Last Results: Autism - 06/09/2012 06:24

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Anderson Marques

Sep 6, 2012, 6:27:54 AM9/6/12
to, Anderson Marques
Autism All Stars - 07:25:11
Folowers: 328 - Shared: 0
Some of the classic signs of ASD... #autism #aspergers #ASD #surrey #sussex
Profile Link:!/AutismAllStars
Autism Network - 07:24:31
Folowers: 173 - Shared: 0
News: Real Housewife's Son Has Autism - Part 2
Profile Link:!/autismnetwrk
Jagannath Chatterjee - 07:24:17
Folowers: 26 - Shared: 0
A formidable list of studies on autism.
Profile Link:!/jagchat01
plugs & thugs (; - 07:23:54
Folowers: 622 - Shared: 0
@gabriellopitman my mom works with kids who have autism and done can't talk and I would love to talk to them!
Profile Link:!/girlwithgauges_ - 07:23:41
Folowers: 731 - Shared: 0
NIH awards $100 million for #Autism Centers of Excellence Program 100 εκατομ. δολλάρια για έρευνα > αυτισμό
Profile Link:!/noesigr
Daniel Tindall - 07:22:30
Folowers: 16 - Shared: 0
Nice dance article entitled, 'Theory and Practice: Autism in the studio.'
Profile Link:!/BigDanT_lovesPE
Jim - 07:22:03
Folowers: 126 - Shared: 0
Bill Clinton: Republicans will hurt poor kids with autism. He is a pack of lies remember the Perjury...
Profile Link:!/A10Jim
Sylvia Phillips - 07:20:58
Folowers: 272 - Shared: 0 Under Siege in my Own Home! #specialneeds, #autism
Profile Link:!/SylviaPhillips8
Marcela Corti - 07:20:05
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
He aprendido q es error llamar a personas con autismo y TGD "con capacidades diferentes" porq de hecho TODOS tenemos capacidades diferentes.
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Miguel Almeida - 07:19:32
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O Benfiquismo, uma doença ainda por reconhecer Benfiquismo – O Benfiquismo é uma doença de origem hereditária que se manifesta em diversos aspectos físicos e/ou psicológicos dos seus portadores e que se agudiza de forma irreversível nos casos de negligência ou má condução no processo educativo. De origem genética, pode agravar-se durante a vida dos doentes e atingir estados bastante problemáticos. Só pode ser despistada nos casos em que o meio familiar do portador é minimamente instruído e/ou nas épocas em que a Liga Profissional de Futebol em Portugal é conquistada pelo Futebol Clube do Porto. Não se conhece a cura para este género de enfermidade e são poucos os casos em que a doença não se transmitiu por via genética. Apesar do reduzido número de títulos conquistados nos últimos anos pela equipa que se crê estar na origem desta praga, a verdade é que o número dos seus portadores não tem diminuído. Entre os sintomas mais frequentes associados a esta doença destacam-se os seguintes: - Reduzido QI e atraso acentuado no processo de aprendizagem e/ou compreensão o que implica, normalmente, o desempenho de tarefas ou trabalhos pouco exigentes intelectualmente; - Mau gosto evidente na escolha da respectiva indumentária e que se traduz no uso de roupas bastante velhas e/ou estragadas, numa aberrante combinação de peças de roupa, no uso da meia branca com qualquer género de calças ou calçado e/ou no uso abusivo de fatos de treino, sobretudo da marca “ Benfica “; - Desleixo físico evidente traduzido no desmazelo do trato do cabelo e no crescimento livre do bigode e da unha do dedo mindinho, no caso dos portadores do sexo masculino e no crescimento incontrolado dos pelos das pernas, dos sovacos e do buço, no caso dos portadores do sexo feminino. Nos casos mais graves, esta falta de higiene revela-se ainda no insuportável mau hálito dos benfiquistas e no intenso odor a suor que emanam dos sovacos e dos pés. A falta de banho regular é uma consequência de outros sintomas igualmente nocivos associados a esta doença; - Irresponsabilidade – O portador desta doença pode chegar a um ponto em que desleixa por completo toda a sua vida familiar, social e profissional por causa daquilo que apelida de “ instituição”. A necessidade de ler regularmente “ A BOLA “, veículo principal de transmissão das notícias associadas ao vírus, a necessidade de assistir a pelo menos um treino, por semana, da equipa a que presta culto e a necessidade de discutir todos os episódios da história do “bicho” ou as teorias da conspiração que envolvem essa mesma equipa à volta de um tinto carrascão conduzem com frequência o benfiquista a negligenciar todos os aspectos a que se aludiu. Este estágio da doença termina normalmente com o divórcio do benfiquista e com a perda do poder paternal para o cônjuge não benfiquista ou para um familiar que esteja são, com o desemprego e/ou com o seu progressivo afastamento da sociedade civilizada. Nesta fase, o benfiquista passa a conviver apenas com doentes como ele em espaços que lhes são muito queridos e que em Portugal se designam de “tascas”, a ter hábitos de vida associados à delinquência e que muitas vezes terminam no seu encarceramento e a viver dos diversos subsídios estatais; - Violência – Nos casos mais graves, o benfiquismo manifesta-se, ainda, através de episódios de violência física e/ou psicológica de extrema gravidade no meio onde se inserem. São frequentes os casos de violência doméstica no seio das famílias onde existem portadores da doença e casos de agressões verbais e físicas no trabalho ou no meio social onde essas pessoas se movem, sobretudo nos dias seguintes a qualquer empate ou derrota da chamada “instituição”. Também já se registaram alguns episódios de violência envolvendo benfiquistas em dias em que o Futebol Clube do Porto ganhou algum título; - Esquizofrenia – Como todos já nos apercebemos, o benfiquista tem bastantes dificuldades em organizar o seu raciocínio de forma clara, em lidar com as suas