs a month. Are we doing better than that today? AUDIENCE: Yes! CLINTON: The answer is yes. Now, look. Here’s the challenge he faces and the challenge all of you who support him face. I get it. I know it. I’ve been there. A lot of Americans are still angry and frustrated about this economy. If you look at the numbers, you know employment is growing, banks are beginning to lend again, and in a lot of places, housing prices have even began to pick up. But too many people do not feel it yet. I had this same thing happen in 1994 and early ‘95. We could see that the policies were working, that the economy was growing, but most people didn’t feel it yet. Thankfully, by 1996, the economy was roaring, everybody felt it, and we were halfway through the longest peacetime expansion in the history of the United States. But... (APPLAUSE) ... the difference this time is purely in the circumstances. President Obama started with a much weaker economy than I did. Listen to me now. No president, no president -- not me, not any of my predecessors -- no one could have fully repaired all the damage that he found in just four years. (APPLAUSE) (APPLAUSE) CLINTON: Now -- but he has -- he has laid the foundations for a new, modern, successful economy of shared prosperity. And if you will renew the president’s contract, you will feel it. You will feel it. (APPLAUSE) Folks, whether the American people believe what I just said or not may be the whole election. I just want you to know that I believe it. With all my heart, I believe it. (APPLAUSE) Now, why do I believe it? I’m fixing to tell you why. I believe it because President Obama’s approach embodies the values, the ideas, and the direction America has to take to build a 21st-century version of the American dream, a nation of shared opportunities, shared responsibilities, shared prosperity, a shared sense of community. So let’s get back to the story. In 2010, as the president’s recovery program kicked in, the job losses stopped and things began to turn around. The Recovery Act saved or created millions of jobs and cut taxes -- let me say this again -- cut taxes for 95 percent of the American people. (APPLAUSE) And in the last 29 months, our economy has produced about 4.5 million private-sector jobs. (APPLAUSE) We could have done better, but last year the Republicans blocked the president’s job plan, costing the economy more than a million new jobs. So here’s another job score. President Obama: plus 4.5 million. Congressional Republicans: zero. (APPLAUSE) (APPLAUSE) During this period -- during this period, more than 500,000 manufacturing jobs have been created under President Obama. That’s the first time manufacturing jobs have increased since the 1990s. (APPLAUSE) And I’ll tell you something else. The auto industry restructuring worked. It saved... (APPLAUSE) It saved more than a million jobs, and not just at G.M., Chrysler, and their dealerships, but in auto parts manufacturing all over the country. That’s why even the automakers who weren’t part of the deal supported it. They needed to save those parts suppliers, too. Like I said, we’re all in this together. (APPLAUSE) So what’s happened? There are now 250,000 more people working in the auto industry than on the day the companies were restructured. (APPLAUSE) So -- now, we all know that Governor Romney opposed the plan to save G.M. and Chrysler. So here’s another job score. Are you listening in Michigan and Ohio and across the country? (APPLAUSE) Here -- here’s another job score. Obama: 250,000. Romney: zero. AUDIENCE: Zero! (APPLAUSE) CLINTON: Now, the agreement the administration made with the management, labor, and environmental groups to double car mileage, that was a good deal, too. It will cut your gas prices in half, your gas bill. No matter what the price is, if you double the mileage of your car, your bill will be half what it would have been. It will make us more energy independent. It will cut greenhouse gas emission. And according to several analyses, over the next 20 years, it will bring us another 500,000 good, new jobs into the American economy. (APPLAUSE) The president’s energy strategy, which he calls all-of-the-above, is helping, too. The boom in oil and gas production, combined with greater energy efficiency, has driven oil imports to a near 20-year low and natural gas production to an all-time high. And renewable energy production has doubled. (APPLAUSE) (APPLAUSE) Of course, we need a lot more new jobs, but there are already more than 3 million jobs open and unfilled in America, mostly because the people who apply for them don’t yet have the required skills to do them. So even as we get Americans more jobs, we have to prepare more Americans for the new jobs that are actually going to be created. The old economy is not coming back. We’ve got to build a new one and educate people to do those jobs. (APPLAUSE) The president and his education secretary have supported community colleges and employers in working together to train people for jobs that are actually open in their communities. And even more important, after a decade in which exploding college costs have