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Ask Psychbabe

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Linda Muniz

Aug 5, 1996, 7:00:00 AM8/5/96
to All, who, need, psychological, support

Are you single, divorced, in a bad relationship or just needing some
advice on life issues and problems?
Please send me e-mail with your question(s).

Linda Muniz

Aug 5, 1996, 7:00:00 AM8/5/96
to All, who, need, psychological, support

Linda Muniz

Aug 5, 1996, 7:00:00 AM8/5/96


Aug 5, 1996, 7:00:00 AM8/5/96

On 5 Aug 1996 08:54:17 GMT, Linda Muniz <> wrote:
>Are you single, divorced, in a bad relationship or just needing some
>advice on life issues and problems?

No, are you?

jamie (email via

"There's a seeker born every minute."

Stuart McDow

Aug 5, 1996, 7:00:00 AM8/5/96

Linda Muniz <> writes:
> Please send me e-mail with your question(s).

OK, here's my question:

What's the capital of North Dakota?

Stuart McDow Applied Research Laboratories The University of Texas at Austin

Jim O'Quinn

Aug 5, 1996, 7:00:00 AM8/5/96

Linda Muniz wrote:
> Are you single, divorced, in a bad relationship or just needing some
> advice on life issues and problems?

Er, ah, you see all started about
seven years ago at my great grandmothers
house. My cousin, well, he was older
than us kids, you know, older. He wanted
us to come down by the river, 'cuz he had
something to show us... Us kids, we're not
that dumb, everyone knew about my cousin. Ever
since he got that big cut on his face from that
"accident" with the other fella... My cousin
tried to take him down to the river too and
thats when it happened, but first, do you charge
by the hour or can I get a package deal?


> Please send me e-mail with your question(s).

> Thanks!
> Psychbabe

Jim O'Quinn See Code
General UNIX Nerd See Code Run Run Code Run Run Damn It, Run

Clayton Colwell

Aug 6, 1996, 7:00:00 AM8/6/96

Linda Muniz ( wrote:
: Are you single, divorced, in a bad relationship or just needing some
: advice on life issues and problems?
: Please send me e-mail with your question(s).

Um, OK...why?

Clay Colwell "Geek love is strong. Geek love rocks!"
(aka StealthSmurf) -- seen in a Doonesbury strip

Bruce Ryder

Aug 6, 1996, 7:00:00 AM8/6/96
to (Stuart McDow) wrote:

>Linda Muniz <> writes:
>> Please send me e-mail with your question(s).
>OK, here's my question:
>What's the capital of North Dakota?

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Where are my socks disappearing to?

Stuart McDow

Aug 6, 1996, 7:00:00 AM8/6/96

What color will my next motorcycle be?

Jamie Shorey

Aug 7, 1996, 7:00:00 AM8/7/96

Stuart McDow wrote:
> Linda Muniz <> writes:
> >
> > Please send me e-mail with your question(s).
> OK, here's my question:

Your question says to me that you are repressing your true nature. By
denying that you are in fact from Bismark you are repressing a pivotal
human need to have a feeling of belonging in a culture. By giving
yourself roots you are able to establish a foundation on which you can
effectively judge the moral implications of your actions and their
affect on those around you. Or perhaps you were taught geography in
Texas public schools as well.

> What's the capital of North Dakota?

Rob Turk

Aug 7, 1996, 7:00:00 AM8/7/96

Linda Muniz wrote:
> Are you single, divorced, in a bad relationship or just needing some
> advice on life issues and problems?
> Please send me e-mail with your question(s).

I've got to know if the villain with the moustache actually
took my stilletto and left the rose, or if it was the cleaning lady
with the cleft chin that took it.

> Thanks!
> Psychbabe

No, thank you!

Rob Turk <> Always Un-Officially Speaking
Web Work <>
Laugh at your problems; everybody else does.

Scott H. Sexton

Aug 7, 1996, 7:00:00 AM8/7/96

Bruce Ryder <> wrote in article

> (Stuart McDow) wrote:
> >Linda Muniz <> writes:
> >>

> >> Please send me e-mail with your question(s).
> >

> >OK, here's my question:
> >

> >What's the capital of North Dakota?

> What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

European or African???

Scott Sexton
Sexton Consulting

ordinary mind

Aug 7, 1996, 7:00:00 AM8/7/96

Bruce Ryder wrote:
> (Stuart McDow) wrote:
> >Linda Muniz <> writes:
> >>
> >> Please send me e-mail with your question(s).
> >
> >OK, here's my question:
> >
> >What's the capital of North Dakota?
> What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
> Where are my socks disappearing to?

This morning I was awakened by an angel, who informed me that
in the night a meteorite carrying microbials from Mars had fallen
into a vein of amethyst crystals in Llano. The crystals exploded
upsetting the harmonic balances at Enchanted Rock which control my
astrological sign, Gemini. Unfortunately, one of the twins making up my
identity went into psychogenic fugue, leaving no trace of who I am. I
can't even recall who I work for so that I can call in sick. Fortunately,
the other twin of my identity was left intact and so I have some memory
of my social life during leisure hours. This part of me has been urging
me to dress in drag and pinch the butts of drunken UT fraternity boys on
6th Street. This is my question: Is homosexual froterism illegal? If so
am I doing it because of karma accrued in a past life? With all of this
life's memories in fugue I am beginning to remember a lifetime in which I
was a little rotund Jewish cafeteria worker. I was pissed at my husband
because he refused to buy me sup hose when the pair I had on at work
developed a run. Do you think my desire to fondle fraternity men had
anything to do with my past life serving in the cafeteria at the
University of Munich and my desire to get even with my cheapskate

-Francis Sisco

Don Read

Aug 8, 1996, 7:00:00 AM8/8/96

In the beginning, or at least on 6 Aug 1996 15:20:38 GMT, Bruce Ryder
<> proclaimed ...

> (Stuart McDow) wrote:
>>Linda Muniz <> writes:
>>> Please send me e-mail with your question(s).
>>OK, here's my question:
>>What's the capital of North Dakota?
>What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

African or European ?

Besides, where does all the white go when the snow melts ?

Don Read
EDP Manager
Calcasieu Lumber Co. Austin TX
will sysadmin for food ...

Rick Shank

Aug 8, 1996, 7:00:00 AM8/8/96

In article <>, <> wrote:
>In the beginning, or at least on 6 Aug 1996 15:20:38 GMT, Bruce Ryder
><> proclaimed ...
>> (Stuart McDow) wrote:
>>>Linda Muniz <> writes:
>>>> Please send me e-mail with your question(s).
>>>OK, here's my question:
>>>What's the capital of North Dakota?
>>What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
>African or European ?
>Besides, where does all the white go when the snow melts ?

Finally, a question *I* can answer. The white goes into the clouds silly. ;^)






filler......... cause our regular newsreader is broke and we have the retarded
one now which won't let you post if you have less lines than
what you're responding to.

Disclaimer: Not only are these NOT necessarily the opinions of the great company
I work for - AMD, they may not even be the opinions of this author. If you are
smart, you will take this post as the scribblings of a madman and ignore it.
"I know NUSSING, absolutely nussing." Sgt. Schultz

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