Alocasia , lumping and splitting of names

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Michael Pascall

Mar 19, 2008, 8:35:22 PM3/19/08
to aj Boswell,

brid , I should not rely on ,my memory .. just pulled out Alistairs book , Aroids of PNG , to check how many spp. got lumped together ,, and what did I find ??

 Alocasia aequiloba  is the name of the spotted one , and all of these are lumped in with it now .

  1. A magnifica , this was one of the spotted ones .
  2. A.dahlii , just got a pot of this .
  3. A.schlecteri , never even heard of this one !
  4. A.gjellerupii , thank heavens I never have to write a tag for that one .
  5. A.angustiloba
  6. A. denudatoides
  7. A. peekelii.


Also the other species of Alocasia you asked me about might be A.flabellifera , its very closely related to macrorrhizos ,

differing in the very broad leaves and only a few of them, and the prominent secondary venation .I will attempt to copy the illustration from the book .



Michael Pascall


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