MTB 14th April 2007 - Broken Collarbone, Nowra, NSW

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Peter Hodgkinson

Jun 17, 2007, 9:18:36 PM6/17/07
to Australian Accident Register
MTB 14th April 2007 - Broken Collarbone, Nowra, NSW

A man broke his collarbone while descending the Funnelweb downhill
track, south of Nowra. About ¾ of the way down the run, the rider lost
control going over a 1.9m high jump. Travelling at about 45kmph, he
hit the ground with his head and shoulders.
The initial impact badly winded him, and he struggled to regain his
breath. After gaining normal breath, he realised that he had at least
broken a collarbone and was sore in the ribs.
After a few minutes, he decided to start the walk out as adrenaline
was still pumping. Just 20m down the track, the pain became too much,
and he sat down for a breather. By this time other riders had returned
from the cars with first aid and supplies, although there was not much
anyone could do but wait for the ambulance.
The paramedic administered pain relief, a neck brace, put the casualty
on oxygen and called in a helicopter evacuation. He was airlifted to
Wollongong Hospital. He continued to suffer a lot of pain, and after
further diagnosis at RPA Hospital on the Tuesday, the casualty was
operated on, and a plate inserted into the clavicle.

The casualty has made these statements after his recovery -
"Treat potential spinal injuries as spinal injuries". ie don't try to
walk or move.
"When there is obviously a serious injury and rescue services are
available, then use them".


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