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Kudos to McDonalds

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Dec 22, 2000, 6:28:15 PM12/22/00
In this time and place filled with unprofessional and uncaring
restaurant managers, I have to speak of someone I am very proud of.
This morning I found myself at the Parmer/Metric McDonalds parking lot
waiting for someone to show up to complete a newsgroup trade. Once
finished I figured it was a good time to eat something so I went inside
to get a quick and cheap lunch. After I ordered, I noticed a customer
arguing with the store manager who had earlier taken his order. He had
apparently given the lady $20 for his meal and she only gave him change
back, not change + $10. Naturally he only noticed this after he
finished eating and while on his way out the door. She couldn't
remember the moment to be sure, so she said she would close her drawer
and run back for 10 minutes and count to figure out if the drawer was
$10 over for the morning. He was very uninterested in waiting so they
started exchanging numbers when the lady finally suggested that he take
$10 with him. He didn't like this idea because it probably made him
feel like a thief since there really was no proof either way. I
overheard the lady manager specifically tell the man that she would much
rather risk losing $10 than losing a customer. He took the cash and
still didn't seem very happy; I don't know why. Personally, I am very
proud that I got to see this, especially from a McDonalds manager whom
you might expect to be young, inexperienced and not giving a care about
just one customer.

Kudos to you McDonalds. I wish some of the 'finer' restaurants around
the area were as responsive to customers.


David RL Gartner

Dec 22, 2000, 6:37:02 PM12/22/00

Terry <> wrote in message

great story. thanks for sharing!

i however, will not visit Mickey Dee's, as they seem to still be
advertising for the Dr. Laura show. (this is OT, dusty, and might be
spam.... ).


Dec 23, 2000, 3:56:08 AM12/23/00
The Parmer/Metric McD's score the highest marks on the news health
inspection rating a while back too, in the upper 90's I think.
That one runs a tight ship :)

"Terry" <> wrote in message


Dec 23, 2000, 11:37:19 AM12/23/00
You are lucky! The McDonald's over here in Pville is absolutely horrible.
The person taking the order gets it right, then the person who hands us the
order has no clue what he is doing. Our ice cream cones are barely over the
cup, and their flurries are not even filled to the top. Get this. About a
month ago my husband and I ordered 2 ice cream cones. We get to the window
and the girl hands us our cones. Her manager walks up behind her and asks
us "Is that your order". We said yes, she says "Are you sure?". The girl
tried to tell her manager it was, but the manager put her hand over her
mouth and told her to be quiet. I never understood what the heck went on

"Terry" <> wrote in message

Steve Wertz

Dec 23, 2000, 12:06:59 PM12/23/00

This has happened to me when I wored at Burger King. The guy came back after
leaving the store and said I had only given him coins after a ~$3.00 purchase
made with a $10. I called over the manager and she counted my drawer in about
three minutes and decided my drawer was over by about that much and gave him
his ~$6. He was patient, and could tell appreciated the honesty (obviously
I wasn't trying to rip him off if I called the manager).

On the darker side, I was at Burger King yesterday (Lamar and Rutland) afetr
hitting Taj Grocer. My purchase came to $4.34 and I gave the clerk $4.50.
She was staring at the two quarters shuffling them around the counter with
her fingers then put the money in the drawer. I thought she just went into
a zone or something. Then she starts counting out 16 pennies. I looked in
the drawer and there were plenty of nickles and dimes in there. I told
her to forget the pennies, I didn't want them. The manager (also mexican-
american) spotted this and comes over and gives her a breif coin lesson in
spanish, taking money out of the drawer and showing her how much it was.
He did about 6 rounds of example transactions, then closed the drawer; I
still didn't get my $.16.

Everyone who works there is mexican, and the manager speaks to every
one in spanish. I wondered what would happen if I applied for a job

On the way out a perfectly capable white guy asks me for some spare change,
I just shook my head. He responded "I hope you enjoyed your FOOD", and I
pointed to the sign on the door: "Help Wanted".