emoções, em tomar decisões coerentes e no relacionamento com os outros. Este sintoma manifesta-se em alterações do pensamento, alucinações, delírios e embotamento emocional com perda de contacto com a realidade e, como todos já nos apercebemos, está intimamente relacionado com problemas de bipolaridade e autismo na maior parte dos seus portadores; Bipolaridade - O benfiquista padece igualmente de bipolaridade. Durante uma parte da sua vida, tem dupla personalidade. Quando a doença ainda não progrediu muito o benfiquista consegue controlar os seus ímpetos e manter-se calado quando a opinião generalizada ou racional não é favorável à “instituição” mas quando inserido no meio que lhe é propício altera-se e começa a comportar-se de forma animal defendendo de forma violenta e irracional aquilo que no fundo sabe não ser verdade; - Autismo – Nos casos mais graves, o benfiquista vive fechado num mundo muito próprio e só ele e os seus semelhantes é que conseguem compreender algumas realidades. Mais, como o benfiquista só se relaciona com os seus semelhantes e só aceita as conclusões que provêm dos mesmos, vive iludido quanto à verdadeira dimensão da chamada “instituição” e quanto ao seu passado, preferindo ignorar a voz da razão e o passado verdadeiramente vergonhoso dessa agremiação; - Mania da perseguição – O benfiquista é por natureza desconfiado. Desconhecendo em absoluto o conceito de perseguição, uma vez que a chamada instituição sempre foi favorecida por tudo e por todos, tem tendência a subverter a realidade e a ver em toda e em qualquer situação que aos olhos de uma pessoa racional não oferece dúvidas um prejuízo evidente e inconcebível dos seus interesses. Este sintoma é o culminar do autismo de que se falou no ponto anterior; - Dependências psicotrópicas – O benfiquista, para se manter afastado da realidade, tem tendência para abusar do consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e/ou de drogas, seja através da medicação que é obrigado a tomar para controlar a sua violência extrema seja através do consumo voluntário e consciente de qualquer marca de vinho carrascão e/ou outra qualquer substância psicotrópica. Ainda não se conhece nenhuma forma válida e eficaz de tratamento desta doença e, muito menos, a cura. Aliás, os seus portadores tendem a negar o respectivo problema e qualquer género de ajuda e chegam ao fim da vida ainda com o bicho entranhado e convencidos da sua normalidade. É preciso consciencializarmo-nos para este grave problema na sociedade actual e encetarmos todos os esforços que estiverem ao nosso alcance para arranjar uma cura definitiva para esta doença. Se assim não for, seremos responsáveis pelo avolumar dos casos de benfiquismo por todo o mundo e chegaremos a um ponto em que só nos restará uma solução minimamente humana para acabar com o sofrimento destes infelizes. Urge evitar o seu abate e diligenciar para a consciencialização de toda a sociedade científica para este problema, sob pena do mesmo se transformar numa enfermidade maior e mais grave que a sida, o cancro e todo o género de hepatites juntas… Adere a este grupo, contribui para o aperfeiçoamento dos sintomas geralmente associados a esta doença e convida o maior número de amigos que puderes para a nossa causa. Vamos lutar pela consciencialização da comunidade científica para este flagelo e pelo reconhecimento do mesmo enquanto uma das doenças mais preocupantes dos tempos modernos e vamos exigir à OMS – Organização Mundial de Saúde a tomada das providências necessárias para a sua erradicação definitiva.
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Autism File - 07:19:25
Folowers: 1742 - Shared: 0
The Autism File Global News is out! ▸ Top stories today via @centerforautism
Profile Link:!/AutismFile
Margie Wilson-Mars - 07:19:01
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FROM TWITTER: Happy 11th Birthday to the most incredible little person in the entire world, my son, Nathan. He has #autism and has taught us, his 7 brothers and 1 sister amazing compassion, made us laugh too many times to count and makes every day an adventure! Love you so much!
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Daniel - 07:18:20
Folowers: 149 - Shared: 0
@javierfitzjames Si lo estoy diciendo, que me dan arrebatos de autismo. Déjame en paz o te matoooo! Te matoooo!
Profile Link:!/daniel_u2_
campiest - 07:15:11
Folowers: 105 - Shared: 0
Noma Demorrett liked iPad gives voice to kids with autism: Sharia stood immobile in front of the television…
Profile Link:!/campiest
Amanda - 07:14:32
Folowers: 2632 - Shared: 0
One IEP meeting down. It just affirms I did choose right for school this year. Never had a school offer services before #autism
Profile Link:!/householdsix
Miss Dee - 07:14:11
Folowers: 62 - Shared: 0
If it can happen to my son...@mystiqueness757: "@TIME: Why kids with #autism make easy targets (cont)
Profile Link:!/drme30
CursosONG - 07:13:32
Folowers: 51 - Shared: 0
Curso: Intervención Psicoeducativa en Autismo (Curso Reconocido por la Universidad Antonio de Nebrija de Madrid)
Profile Link:!/CursosOng
Margie Wilson-Mars - 07:13:30
Folowers: 263 - Shared: 0
Happy 11th Birthday to the most incredible little person in the entire world, my son, Nathan. He has #autism and (cont)
Profile Link:!/Margie10
iComportamiento - 07:13:00
Folowers: 65 - Shared: 0
Programa de Modificación de Conducta (Autismo), os recomiendo seguir todos los vídeos
Profile Link:!/iComportamiento
Aufar Ul Afkaar - 07:11:14
Folowers: 808 - Shared: 0
Autism mode : B soft
Profile Link:!/Ulafkaar
Paula♥ForeverYoung - 07:10:05
Folowers: 854 - Shared: 3
Performing at @NiallOfficial event to raisr funds for Irish Autism&TEAM! Buy tickets for the event in Mullingar on h ...
