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Gasoline prices and the TX Railroad Commission

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Mar 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/16/00
Gasoline Prices and the Texas Railroad Commission

March 15, 2000 -- The cost of gasoline is going from bad to worse, as a
new survey shows U.S. prices rose to their steepest ever during the
past two weeks. Energy policy has quickly become the hot issue of the
year as angry consumers discover the highest gas prices ever faced in
the U.S.

With prices projected to possibly hit $2 a gallon this summer, Nazirite
Flores Perez proposes that "supply and demand" should be tackled by the
Texas Railroad Commission for the benefit of all consumers.

See his web site:

Vote N.R. Flores Perez in the General Election,
November 3rd, 2000 for RAILROAD COMMISSION

Sign (and/or circulate) a petition to get the
Reform Party on the ballot for November 3rd.

Sent via
Before you buy.

Professor Vonroach

Mar 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/16/00
On Thu, 16 Mar 2000 08:40:27 GMT, wrote:

>Gasoline Prices and the Texas Railroad Commission
>March 15, 2000 -- The cost of gasoline is going from bad to worse, as a
>new survey shows U.S. prices rose to their steepest ever during the
>past two weeks. Energy policy has quickly become the hot issue of the
>year as angry consumers discover the highest gas prices ever faced in
>the U.S.
>With prices projected to possibly hit $2 a gallon this summer, Nazirite
>Flores Perez proposes that "supply and demand" should be tackled by the
>Texas Railroad Commission for the benefit of all consumers.

Another nobody trying to exploit the mess in gasoline supply and
demand produced by mis-management by the Clinton administration
and the Gore gasoline tax enacted during this administration with the
deciding vote cast by Algore. Don't elect tax and spend morons and
then whine about the results. This is just mis-management by the same
dept. of Energy that brought on the Carter gas shortage.
Senor Perez doesn't propose any cure, just whines about the problem a
la Perot.

A D Marzo

Mar 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/16/00
Damn, my back is hurting today. Must have been the way Clinton signed him
name to something yesterday. Maybe it was that friggin' Gore, thinking
about what to have for lunch that threw my back out. I know, let's elect an
entertainer (Sports figure included) or another movie actor to the White
House. That'll solve all our problems. Hey, Martin Sheen seems to be doing
a great job. How about drafting him? And his staff is surely on the
ball. The Veep though, was in Animal House, so I don't think we can trust
him! Wait a minute, Sheen is one of those liberal, help the poor and needy
Democats. We can't have that! I need that extra $1.50 from my paycheck in
my pocket. Get real VonRoach smoker.

Professor Vonroach

Mar 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/16/00
On Thu, 16 Mar 2000 07:00:27 -0600, A D Marzo <> wrote:

>Damn, my back is hurting today. Must have been the way Clinton signed him
>name to something yesterday. Maybe it was that friggin' Gore, thinking
>about what to have for lunch that threw my back out. I know, let's elect an
>entertainer (Sports figure included) or another movie actor to the White
>House. That'll solve all our problems. Hey, Martin Sheen seems to be doing
>a great job. How about drafting him? And his staff is surely on the
>ball. The Veep though, was in Animal House, so I don't think we can trust
>him! Wait a minute, Sheen is one of those liberal, help the poor and needy
>Democats. We can't have that! I need that extra $1.50 from my paycheck in
>my pocket. Get real VonRoach smoker.

Better yet elect a professional wrestler, then the TV hour of
senseless violence could become 4 years of senseless babble.

A D Marzo

Mar 16, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/16/00
Good one! You see, we do agree!

Professor Vonroach

Mar 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/17/00

I wonder if we agree? The price of a gallon of gasoline is due to many
factors: supply, demand, federal taxes, OPEC production schedules,
Dept. of Energy policy (or lack there of), Presidents ability to
manage his office (totally lacking, except in fund raising). The one
thing that is not a factor is any action by the Texas RR Comm.

A D Marzo

Mar 17, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/17/00
As y'all say, I ain't from around here. Only been in DFW about 10 years and don't
care about the politics or what the RR Commissioner does. One thing I do know is
that I would definitely want someone from around here to be the RR Commissioner.
I'm wondering about the brother that Georgie put in. His commercials said he worked
for the Gipper and Georgie's daddy. Is he from around here or just some hack that's
hangin' on?