increased the dropout rate so much that the percentage of our young people with four-year college degrees has gone down so much that we have dropped to 16th in the world in the percentage of young people with college degrees. So the president’s student loan reform is more important than ever. Here’s what it does. Here’s what it does. Here’s what it does. (APPLAUSE) You need to tell every voter where you live about this. It lowers the cost of federal student loans. And even more important, it gives students the right to repay those loans as a clear, fixed, low percentage of their income for up to 20 years. (APPLAUSE) Now, what does this mean? What does this mean? Think of it. It means no one will ever have to drop out of college again for fear they can’t repay their debt. (APPLAUSE) And it means -- it means that if someone wants to take a job with a modest income, a teacher, a police officer, if they want to be a small-town doctor in a little rural area, they won’t have to turn those jobs down because they don’t pay enough to repay the debt. Their debt obligation will be determined by their salary. This will change the future for young Americans. (APPLAUSE) (APPLAUSE) CLINTON: I don’t know about you, but all these issues, I know we’re better off because President Obama made the decisions he did. Now, that brings me to health care. (APPLAUSE) And the Republicans call it, derisively, “Obamacare.” They say it’s a government takeover, a disaster, and that if we’ll just elect them, they’ll repeal it. Well, are they right? AUDIENCE: No! CLINTON: Let’s take a look at what’s actually happened so far. First, individuals and businesses have already gotten more than $1 billion in refunds from insurance companies because the new law requires 80 percent to 85 percent of your premium to go to your health care, not profits or promotion. And... (APPLAUSE) The gains are even greater than that, because a bunch of insurance companies have applied to lower their rates to comply with the requirement. Second, more than 3 million young people between 19 and 25 are insured for the first time because their parents’ policies can cover them. (APPLAUSE) Third, millions of seniors are receiving preventive care, all the way from breast cancer screenings to test for heart problems and scores of other things, and younger people are getting them, too. Fourth, soon the insurance companies -- not the government, the insurance companies -- will have millions of new customers, many of them middle-class people with pre-existing conditions who never could get insurance before. (APPLAUSE) Now, finally, listen to this. For the last two years, after going up at three times the rate of inflation for a decade, for the last two years, health care costs have been under 4 percent in both years for the first time in 50 years. (APPLAUSE) (APPLAUSE) So let me ask you something. Are we better off because President Obama fought for health care reform? You bet we are. (APPLAUSE) Now, there were two other attacks on the president in Tampa I think deserve an answer. First, both Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan attacked the president for allegedly “robbing Medicare” of $716 billion. That’s the same attack they leveled against the Congress in 2010, and they got a lot of votes on it. But it’s not true. Look, here’s what really happened. You be the judge. Here’s what really happened. There were no cuts to benefits at all, none. What the president did was to save money by taking the recommendations of a commission of professionals to cut unwarranted subsidies to providers and insurance companies that were not making people healthier and were not necessary to get the providers to provide the service. (APPLAUSE) And instead of raiding Medicare, he used the savings to close the donut hole in the Medicare drug program. (APPLAUSE) And -- you all got to listen carefully to this. This is really important -- and to add eight years to the life of the Medicare trust fund so it is solvent until 2024. So... (APPLAUSE) So President Obama and the Democrats didn’t weaken Medicare. They strengthened Medicare. (APPLAUSE) Now, when Congressman Ryan looked into that TV camera and attacked President Obama’s Medicare savings as, quote, “the biggest, coldest power play,” I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry... (LAUGHTER) ... because that $716 billion is exactly to the dollar the same amount of Medicare savings that he has in his own budget! (APPLAUSE) You got to give one thing: It takes some brass to attack a guy for doing what you did. (LAUGHTER) (APPLAUSE) Now -- so -- wait a minute. (APPLAUSE) Now you’re having a good time, but this is getting serious, and I want you to listen. (LAUGHTER) It’s important, because a lot of people believe this stuff. Now, at least on this issue, on this one issue, Governor Romney has been consistent. He... (LAUGHTER) He attacked President Obama, too, but he actually wants to repeal those savings and give the money back to the insurance company. (BOOING) He wants to go back to the old system, which means we’ll reopen the donut hole and force seniors to pay more for