Profile Link:!/minilokaa
Age of Autism - 07:09:13
Folowers: 11126 - Shared: 0
Dan Olmsted at Autism One on The Wakefield Inquisition
Profile Link:!/AgeofAutism
Asperger's Forum - 07:09:04
Folowers: 3300 - Shared: 0
A recent survey of 2,000 Americans by the National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) re... #aspergers #autism
Profile Link:!/Spectrumville
Bea Clemente - 07:08:54
Folowers: 297 - Shared: 0
Guía de intervención dirigida al alumnado con autismo.Creada por la Federación Autismo de Castilla y León. #BuenRecurso
Profile Link:!/Be_i_ta
Mariagrazia Madaro - 07:08:53
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Lo strano caso del cane ucciso a mezzanotte Mark Haddon Christopher è un quindicenne colpito dal morbo di Asperger, una forma di autismo. Ha una mente straordinariamente allenata alla matematica ma assolutamente non avvezza ai rapporti umani: odia il giallo, il marrone e l'essere sfiorato. Ama gli schemi, gli elenchi e la deduzione logica. Non è mai andato più in là del negozio dietro l'angolo, ma quando scopre il cane della vicina trafitto da un forcone capisce di trovarsi di fronte a uno di quei misteri che il suo eroe, Sherlock Holmes, era così bravo a risolvere. Inizia così a indagare...
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Graham Dowling - 07:08:43
Folowers: 10567 - Shared: 0
Performing at @NiallOfficial event to raisr funds for Irish Autism&TEAM! Buy tickets for the event in Mullingar on
Profile Link:!/proparocka
Artchu; art crowds - 07:08:06
Folowers: 44 - Shared: 0
Art For Autism | Artchu Blog
Profile Link:!/artchu_art
Metlha Dichaba - 07:08:04
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
i realise mi autism posts wer insensitive hw eva it ws not mi intention 2 offend any1 and 4 ths i apologise
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Herman - 07:07:45
Folowers: 258 - Shared: 0
'Real Housewives' Star Laurita Speaks Up about Son's Autism - #autism #asd
Profile Link:!/WhatNowTweeting
Herman - 07:07:44
Folowers: 258 - Shared: 0
Real Housewife's Son Has Autism - Part 2 - MedPage Today #autism #asd
Profile Link:!/WhatNowTweeting
Herman - 07:07:43
Folowers: 258 - Shared: 0
Philadelphia: We Can only Guess about Autism - Age of Autism #autism #asd
Profile Link:!/WhatNowTweeting
marie-clare - 07:06:56
Folowers: 3177 - Shared: 0
@fitzy0707 watch the Louis documentaries on autism and dementia heartbreaking but a real eye opener
Profile Link:!/sweetirishf
Kathy Karlsson - 07:06:26
Folowers: 22 - Shared: 0
@BexaJaide sorry 4 the late reply but good for you. My boys are PDD NOS on the autism spectrum so I understand the challenges every day.
Profile Link:!/Kathy__au
Cure It Naturally - 07:06:07
Folowers: 186 - Shared: 0
Government Funded Autism Services - What to Do While You Wait
Profile Link:!/CureItNaturally
Parenting Hub - 07:05:42
Folowers: 87 - Shared: 0
Support the SNAP Academy for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Profile Link:!/ParentingHub1 - 07:05:06
Folowers: 117 - Shared: 0
Back to school! #Autism #autistic #AutismAid #autismawareness #learningdisabled
Profile Link:!/sdeserio
Víctor Macedo - 07:04:30
Folowers: 3 - Shared: 0
Depois de quase um ano tem um pessoal da minha sala que eu não sei o nome ainda. Autismo.