A D Marzo

Mar 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/18/00
I'll agree with you Mr. Roachead, that I should bone up about the RR Commissioner, and
yes, the title can be confusing. It seems from your post that it probably is a fabulous
bit of history, and I'll enjoy studying, thanks! You're also right, I am a democrat.
Even though I was born poor (get the violins out) and am now comfortable, I haven't
abandoned my values and switched over to the dark side. (Probably because I'm not
comfortable enough to be a true republican). No, I've not been assigned by the Gore
secret enforcers to criticize anyone. I'm sure neither of the candidates will need any
help doing that. It's an election year and by October, no September we'll have seen our
fill. Tried politics, absolutely hated it (read - got hurt real bad), that's why I don't
care about them. Even though I'm not assigned to do anything to anyone, I will criticize
any politician that I feel does something that may not be in the country's best interest,
be it Bush or Christ. I was living in the Bradley state when he was in office. There
were plenty of things he proposed (and I must say purely Democrat) that frightened me! I
was his biggest critic until he pulled out, recently. Whew, thought I couldn't get away
from him! If someone can help me, they have my support, regardless of "party". I have
many close friends that reside in the privileged party, and they get every bit of $upport
I can muster. I want someone from around here to be RR Commissioner, because "around
here" is very unique. It has a rich and unique culture that is not actually understood
on the outside and should be preserved. I strongly feel that only folks that are "from
around here" are willing and able to preserve it properly. That's important to me! I
like it here and wouldn't trade it for anything. And if you don't know what "You ain't
from around here, are you?" means, then you ain't from around here! Where you writing
from, boy? Los Angeles?

Professor Vonroach wrote:

> Let's see, Marzo - You're a newcomer that doesn't care about politics
> or what the RR Commissioner does, right? Yet, you definitely want
> someone from around "here" (?) to be RR Commissioner, right?
> The obvious question is _WHY?_ since you are a newcomer who is not
> interested. Sounds to me like you are a democrat hack assigned to
> criticize George W. Bush, and say anything in order to do so.
> Maybe you should bone up a little on Texas government and Texas oil
> production - the mess that once existed and the organized system of
> production allotments that now exist. Sorry kiddo but you will have to
> go back to the early decades of the 20th century to get the picture.
> And don't be confused by the name "RR Commission".
> And the next time you set out to introduce a little democrat bias, do
> your homework first. If your "here" is Ft. Worth, few have any
> remaining trust in Ft. Worthless Jim Wright and his gang.

Professor Vonroach

Mar 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/18/00
On Fri, 17 Mar 2000 18:33:14 -0600, A D Marzo <> wrote:

>As y'all say, I ain't from around here. Only been in DFW about 10 years and don't
>care about the politics or what the RR Commissioner does. One thing I do know is
>that I would definitely want someone from around here to be the RR Commissioner.
>I'm wondering about the brother that Georgie put in. His commercials said he worked
>for the Gipper and Georgie's daddy. Is he from around here or just some hack that's
>hangin' on?

Joseph W. Roberts

Mar 18, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/18/00
You do realize, of course, that two Reform Party members are running for
the Texas Railroad Commission. There is a third way...


Professor Vonroach

Mar 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/19/00
On Sat, 18 Mar 2000 07:31:03 -0600, A D Marzo <> wrote:

Let's see Marzo, you are a transplanted New Jerseyite commenting on
the Texas RR Commission about which you admit knowing nothing beyond
you want somebody from around some uncertain place named "here"
chosen. You believe Christ is a politician and are scared by Bradley.

I think you are being disingenuous in your denial of democrat
activism. I will agree with you on one point the dumb, inept Bradley
scares me too with his socialist-communist ideas.
But the Clinton/Algore/Hilliary trio of bald faced liars also scare
me. They are the three stooges of politics.

Professor Vonroach

Mar 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/19/00
On Sat, 18 Mar 2000 15:28:38 -0600, (Joseph
W. Roberts) wrote:

>You do realize, of course, that two Reform Party members are running for
>the Texas Railroad Commission. There is a third way...

Joe - there is something about an entrepreneur insider who has made
millions off of government contracts, posing as a reformer _ Ross
Perot. Stir in McCain, Commerce Committee Chairman, and Buchanan,
veteran Washington lobbyist, dirty tricks flack, and media personality
and you have the basic Washington DC insiders "IRON TRIANGLE"
Did all these sinners get religion at the same time? Ross Perot - you
know he is a big government contractor?
McCain - you know he was one of the Keating Five? Buchanan - you know
he was a star witness in the Watergate cover-up hearings when he
worked for Richard Nixon?
What odd reformers. Even Ventura with a career of senseless violence
behind him can't swallow that political stew.