Logan Shaw

Dec 24, 2000, 12:40:59 AM12/24/00
In article <>,

JennH <> wrote:
>and the girl hands us our cones. Her manager walks up behind her and asks
>us "Is that your order". We said yes, she says "Are you sure?". The girl
>tried to tell her manager it was, but the manager put her hand over her
>mouth and told her to be quiet. I never understood what the heck went on

This reminds me of when I went to the Quizno's on 183, sort of near
Braker. I ordered some sort of sandwich and the woman who worked
there started to prepare it exactly as I ordered. Then, the owner
walked up and asked her if that was I had ordered. She said it
was, but he differed and said I had ordered something else. Then,
she said that, no, I had ordered what she was making (which was
true). Eventually, he convinced her to make the sandwich I didn't
order, all the while berating her for not knowing what she was
doing and not listening to the customers. (Looking back, I
definitely should have told the guy to stop being an idiot and to
stop treating his employees like dirt, but at the time I didn't.)

Anyway, what is the point? The point is that sometimes people
are focused on other things besides just getting the orders
right. They are involved in their own little mixed up world
about which a whole Dilbert-like comic strip could be written...

- Logan, who's thankful he hasn't had to work fast food in a while...

David RL Gartner

Dec 24, 2000, 2:10:56 AM12/24/00

Logan Shaw <> wrote in message

> This reminds me of when I went to the Quizno's on 183, sort of near
> Braker. I ordered some sort of sandwich and the woman who worked
> there started to prepare it exactly as I ordered. Then, the owner
> walked up and asked her if that was I had ordered. She said it
> was, but he differed and said I had ordered something else. Then,
> she said that, no, I had ordered what she was making (which was
> true). Eventually, he convinced her to make the sandwich I didn't
> order, all the while berating her for not knowing what she was
> doing and not listening to the customers. (Looking back, I
> definitely should have told the guy to stop being an idiot and to
> stop treating his employees like dirt, but at the time I didn't.)

ack! where's the rest of the story? i hope after the sammich was
remade (the wrong way), you looked the mgr str8 in the eye and said,
"that's not what i ordered," and had him remake it the way the woman
had it in the first place.


Dusty Rhodes

Dec 27, 2000, 6:19:12 PM12/27/00
"David RL Gartner" <> wrote in message

I totally agree. I was with him right up until the end, too. No reason to be
rude - if the guy has any chance of understanding at all, he'll feel stupid
enough on his own - but there's also no reason to eat something you don't
want just because the manager is a jerk. And when you can slam the guy hard,
defend the woman and get what you want, all the while being nice, you gotta
take your shot.




Dec 27, 2000, 6:57:07 PM12/27/00
Get this though. The manager of the store called us here at home yesterday.
He said to call him back at his home so he can resolve the situation! That
is the first time we have had any manager call us here and want to resolve
something, I was truly shocked.

"Logan Shaw" <> wrote in message

Steve Wertz

Dec 27, 2000, 11:37:39 PM12/27/00
JennH wrote:
> Get this though. The manager of the store called us here at home yesterday.
> He said to call him back at his home so he can resolve the situation! That
> is the first time we have had any manager call us here and want to resolve
> something, I was truly shocked.

Huh? How did the manager get your phone number (or even your name?)



Dec 28, 2000, 1:11:36 PM12/28/00
We inquired on McDonald's corporate site, saying we really wanted this

"Steve Wertz" <> wrote in message

Logan Shaw

Dec 29, 2000, 12:14:53 AM12/29/00
In article <QNu26.56636$>,

Dusty Rhodes <> wrote:
>I totally agree. I was with him right up until the end, too. No reason to be
>rude - if the guy has any chance of understanding at all, he'll feel stupid
>enough on his own - but there's also no reason to eat something you don't
>want just because the manager is a jerk. And when you can slam the guy hard,
>defend the woman and get what you want, all the while being nice, you gotta
>take your shot.