Profile Link:!/VMacedo_
Luciana Abreu - 07:02:56
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Obrigada à Deus e à todos estes pais lutadores e maravilhosos! Quantas crianças poderão ser ajudadas! Quantas famílias amparadas! Essa notícia fez meu dia muito feliz!!! APROVADO O PL 1631/11 NA CÂMARA DE DEPUTADOS POR UNANIMIDADE NA SESSÃO DE ONTEM, DIA 04 SET 12! OBRIGADO A TODOS QUE ACREDITARAM, LUTARAM, CHORARAM, ORARAM.... E NÃO DEIXARAM DE ACREDITAR QUE SIM, É POSSÍVEL MUDAR A HISTÓRIA DO AUTISMO NO BRASIL! O PL 1631/11 AGORA SEGUE PARA O SENADO PARA QUE SEJA CONFIRMADA AS DUAS ALTERAÇÕES QUE FORAM FEITAS NA CÂMARA. JÁ ESTAMOS FAZENDO CONTATO COM OS LÍDERES DO SENADO PARA QUE A VOTAÇÃO SEJA EM REGIME DE URGÊNCIA URGENTÍSSIMA, ASSIM COMO ACONTECEU ONTEM NA CÂMARA DE DEPUTADOS. E EM BREVE, SENDO APROVADO NO SENADO, O PROJETO SEGUIRÁ PARA SANÇÃO PRESIDENCIAL AINDA ESTE ANO!!!!! É UM GRANDE VITÓRIA DA SOCIEDADE CIVIL. É UM EXEMPLO PARA TODOS OS BRASILEIROS QUE NÃO ACREDITAM NA SUA CAPACIDADE DE MOBILIZAÇÃO. FOMOS NÓS ṔAIS DE PESSOAS COM AUTISMO QUE LUTAMOS E NOS EMPENHAMOS NESSES 13 ANOS DE LUTA POR ESTA TREMENDA CONQUISTA QUE SE TORNA, A CADA DIA, UM REALIDADE. OS AUTISTAS NO BRASIL SERÃO TRATADOS COMO CIDADÃOS, NÃO ESTARÃO MAIS A MERCÊ DA DOR, DO DESCASO E DO DESLEIXO DAQUELES QUE DEVERIAM CRIAR POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS E NADA FIZERAM. A SOCIEDADE CIVIL SE ORGANIZOU E ESTÁ TRANSFORMANDO ESTA REALIDADE. LEIA A MATÉRIA ABAIXO E COMPARTILHE. OBRIGADO! ULISSES DA COSTA BATISTA Plenário aprova Plano de Proteção à Pessoa Autista O Plenário aprovou, nesta terça-feira o Projeto de Lei 1631/11, que cria a Política Nacional de Proteção dos Direitos da Pessoa com Transtorno do Espectro Autista. Como a matéria foi aprovada com emendas da Comissão de Seguridade Social e Família, a matéria retorna ao Senado para nova votação. O texto equipara os autistas, para todos os efeitos legais, às pessoas com deficiência, permitindo acesso a tratamento especializado na rede pública. Durante a votação em Plenário, a deputada Rosinha da Adefal (PTdoB-AL) recomendou a aprovação do projeto em nome da Comissão de Constituição e Justiça e de Cidadania. Entre as diretrizes da política nacional estão: a garantia de inserção social dos autistas; o estímulo à entrada no mercado de trabalho, desde que respeitadas as limitações da síndrome; o acesso a atendimento multiprofissional e a medicamentos; o direito a acompanhante em escolas de ensino regular e a proteção previdenciária. O projeto prevê ainda a inclusão dos estudantes autistas nas classes comuns de ensino regular e o atendimento educacional especializado gratuito quando não for possível a inserção em classes comuns. Recusa de matrícula Uma das emendas da relatora na Comissão de Seguridade Social, deputada Mara Gabrilli (PSDB-SP), cria sanção administrativa expressa para o gestor escolar ou autoridade competente, em escola regular, que recusar a matrícula da pessoa com transtorno do espectro autista. Segundo a deputada, a emenda pretende evitar o excesso de arbitrariedade dos gestores escolares no cumprimento dos objetivos da política. “A educação especial fora da rede regular pode ser o mais indicado para casos muito específicos de autismo severo, mas isso não pode ser usado pelos gestores como desculpa para recusar matrículas”, argumentou. A emenda aprovada sujeita o infrator a multa de 3 a 20 salários mínimos. Em caso de reincidência, será instaurado processo administrativo que poderá resultar na perda do cargo, assegurada a ampla defesa. O texto, no entanto, ressalva os casos em que, comprovadamente, e somente em função de especificidades do próprio aluno, a inclusão na rede regular de ensino for prejudicial a ele. “Essa previsão vale não apenas para educandos com autismo, mas também para pessoas com qualquer outro tipo de deficiência”, destacou a relatora. Tratamento cruel Outra emenda aprovada altera o Código Penal (Decreto-Lei 2.848/40) para tipificar a conduta daquele que aplicar qualquer forma de castigo corporal, ofensa psicológica, tratamento cruel ou degradante à criança ou ao adolescente com deficiência física, sensorial, intelectual ou mental, como forma de correção, disciplina, educação ou a qualquer outro pretexto. O crime será punível com detenção de seis meses a dois anos. Se do fato resultar lesão corporal de natureza grave, a pena será transformada em reclusão de 2 a 4 anos. No caso de morte, a reclusão será de 4 a 12 anos. Asilo O projeto também determina que, nos casos de necessidade de internação médica em unidades especializadas, isso não poderá ocorrer em estabelecimentos com caráter de asilo, sem condições de oferecer assistência adequada. Para facilitar os cuidados dos pais com parentes portadores de deficiência (cônjuge, filho ou dependente), o projeto retira do Estatuto do Servidor (Lei 8.112/90) a necessidade de compensação de horário especial concedido quando comprovada sua necessidade por junta médica oficial. Íntegra da proposta: PL-1631/2011
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David Walter D.O. - 07:02:42
Folowers: 25 - Shared: 0
NYTimes: School Bullies Prey on Children with Autism
Profile Link:!/DrDaveWalter
LumeaMare - 07:02:17
Folowers: 2286 - Shared: 0
Biciclete, miscare, aer curat, prieteni, si toate astea in beneficiul copiilor cu autism. Campina Open MTB, va...
Profile Link:!/LumeaMare
Carol-Anne Pawson Venter - 07:02:05
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Hi Friends! We're off to the University of Pretoria to assist the students with their annual Autism Awareness Day! And a big thanks to Mel and all the volunteers who attended last night's information session - the Tuks students' enduring passion and commitment remains an inspiration!
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Susan - 07:01:41
Folowers: 549 - Shared: 1
As part of the National Autism Strategy, Suffolk County Council wants to about people's experience of autism:... http ...