David Pollard

Mar 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/19/00
In article <8aq6lr$6fl$>, wrote:
> Gasoline Prices and the Texas Railroad Commission
> With prices projected to possibly hit $2 a gallon this summer,
> Flores Perez proposes that "supply and demand" should be tackled by
the Texas Railroad Commission for the benefit of all consumers.

If you're serious about changing Texas Energy policy, vote for the
two Green Party candidates that have filed for the RR Commission
positions: Charlie Mauch and Gary Dugger.

David Pollard
Arlington, TX

A D Marzo

Mar 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/19/00
Lets see VonRoachclip, you are a die-hard Texas republican that is very
strong in your convictions. That's a good quality. I don't care to
analyze you, but I'm interested in the opinion of everyone, that's how I
expand my own scope. Somehow I knew that you would twist the "Christ"
thing and I admit it's an interesting approach. Yes, I confess to all
the sins you've listed, but I am satisfied with myself in that, although
I am a Democrat, I realize that there are some great Republicans out
there doing one hell of a job. Also realize that there are some outlaws
on both sides. You mentioned Nixon in your previous post. When that was
all going down, I was a pretty die-hard Dem, somewhat like you are now on
the Repub side. Although I wanted him out, I really couldn't blame him
(or his crew) for the incident. Stuff like that has been going on
forever and it didn't stop there! Seems from your posts that you may be
one of those types that feel the Dems, and anyone else that opposes you,
are the enemy. Try opening up a bit, it'll do your mind well. And the
TX RR Commissioner thing? Sorry, I still think local issues, whatever
the importance, need to be handled by a local person. Hillary in NY
State? I don't know her but I feel that the New Yorkers are crazy for
allowing her to get this far. Maybe it's the choice between Hillary and
Adolph Giulliani (-er I mean Rudolf). Can she be a reverse
carpetbagger? Where is she going? Maybe for a piece of that fabulous
government official's pension. Probably net her about $130K per annum
after two terms. And how can you speak of the Three Political Stooges
without a mention of Ross ;-) ?

Professor Vonroach

Mar 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/19/00

Did I omit Perot? Perot - McCain - Buchanan - Ventura could be more
aptly described as the Marx Bros. of politics.

New Jersey was the most politically corrupt state that I've ever
visited, so I can appreciate that you have no understanding of Texas
and it's government. This leads me to wonder why you exploit the RR
Commission to attempt a little democrat indoctrination.

The "Adolph" reference is right out of the swamp snake Carville's play
book. I'm not sure what a `reverse carpet bagger' is (though I know
what `is' is). Hilliary has achieved this title in both Arkansas and
New York. At least she has thus far prevented any other democrat scum
from NY from the race.

Why do I feel, actually _know_ is a better term, that the democrats
are my enemy. Why it is because Franklin D. Roosevelt brought us his
`new deal' in 1933, exploiting class envy and hate politics to
introduce socialist bureaucratic central government which has been
nibbling on the U. S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights ever since.
He and his followers are the party of TAX, SPEND, STEAL, START WARS -
I don't approve of any of those government perversions.

Woodard R. Springstube

Mar 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/19/00
Green party!!!! No way!!!! If they had their way, we would have $3 gas
with a $7 tax on top of that, so that we would have to give up our cars and
all ride Crap Metro. No way! I didn't have a vehicle for three years. It
got old taking 45 min. to an hour to get to my Doctor's office. Ditto for
the dentist. I can drive to either one in 10 minutes--15 if traffic is bad.
Of course, none of us have anything better to do than to go downtown to
change busses.

As for Perot's "Reform Party," nobody there could pass a freshman economics
course, much less come up with any sort of economic policy worth

Finally, the Nadirite call (for price controls, likely) is bogus. Price
ceilings either have no effect if the market price is below the ceiling
price, or they cause shortages and black markets. Any freshman economics
student knows that.