drugs, and we’ll reduce the life of the Medicare trust fund by eight full years. (BOOING) So if he’s elected, and if he does what he promised to do, Medicare will now go broke in 2016. Think about that. That means after all we won’t have to wait until their voucher program kicks in, in 2023, to see the end of Medicare as we know it. They’re going to do it to us sooner than we thought. (APPLAUSE) Now, folks, this is serious, because it gets worse. And you won’t be laughing when I finish telling you this. They also want to block grant Medicaid and cut it by a third over the coming 10 years. Of course, that’s going to really hurt a lot of poor kids. But that’s not all. A lot of folks don’t know it, but nearly two-thirds of Medicaid is spent on nursing home care for Medicare seniors who are eligible for Medicaid. (APPLAUSE) (APPLAUSE) It’s going to end Medicare as we know it. And a lot of that money is also spent to help people with disabilities, including... (APPLAUSE) ... a lot of middle-class families whose kids have Down’s syndrome or autism or other severe conditions. And, honestly, just think about it. If that happens, I don’t know what those families are going to do. So I know what I’m going to do: I’m going to do everything I can to see that it doesn’t happen. We can’t let it happen. We can’t. (APPLAUSE) Now, wait a minute. Let’s look... AUDIENCE: Four more years! Four more years! Four more years! CLINTON: Let’s look at the other big charge the Republicans made. It’s a real doozy. (LAUGHTER) They actually have charged and run ads saying that President Obama wants to weaken the work requirements in the welfare reform bill I signed that moved millions of people from welfare to work. Wait. You need to know, here’s what happened. (LAUGHTER) Nobody ever tells you what really happened. Here’s what happened. When some Republican governors asked if they could have waivers to try new ways to put people on welfare back to work, the Obama administration listened, because we all know it’s hard for even people with good work histories to get jobs today, so moving folks from welfare to work is a real challenge. And the administration agreed to give waivers to those governors and others only if they had a credible plan to increase employment by 20 percent and they could keep the waivers only if they did increase employment. Now, did -- did I make myself clear? The requirement was for more work, not less. (APPLAUSE) So this is personal to me. We moved millions of people off welfare. It was one of the reasons that, in the eight years I was president, we had 100 times as many people move out of poverty into the middle class than happened under the previous 12 years, 100 times as many. It’s a big deal. (APPLAUSE) But I am telling you, the claim that President Obama weakened welfare reform’s work requirement is just not true. But they keep on running ads claiming it. You want to know why? Their campaign pollster said, “We are not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers.” (LAUGHTER) (APPLAUSE) Now, finally I can say: That is true. (LAUGHTER) (APPLAUSE) I -- I -- I couldn’t have said it better myself. (LAUGHTER) And I hope you and every American within the sound of my voice remembers it every time they see one of those ads, and it turns into an ad to re-elect Barack Obama and keep the fundamental principles of personal empowerment and moving everybody who can get a job into work as soon as we can. (APPLAUSE) Now let’s talk about the debt. Today, interest rates are low, lower than the rate of inflation. People are practically paying us to borrow money, to hold their money for them. But it will become a big problem when the economy grows and interest rates start to rise. We’ve got to deal with this big long-term debt problem or it will deal with us. It’ll gobble up a bigger and bigger percentage of the federal budget we’d rather spend on education and health care and science and technology. It -- we’ve got to deal with it. Now, what has the president done? He has offered a reasonable plan of $4 trillion in debt reduction over a decade, with $2.5 trillion coming from -- for every $2.5 trillion in spending cuts, he raises a dollar in new revenues, 2.5 to 1. And he has tight controls on future spending. That’s the kind of balanced approach proposed by the Simpson-Bowles commission, a bipartisan commission. Now, I think this plan is way better than Governor Romney’s plan. First, the Romney plan fails the first test of fiscal responsibility: The numbers just don’t add up. (LAUGHTER) I mean, consider this. What would you do if you had this problem? Somebody says, “Oh, we’ve got a big debt problem. We’ve got to reduce the debt.” So what’s the first thing he says we’re going to do? “Well, to reduce the debt, we’re going to have another $5 trillion in tax cuts, heavily weighted to upper-income people. So we’ll make the debt hole bigger before we start to get out of it.” Now, when you say, “What are you going to do about this $5 trillion you just added on?” They say, “Oh, we’ll make it up by eliminating loopholes in the tax code.” So then you ask, “Well, which loopholes? And how