Profile Link:!/susan1878
Folowers: 2 - Shared: 0
@ElisaDiStefano Nice event. You mentioned the event will help fight autism. I have autism myself @santonio10 @news12li
Profile Link:!/rshaktma
PutMeBackTogether - 07:00:28
Folowers: 2701 - Shared: 0
This activity combines bilateral coordination, visual tracking skills and math practice #autism #pediOT #OTpeeps
Profile Link:!/pmbtogether
SM - 07:00:18
Folowers: 142 - Shared: 2
What a parent can do if their child with special needs is being bullied via @AutismAllStars #autism #aspergers... h ...
Profile Link:!/dopsdingers
manar gh - 07:00:14
Folowers: 15 - Shared: 0
@SaudiJobs_ The Centre for Autism Research is looking for (an interpreter,receptionist,&messenger) send ur CV cfar.kf ...
Profile Link:!/GHmanar
The Mix Stowmarket - 07:00:13
Folowers: 193 - Shared: 0
As part of the National Autism Strategy, Suffolk County Council wants to about people's experience of autism:...
Profile Link:!/mixstowmarket
Molly Thiersch - 07:00:08
Folowers: 492 - Shared: 0
Reaction: The Target Post - Employing Autism via @KatrinaMoody
Profile Link:!/CrazedKitchen
Julio Loupias - 06:59:35
Folowers: 1148 - Shared: 0
Los hijos de padres mayores corren más riesgo de sufrir autismo y esquizofrenia: El análisis...
Profile Link:!/ameuronet
Info Tecnologia - 06:58:29
Folowers: 3861 - Shared: 0
Los hijos de padres mayores corren más riesgo de sufrir autismo y esquizofrenia #Tecnologia #Ciencia
Profile Link:!/Tecnologia_Inf
José Luis Gómez - 06:58:29
Folowers: 1041 - Shared: 0
Los hijos de padres mayores corren más riesgo de sufrir autismo y esquizofrenia #Tendencias
Profile Link:!/OptimaServicios
Dr. Joan McGettigan - 06:56:38
Folowers: 799 - Shared: 0
It's not rocket science #spedchat #autism
Profile Link:!/drmcgettigan
Colleen O'Rourke Miner - 06:56:20
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Both the RNC & the DNC quoted these line from scripture. Here's my view on it: I don’t have a great knowledge of scripture, nor do I claim to have a consistently deep spiritual life. I’ve sinned and come up short in faith many times, and scholars much smarter than me have lifted up biblical truths and argued against certain ideas based on historical fact. In the book of Matthew, Jesus tells many parables as lessons in what’s just and unjust. And then he tells about God’s judgment of the nations. In chapter 25, verses 35 - 40, he talks about the blessed feeding him, giving him something to drink, offering him hospitality, clothing him, nursing him to health, visiting him in prison. And the righteous question him “Lord, when was it we did this for you…” and Jesus answers “just as you did it to the least of these…you did it to me.” Now even though on the surface this seems to be one of the kindest, most righteous things Jesus says, and I’m sure it has inspired acts of kindness, I must take issue with it. I think there really are no “least of these.” That mentality is rankism, rating people, who’s blessed and who isn’t. Maybe within the context of his culture, this wording was the best way to aid his followers in understanding the point he was trying to make. Being Adam & Victoria’s mom has taught me more about God than anything or anyone else. It has sparked a deep awareness of justice for people with differing abilities, and challenged my concept of who is blessed and who represents the face of God. I even have opinions about the way we talk about persons with autism. I like to use the ‘person first’ form vs. saying ‘autistics’. Persons with differing abilities rather than ‘the disabled’. I don’t know how or why forms of speech take hold in our culture, but I simply cannot imagine calling someone who has cancer ‘cancerous’ or ‘canceristic’.
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Comunicación CARTV - 06:55:34
Folowers: 2386 - Shared: 0
El éxito de las academias de formación en verano y la campaña a favor de Autismo Aragón, @estaeslanuestra @aragonradio
Profile Link:!/comuniCARTV
A - 06:54:46
Folowers: 81 - Shared: 0
@sergiotperez tiene autismo
Profile Link:!/angelamarttinez
Naquib Azman - 06:54:32
Folowers: 173 - Shared: 0
Thanks for pointing that out. Sincerely, Bully RT @TIME: Why kids with autism make easy targets for school bullying |
Profile Link:!/NaquibAzman
RC - 06:54:31
Folowers: 43 - Shared: 0
"@TIME: Why kids with #autism make easy targets for school bullying | (via @TIMEHealthland)" @drme30
Profile Link:!/mystiqueness757
Nicole Whitmore - 06:54:21
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
loved it how the taxi driver thought he knew more than me about my sons autism lol and because hes picked up a few now hes an expert lol, trying to tell me what to do and not to do! just because u have met an autistic child, u have just met 1 autistic child that dont mean u know anything abut my sons autism. trust me i dont need telling i live it!
Profile Link:
Scientist Solutions - 06:53:22
Folowers: 4506 - Shared: 0
#NIH NIH awards $100 mn for Autism Centres of Excellence research programme -
Profile Link:!/SciSolutions
Angie Kinsella - 06:53:14
Likes: 1 - Shared: 0
Hi all, David Walker is going to run the Dublin City Marathon in aid of 'Irish Autism Action' and is looking for sponsors, if you can spare a few bob you can click the page below and read all about the cause he is supporting and donate whatever you can......thank you all and thanks Dáithí Mac Súilaigh for choosing 'Irish Autism Action' as your charity
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aulia firsa dwinanda - 06:52:29
Folowers: 202 - Shared: 0
:'( Cc: @justsilly RT @TIME: Why kids with autism make easy targets for school bullying | (via @TIMEHealthland)
Profile Link:!/auliafirsa
peter lurie - 06:52:07
Folowers: 291 - Shared: 0
What a great use of tech! @myEdGPS--A virtual adviser to help parents navigate bureaucracy to get kids w/ #autism services!