David Pollard <> wrote in message


Mar 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/19/00

"Woodard R. Springstube" wrote:

> Green party!!!! No way!!!! If they had their way, we would have $3 gas
> with a $7 tax on top of that, so that we would have to give up our cars and
> all ride Crap Metro. No way! I didn't have a vehicle for three years. It
> got old taking 45 min. to an hour to get to my Doctor's office. Ditto for
> the dentist. I can drive to either one in 10 minutes--15 if traffic is bad.
> Of course, none of us have anything better to do than to go downtown to
> change busses.
> As for Perot's "Reform Party," nobody there could pass a freshman economics
> course, much less come up with any sort of economic policy worth
> implementing.

Yes, I think it is rather funny for the Reform Party to be talking about
lowering gas prices. If I remember correctly Ross ran on a platform
that called for a fifty per cent or a fifty cent tax on gasoline I forget.


Joseph W. Roberts

Mar 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/19/00
In article <8b41pe$t00$>, "Woodard R. Springstube"
<> wrote:

> As for Perot's "Reform Party," nobody there could pass a freshman economics
> course, much less come up with any sort of economic policy worth
> implementing.

a) the Reform Party is NOT "Perot's"

b) I guess that Pat Choate could probably pass the economics classes he
TEACHES as a professor of economics. I passed one or two myself.

I have to admit, however, that your rhetoric kind of has a nice Ventura/WWF
charm about it. Are you sure that you are not a disgruntled Gargan
supporter in disguise?


Joseph W. Roberts

Mar 19, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/19/00
In article <>, Jackdaw <> wrote:

> Yes, I think it is rather funny for the Reform Party to be talking about
> lowering gas prices. If I remember correctly Ross ran on a platform
> that called for a fifty per cent or a fifty cent tax on gasoline I forget.

Once again, listen carefully: THE REFORM PARTY IS NOT A PEROT CULT. I did
not vote for Perot in '92 or '96, and I am happily a Reform Party member
who thinks he should announce once and for all that he is NOT running.

And I seriously doubt, in any case, that Perot would have received 19% of
the popular vote in the U.S. with such an exorbitant gas tax.


Professor Vonroach

Mar 20, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/20/00
On Sun, 19 Mar 2000 20:59:24 -0600, Jackdaw <> wrote:

>"Woodard R. Springstube" wrote:
>> Green party!!!! No way!!!! If they had their way, we would have $3 gas
>> with a $7 tax on top of that, so that we would have to give up our cars and
>> all ride Crap Metro. No way! I didn't have a vehicle for three years. It
>> got old taking 45 min. to an hour to get to my Doctor's office. Ditto for
>> the dentist. I can drive to either one in 10 minutes--15 if traffic is bad.
>> Of course, none of us have anything better to do than to go downtown to
>> change busses.

>> As for Perot's "Reform Party," nobody there could pass a freshman economics
>> course, much less come up with any sort of economic policy worth
>> implementing.

>Yes, I think it is rather funny for the Reform Party to be talking about
>lowering gas prices. If I remember correctly Ross ran on a platform
>that called for a fifty per cent or a fifty cent tax on gasoline I forget.

Rossy is from Texarkana - too close to Arkansas for a deeply held
Texas point of view.


Mar 21, 2000, 3:00:00 AM3/21/00
First, the RR commision has nothing to do with the price of gas.

Second, since the price of gas is set by supply and demand, lowering
the taxes would lower prices, increase demand, and ultimately raise
prices to the same or higher level. Then the our all ready shitty
roads would fall apart faster because the federal gas tax for road
projects went away.

This is the kind of bullshit tax break Brush loves, 4.3 cents a gallon
for a tax for public services. Less than a buck a fill up for most
folk. If you fill up once or twice a week, you might save $50 bucks.
How much will your life change for $50 bucks. Will you be able to move
to a better house? buy a new car? take the family out to dinner?

This is the crap he serves up for most of us. Then Bush says to his
soft money cronies, "Hell you guys don't have to pay taxes on
(whatever your big bidness is) in TX." They save billions each year .

When Bush lowered property taxes in Texas last year, I had to pay
about 35% more in Property Tax. The city of Dallas and the school
districts who get that money weren't about to lose that revenue so
they reassested my property higher. I don't need more help from a
moron llike Bush like that.

Think things through and you'll realize that gas prices will come down
when either supply increases or demand decreases. Want to make gas
prices come down all by yourself? Buy less gas. Ride a bike. Carpool.
Of course no real Texan would ever consider this solution, so we'll
just have to wait around till the next time OPEC falls apart and the
members stop following their quotas...

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