BUSHWALKING 16th April 2007 - Fatality, Kanangra-Boyd National Park, NSW

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Peter Hodgkinson

Apr 24, 2007, 12:45:49 AM4/24/07
to Australian Accident Register
BUSHWALKING 16th April 2007 - Fatality, Kanangra-Boyd National Park,

A 38-year-old male left home in Sydney on the 6th April for a 3-day
solo bushwalk in the Kanangra-Boyd National Park. He was expected to
return home on the 9th April but failed to do so. It is believed that
he was planning to walk from Kanangra Walls to Katoomba via Crafts
Walls, Mount Cloudmaker and Dex Creek. Police were contacted on the
11th April, and a land and air search was undertaken.
A body was located by the PolAir helicopter on the 15th April,
approximately 1.5km from Mt Cloudmaker in the upper reaches of Ti
Willa Creek. It seems that the man had fallen over a cliff. The body
was recovered by helicopter. A post mortem is expected to be carried
out to establish time and cause of death, and to confirm the man's
Police are preparing a report for the coroner.


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