Profile Link:!/luriep
Bob McGuire - 06:51:32
Folowers: 14283 - Shared: 0
pretend play:  ~Children on the autism spectrum lack the ability to engage in pretend play.Got it?Don’t forget t...
Profile Link:!/oakbridge
Pat - 06:51:25
Folowers: 4318 - Shared: 1
RT @gatewaypundit: Enter Bubba… Bill Clinton at DNC: Republicans Will Hurt Poor Kids With Autism (Video) ... ...
Profile Link:!/grammy620
hopectr4autism - 06:50:55
Folowers: 100 - Shared: 0
Column: Autism research has come a long way via @utashorthorn
Profile Link:!/hopectr4autism
Elisabeth Turu - 06:50:43
Folowers: 532 - Shared: 0
Well: School Bullies Prey on Children with #Autism #Autismo #psicología #psychology #psiquiatría
Profile Link:!/e_turu
Miz Kp - 06:50:43
Folowers: 594 - Shared: 0
Early day. First day of Kindergarten fpr Angel. #autism #sped #specialeducation
Profile Link:!/AutisticSeas
Treating Autism - 06:50:12
Folowers: 3467 - Shared: 0
@Self_Help_UK This is misleading-the vast majority of people with severe #autism do NOT have Angelman Syndrome.
Profile Link:!/TweetingAutism
The REAL WAYNE - 06:50:07
Folowers: 525 - Shared: 1
Rapist Bill Clinton – Republicans want to hurt kids with #Autism and #downsyndrome (Video) #Presiden ...
Profile Link:!/waywor87
Schalk Zeeman - 06:49:46
Folowers: 199 - Shared: 0 Obesity can lead to autism during pregnancy
Profile Link:!/gainrapidmuscle
johnnyA99 - 06:49:45
Folowers: 4427 - Shared: 0
Rapist Bill Clinton – Republicans want to hurt kids with #Autism and #downsyndrome (Video) #PresidentialDNA
Profile Link:!/johnnyA99
Benison O'Reilly - 06:49:34
Folowers: 1140 - Shared: 0
Why kids with autism make easy prey for school bullies | via @TIME
Profile Link:!/BenisonAnne
Nikau Room - 06:49:04
Folowers: 13 - Shared: 0
Podcast, Autism and parental emotional influence.
Profile Link:!/nikauroom
NASCymru - 06:48:47
Folowers: 565 - Shared: 0
So pleased they are involved and a huge thankyou to @emilysball2012 for funding - its a great project and makes a difference #autism
Profile Link:!/NASCymru
Schalk Zeeman - 06:48:33
Folowers: 199 - Shared: 0
Autism linked to obesity during pregnancy - Health - CBC News
Profile Link:!/gainrapidmuscle
Rafael Olalla - 06:48:20
Folowers: 139 - Shared: 0
25 especialistas de España y Venezuela se formarán en diagnóstico de autismo en Burgos.” Cc @autismonavarra
Profile Link:!/rafaelolalla
Benison O'Reilly - 06:48:19
Folowers: 1140 - Shared: 0
via @phillydotcom And the latest cause of autism is ...
Profile Link:!/BenisonAnne
andrea barker - 06:48:16
Folowers: 89 - Shared: 0
Bus driver "makes joke" of child's autism (From Salisbury Journal)
Profile Link:!/lazycunt
Andrew Webster - 06:48:14
Folowers: 178 - Shared: 0
@SarahhWebsterr “@TIME: Why kids with autism make easy targets for school bullying | (via @TIMEHealthland)”
Profile Link:!/andy123webs
Andrew Malekoff - 06:48:03
Folowers: 42 - Shared: 0
For all those with autism and ADHD
Profile Link:!/AndrewMalekoff
Andrew Malekoff - 06:47:23
Folowers: 42 - Shared: 0
For all those with autism and ADHD
Profile Link:!/AndrewMalekoff
Joy Dab - 06:46:50
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
Families coping with Autism need Help ad Support. ''High functioning'' autism is challenging for parents. Even ''low functioning''autism can be overwhelming to the entire family. Families may be under a great deal of stress ad they need all the non-jugdemental help they can get from friends, Extended family ad service providers. Respite care ( someone else taking care of the person with autism while other family members take a break) can be a marriage or family saver!
Profile Link:
Time out w/ Netbuddy - 06:45:43
Folowers: 69 - Shared: 0
A free school for children with autism spectrum conditions has opened its doors to its first pupils in Leeds. The...
Profile Link:!/timeoutnetbuddy
Milton Factory - 06:45:10
Folowers: 318 - Shared: 0
Los smartphones y PDAs ayudan a adultos con autismo en sus puestos de trabajo
Profile Link:!/miltonfactory
Kariadi Sing Iku - 06:44:54
Folowers: 72 - Shared: 0
It's important things! RT @TIME: Why kids with autism make easy targets for school bullying | (via @TIMEHealthland)
Profile Link:!/kariadi
AutismTrap - 06:44:49
Folowers: 0 - Shared: 0
BU prof. receives grant to examine autistic children #autism
Profile Link:!/AutismTrap
Robot de @jjdeharo - 06:44:18
Folowers: 105 - Shared: 0
Los hijos de padres mayores corren más riesgo de sufrir autismo y esquizofrenia
Profile Link:!/mirsstuiter
Michael Rosenberg - 06:44:02
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
BREAKING NEWS: FDA Approved Cord Blood Stem Cell Trial for Autism
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Suzanne Midford - 06:44:02
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
"This is serious... a lot of that money [Medicaid] is to help people with disabilities. Including a lot of middle class families whose kids have Down Syndrome or autism, or other severe conditions. Honestly, just think about it. If that happens, I don't know what those families are going to do. So, I know what I'm going to do. I'm going to do everything I can to see that it doesn't happen. We can't let it happen!" [cutting medicaid] --STANDING OVATION FROM THE CROWD. Bill Clinton, Democratic National Convention
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rosiekennerson - 06:43:03
Folowers: 0 - Shared: 0
Bus driver "makes joke" of child's autism (From Salisbury Journal)
Profile Link:!/rosiekenn87
Mukhamad M - 06:42:08
Folowers: 154 - Shared: 0
Hmm..? RT @TIME: Why kids with autism make easy targets for school bullying | (via @TIMEHealthland)
Profile Link:!/moavan
Hyacinth Villanueva - 06:41:45
Folowers: 536 - Shared: 0
"@TIME: Why kids with autism make easy targets for school bullying | (via @TIMEHealthland)"- Who does that?? Imbreds!!
