SPECIAL ISSUE - Proposed LPTravis Bylaws - Comments Welcome

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Dec 12, 2023, 11:39:42 AM12/12/23
to AustinLiberator
To Whom It May Concern,

In the interest of updating LPTravis' ByLaws to correspond more closely to the LPTexas suggested format, I have prepared a draft of same for consideration. This draft has been reviewed by Patrick Dixon and Arthur DiBianca, and we are now circulating this draft for review and comment by LPTravis as a whole.

Please keep all comments and criticisms civil, but do not hesitate to address any and all concerns you may have. Please send all comments and concerns to David Roberson, Secretary LPTravis, at drob...@lptexas.org. You may also call me directly at the number below to discuss concerns you'd rather pose verbally.

Our goal here is to craft a set of by-laws that reflect LPTravis' evolving role in Libertarian matters in the State of Texas, and to encourage our own growth as a group, including recruitment, social presence, and efficacy in political activism. We have just over three (3) months before our County Convention (March 16, 2024). Ideally, all comments and proposals can be received by the Secretary and discussed prior to Convention so that our voting will largely be a formality.

Thank you in advance for your engagement in this project.

David Roberson
Editor-in-Chief, Austin Liberator
Candidate, TX Supreme Court, Pl. 6
Secretary, LPTravis

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