BUSHWALKING 11-19 December 2006 - Fatality, Mt Solitary/Kedumba, Blue Mountains, NSW

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Lucas Trihey

Jan 13, 2007, 7:41:46 AM1/13/07
to Australian Accident Register
BUSHWALKING 11-19 December 2006 - Fatality, Mt Solitary/Kedumba, Blue
Mountains, NSW

On Monday 11 December a 17 year old boy, David Iredale, became
separated from his two companions and then lost while on a bushwalk.
They had been on a bushwalk that started in Katoomba. They walked via
the Federal Pass to Ruined Castle and Mt Solitary for their first
night's camp. They then planned to follow the walking track down to
the Kedumba River, up the walking track to the 4WD track beneath
Kedumba Pass and then back to Katoomba via the old Sewage Treatment
Plant 4WD track and then up the walking tracks and back onto the
plateau. Police report that the boys had a dry camp on Mt Solitary and
had no water left for the Monday. The weather was warm and dry at the
time. The three boys were well equipped for the walk with maps,
clothing, food and shelter appropriate to the proposed route.

While descending the eastern side of Mt Solitary David, who had been in
front and on his own, became separated from his friends. He then
became lost and could not find the walking track or his companions.
Unaware that David had become lost his friends continued to the Kedumba
River where they waited. When David did not show up they assumed he was
still in front so they proceeded with the original plan and walked east
to the 4WD track below Kedumba Pass.

Meanwhile David realised he was lost and made a number of emergency
calls to 000 asking for help. A search was activated and a search
vehicle found David's friends on the 4WD track on their way to the
old Sewage Treatment Plant (until then they did not know David was
missing). A search was undertaken that afternoon and for the next few
days with searchers on foot, in vehicles and by helicopter.

No sign of David was found and the search effort was stepped up on
Friday and over the weekend with large numbers of searchers from
various agencies, as well as volunteers, covering the likely areas.

On Tuesday 19/12/06 around midday David's body was found not far from
his last known meeting point with his walking friends - a prominent
saddle about half way down the ridge between the Col on Mt Solitary and
the Kedumba River. David's body was recovered by helicopter.

An autopsy was conducted and at the time of compiling this report the
police advise that they are attributing his death to a combination of
dehydration and exposure. Police also advise that the time of death was
probably some time late on Monday 11/12/06 (the day he made the 000

Editor's comments
1. Staying together is an important strategy to minimise the dangers of
becoming lost (a group has more resources to find their way back to a
known position than an individual). Also, in most cases a group is
probably less likely to get lost in the first place.
2. Plan ahead carefully for water needs on all bushwalks. In dry
conditions do not rely solely on marginal sources such as on high
3. If lost - stay together and work out a plan to return to your last
known position. It is usually best to stop or go back (rather than
moving forward) to minimise your "circle of unknown position" on
the map.
4. If you remain lost activate an EPIRB (if carried), phone for help if
you have reception and work out ways to attract attention. Spread
colourful gear on the ground, wave an emergency blanket around, light a
carefully tended fire (if conditions permit).
5. If calling 000 when lost ask for "Police".
6. If you don't get reception for a 000 call try dialling 112 which
will use any available phone company carriers in your area.


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