Profile Link:!/mumay_tonton
John Patto - 06:41:04
Folowers: 38 - Shared: 0
@Self_Help_UK @TweetingAutism my daughter has angelman syndrome, what are the links to autism
Profile Link:!/theonlydondada
Mohamed Aqief - 06:40:21
Folowers: 609 - Shared: 0
“@TIME: Why kids with autism make easy targets for school bullying | )” dont bully "him" @shaunfei94, i told you! :p
Profile Link:!/mohd_aqief
wa hyu wei - 06:40:18
Folowers: 52 - Shared: 0
Why kids with autism make easy targets for school bullying
Profile Link:!/wahyuwei
Nikita D'souza - 06:40:12
Folowers: 39 - Shared: 0
Why kids with autism make easy prey for school bullies | via @TIMEHealthland
Profile Link:!/nikitaldsouza
SEO Bookmarking - 06:39:58
Folowers: 288 - Shared: 0
Biomedical Autism Treatment – Take Supplements With Caution on Youtube: Biomedical autism…
Profile Link:!/seoaolbookmarks
Cathy Babao - 06:39:38
Folowers: 460 - Shared: 0
Tsk tsk "@TIME: Why kids with autism make easy targets for school bullying | (via @TIMEHealthland)"
Profile Link:!/cathybabao
Sean Casey - 06:39:24
Folowers: 526 - Shared: 0
Bubba: Republicans Will Hurt Poor Kids With Autism: via @youtube I hope this teaches the GOP a lesson on working w/Dems
Profile Link:!/seanandfrank
Michael Jourdan Natalegawa - 06:39:19
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
READ!! RT @TIME: Why kids with autism make easy targets for school bullying | (via @TIMEHealthland)
Profile Link:
michael jourdan - 06:39:17
Folowers: 502 - Shared: 0
READ!! RT @TIME: Why kids with autism make easy targets for school bullying | (via @TIMEHealthland)
Profile Link:!/natalegawa_7
Kathrine Nero - 06:38:40
Folowers: 582 - Shared: 0
One of my biggest fears. RT @TIME: Why kids with autism make easy targets for school bullying | (via @TIMEHealthland)
Profile Link:!/NeroWCPO
Firdaus Christopher - 06:38:18
Folowers: 629 - Shared: 0
Why kids with autism make easy targets for school bullying | (via @TIMEHealthland)
Profile Link:!/firdauschris
Charity NI - 06:38:03
Folowers: 632 - Shared: 0
Job: Support Worker, Bangor - Autism Initiatives Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland #tweetni
Profile Link:!/charity_ni
Omnireborn - 06:38:00
Folowers: 26 - Shared: 0
#datociencia Los hijos de padres mayores corren más riesgo de sufrir autismo y esquizofrenia
Profile Link:!/omnireborn
Ylenia - 06:37:36
Folowers: 529 - Shared: 0
Mi piange il cuore a vivere certe cose che solo pochi possono capire! Con la disabilità non si scherza. #disabili #autismo
Profile Link:!/YleniaNea
Sheena Luz - 06:37:31
Folowers: 174 - Shared: 0
"Why kids with autism make an easy targets for school bullying | (via @TIMEHealthland)" =(
Profile Link:!/sheenaontheluz
Juan R Pérez - 06:37:26
Folowers: 21 - Shared: 0
Los hijos de padres mayores corren más riesgo de sufrir autismo y esquizofrenia
Profile Link:!/juanramon67
didiet ramandanu - 06:37:16
Folowers: 268 - Shared: 0
Why kids with autism make easy targets for school bullying | (via @TIMEHealthland)
Profile Link:!/ciamoz
Kieran Donaghy - 06:36:58
Folowers: 639 - Shared: 0
New lesson plan at Film English designed around short film about artist Stephen Wiltshire & autism. #efl @esl #eflfilm
Profile Link:!/kierandonaghy - 06:36:09
Folowers: 3849801 - Shared: 68
Why kids with autism make easy targets for school bullying | (via @TIMEHealthland)
Profile Link:!/TIME - 06:35:41
Folowers: 3849799 - Shared: 0
Why kids with autism make an easy targets for school bullying | (via @TIMEHealthland)
Profile Link:!/TIME
The Beck Company - 06:35:39
Folowers: 266 - Shared: 0
The Holy Bible says what you do you get. A doctor who gives a baby Autism, you can figure that out
Profile Link:!/GaryCBeck
Volta Hiram - 06:35:35
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
Measles Rubeola Measles is a very contagious (easily spread) illness caused by a virus. Causes, incidence, and risk factors The infection is spread by contact with droplets from the nose, mouth, or throat of an infected person. Sneezing and coughing can put contaminated droplets into the air. Those who have had an active measles infection or who have been vaccinated against the measles have immunity to the disease. Before widespread vaccination, measles was so common during childhood that most people became sick with the disease by age 20. The number of measles cases dropped over the last several decades to almost none in the U.S. and Canada. However, rates have started to rise again recently. Some parents do not let their children get vaccinated because of unfounded fears that the MMR vaccine, which protects against measles, mumps, and rubella, can cause autism. Large studies of thousands of children have found no connection between this vaccine and autism. Not vaccinating children can lead to outbreaks of a