much?” You know what they say? “See me about that after the election.” (LAUGHTER) I’m not making it up. That’s their position. “See me about that after the election.” Now, people ask me all the time how we got four surplus budgets in a row. What new ideas did we bring to Washington? I always give a one-word answer: arithmetic. (APPLAUSE) If -- arithmetic. (APPLAUSE) If they stay with this $5 trillion tax cut plan in a debt reduction plan, the arithmetic tells us, no matter what they say, one of three things is about to happen. One, assuming they try to do what they say they’ll do -- get rid of -- cover it by deductions, cutting those deductions -- one, they’ll have to eliminate so many deductions, like the ones for home mortgages and charitable giving, that middle- class families will see their tax bills go up an average of $2,000, while anybody who makes $3 million or more will see their tax bill go down $250,000. (BOOING) Or, two, they’ll have to cut so much spending that they’ll obliterate the budget for the national parks, for ensuring clean air, clean water, safe food, safe air travel. They’ll cut way back on Pell grants, college loans, early childhood education, child nutrition programs, all the programs that help to empower middle-class families and help poor kids. Oh, they’ll cut back on investments in roads and bridges and science and technology and biomedical research. That’s what they’ll do. They’ll hurt the middle class and the poor and put the future on hold to give tax cuts to upper-income people who’ve been getting it all along. Or, three, in spite of all the rhetoric, they’ll just do what they’ve been doing for more than 30 years. They’ll go and cut the taxes way more than they cut spending, especially with that big defense increase, and they’ll just explode the debt and weaken the economy, and they’ll destroy the federal government’s ability to help you by letting interest gobble up all your tax payments. Don’t you ever forget, when you hear them talking about this, that Republican economic policies quadrupled the national debt before I took office, in the 12 years before I took office... (APPLAUSE) ... and doubled the debt in the eight years after I left, because it defied arithmetic. (LAUGHTER) It was a highly inconvenient thing for them in our debates that I was just a country boy from Arkansas and I came from a place where people still thought two and two was four. (APPLAUSE) It’s arithmetic. We simply cannot afford to give the reins of government to someone who will double-down on trickle-down. (APPLAUSE) Now, think about this. President Obama... (APPLAUSE) President Obama’s plan cuts the debt, honors our values, brightens the future of our children, our families, and our nation. It’s a heck of a lot better. It passes the arithmetic test and, far more important, it passes the values test. (APPLAUSE) My fellow Americans, all of us in this grand hall and everybody watching at home, when we vote in this election, we’ll be deciding what kind of country we want to live in. If you want a winner-take- all, you’re-on-your-own society, you should support the Republican ticket. But if you want a country of shared opportunities and shared responsibility, a we’re-all-in-this-together society, you should vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden. (APPLAUSE) If you... (APPLAUSE) If you want -- if you want America -- if you want every American to vote and you think it is wrong to change voting procedures... (APPLAUSE) ... just -- just to reduce the turnout of younger, poorer, minority, and disabled voters, you should support Barack Obama. (APPLAUSE) And if you think -- if you think the president was right to open the doors of American opportunity to all those young immigrants brought here when they were young so they can serve in the military or go to college, you must vote for Barack Obama. (APPLAUSE) If -- if you want a future of shared prosperity, where the middle class is growing and poverty’s declining, where the American dream is really alive and well again, and where the United States maintains its leadership as a force for peace and justice and prosperity in this highly competitive world, you have to vote for Barack Obama. (APPLAUSE) Look, I love our country so much. And I know we’re coming back. For more than 200 years, through every crisis, we’ve always come back. People have predicted our demise ever since George Washington was criticized for being a mediocre surveyor with a bad set of wooden, false teeth. And so far every single person that’s bet against America has lost money, because we always come back. (APPLAUSE) We’ve come through every fire a little stronger and a little better. And we do it because, in the end, we decide to champion the cause for which our founders pledged their lives, their fortunes, their sacred honor, the cause of forming a more perfect union. (APPLAUSE) My fellow Americans, if that is what you want, if that is what you believe, you must vote and you must re-elect President Barack Obama. (APPLAUSE) God bless you. And God bless America. (APPLAUSE)
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