measles, mumps, and rubella -- all of which are potentially serious diseases of childhood. Symptoms Symptoms usually begin 8 - 12 days after you are exposed to the virus. This is called the incubation period. Symptoms may include: Bloodshot eyes Cough Fever Light sensitivity (photophobia) Muscle pain Rash Usually appears 3 - 5 days after the first signs of being sick May last 4 - 7 days Usually starts on the head and spreads to other areas, moving down the body Rash may appear as flat, discolored areas (macules) and solid, red, raised areas (papules) that later join together Itchy Redness and irritation of the eyes (conjunctivitis) Runny nose Sore throat Tiny white spots inside the mouth (Koplik's spots) Signs and tests Measles serology Viral culture (rarely done) Treatment There is no specific treatment for the measles. The following may relieve symptoms: Acetaminophen (Tylenol) Bed rest Humidified air Some children may need vitamin A supplements. Vitamin A reduces the risk of death and complications in children in less developed countries, where children may not be getting enough vitamin A. People who don't get enough vitamin A are more likely to get infections, including measles. It is not clear whether children in more developed countries would benefit from supplements. Expectations (prognosis) Those who do not have complications such as pneumonia do very well. Complications Complications of measles infection may include: Bronchitis Encephalitis (about 1 out of 1,000 measles cases) Ear infection (otitis media) Pneumonia Calling your health care provider Call your health care provider if you or your child has symptoms of measles. Prevention Routine immunization is highly effective for preventing measles. People who are not immunized, or who have not received the full immunization are at high risk for catching the disease. Taking serum immune globulin 6 days after being exposed to the virus can reduce the risk of developing measles, or can make the disease less severe.
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People Magazine - 06:34:34
Folowers: 1864 - Shared: 0
'Real Housewives of New Jersey' mom talks about her son's autism; says Teresa ...
Profile Link:!/PeopleMagNews
InNewsNet - 06:33:45
Folowers: 834 - Shared: 0
Los hijos de padres mayores corren más riesgo de sufrir autismo y esquizofrenia
Profile Link:!/InNewsNet
Julio Loupias - 06:33:43
Folowers: 1148 - Shared: 0
Los hijos de padres mayores corren más riesgo de sufrir autismo y esquizofrenia: El análisis...
Profile Link:!/ameuronet
Brett Fletcher - 06:33:06
Folowers: 6084 - Shared: 0
The issue of #bullying for #children with an #autism spectrum disorder (ASD) #article -
Profile Link:!/TrinityMount
Radio Jackie News - 06:32:15
Folowers: 3153 - Shared: 0
Transforming Autism Care In Richmond: Richmond Council is hoping to transform the way autism is addressed in the...
Profile Link:!/Radio_Jackie
Medical Discussions - 06:31:53
Folowers: 2211 - Shared: 0
Comprehensive Autism Center Offers One-of-a-Kind Treatment - Join talk at:
Profile Link:!/Medical_Discuss
Gabriel Catalano® - 06:29:03
Folowers: 763 - Shared: 0
Los hijos de padres mayores corren más riesgo de sufrir autismo y esquizofrenia
Profile Link:!/gabrielcatalano
kellywiechart - 06:28:36
Folowers: 92 - Shared: 0
iPod May Ease Transition For Those With Autism - Disability Scoop via @disabilityscoop
Profile Link:!/kellywiechart
Anna Teresa Arnold - 06:28:09
Folowers: 17749 - Shared: 0
Enter Bubba… Bill Clinton at DNC: Republicans Will Hurt Poor Kids With Autism (Video) ...
Profile Link:!/HomerWhite
Chris Barson - 06:27:50
Folowers: 91 - Shared: 0
Autism Newsletter -
Profile Link:!/autismevents
ellz - 06:27:04
Folowers: 514 - Shared: 0
he obviously jus had autism n wrote stories all the time cuz no1 cared about his wack opinions but them some eedyat historian digged it up
Profile Link:!/ellShinobi
Hearts And Minds - 06:26:27
Folowers: 871 - Shared: 0
This is what adults with autism say about some of the theories that professionals have about asd
Profile Link:!/handmchallenge
oncenawh - 06:25:58
Folowers: 393 - Shared: 0
I hope when my sons with autism grow up .They are just like the Manning brothers .
Profile Link:!/ticmyineds
Jo Bailey - 06:25:45
Folowers: 40 - Shared: 0
I must say I am liking Max being picked up and dropped off for school. No more school runs and dashing about #autism
Profile Link:!/wythallgirl
Bristol Jobs - 06:25:33
Folowers: 1069 - Shared: 0
SEN TEACHING ASSISTANT - Avonmouth - Autism and Behaviour Specialist Teaching Assistant job, Bristol Autism and Beh...
Profile Link:!/Jobs_Bristol
Maria Emilia França - 06:25:15
Likes: 0 - Shared: 0
Pelo AUTISMO, o Templo Romano em azul. Fotografia de Carlos Neves.
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