Actually, I don't remember what I ended up having, but I do remember
that it was something I liked pretty much just as well as whatever I
ordered. I agree though -- I should have said something, if not for
my sake then for the poor woman's sake. But I didn't, and that was
probably in 1997, so I don't really worry about it on a daily basis.

- Logan


Dec 29, 2000, 2:33:24 PM12/29/00
I have had the worst experience for drive up service at the Parmer/Metric
Macs than any other drive up in my life. I work near there and often we
have a group Macdonalds run. More often than not something is missing or
incorrect and we now have to sit at the drive-up window and count everything
in the bags and open the packages to make sure our order is correct
(including the request for no onions to which I am HIGHLY allergic--they
miss that frequently) and complete. Additionally I have had them refuse to
give me a tray to hold the drinks because they were out...I drive an older
car that does not have a half-dozen cup holders in it. I asked for some
sort of small box that I could set them in to hold them safely while I drive
but they stared at me blankly. I had to sit and re-arrange my purse and
briefcase and other items in the car until I could find a way to balance the
drinks on the way back to the office. Carrying the order in while balancing
bags and drinks and cases, etc. was challenging.

Then there was the time I noticed that the dot to dot puzzle on my
"placemat" (the "clean" sheet of paper that they put on the tray before they
lay your food on it) had been completed already, apparently by the previous
customer who used this tray for his plate. Charming.

I know, don't go there. Actually, I now go very rarely--probably better for
my arteries but harder on the daily lunch routine budget.

"JennH" <> wrote in message

Logan Shaw

Dec 30, 2000, 1:19:17 AM12/30/00
In article <8G536.43102$>,

ie <> wrote:
>I have had the worst experience for drive up service at the Parmer/Metric
>Macs than any other drive up in my life. I work near there and often we
>have a group Macdonalds run. More often than not something is missing or
>incorrect and we now have to sit at the drive-up window and count everything

It has been years, but the Taco Bell on Riverside Drive used to do this
kind of thing to me and my roommate all the time. The worst was when
we were headed out of town and stopped by there to grab something on
the way. They had messed up our order before (including once when we
were so mad we went back and made them re-make our order even though
they had already closed -- they LOVED doing that), but this time they
actually managed to mess up each and every item we both ordered.

We thought about whether they'd given us someone else's order, but when
we looked at it, we saw that this clearly was our order, just horribly
mangled. I think we got bean burritos instead of beef, hard tacos
instead of soft, the right number and sizes of beverages but the wrong
flavors, and they left out two items we ordered and gave us one other
item we didn't.

>I know, don't go there. Actually, I now go very rarely--probably better for
>my arteries but harder on the daily lunch routine budget.

If you work near Parmer and Metric, you should be able to get to
Backyard Burgers at Parmer and Mopac pretty easily. Much better food
than McDonald's, not far away, and probably not much more expensive if
it at all.

- Logan

Steve Wertz

Dec 30, 2000, 12:47:22 PM12/30/00
Logan Shaw wrote:

> If you work near Parmer and Metric, you should be able to get to
> Backyard Burgers at Parmer and Mopac pretty easily. Much better food
> than McDonald's, not far away, and probably not much more expensive if
> it at all.

They're 0 for 1 at getting my order correct. It was a tatsy burger,

Is Ryan's better then any of the other steak-buffet places (Golden
Corral, etc). I used to eat at one in Ohio, and it was
decent for buffet standards.


Lonnie D. Durham

Dec 30, 2000, 8:29:31 PM12/30/00

The Ryan's that I've eaten at in BMT is much better than the Golden Coral.
Pretty good food, fair price.

I've never seen a Ryan's in Austin or Houston, I would like to know if there
is a Ryan's in South or Central Austin.

In comparing Ryan's and Golden Coral, I think I would make my decision based
on convenience and service. The quality and price of both establishments are
pretty close.

Also, I would never recommend Furr's to *anyone* including Travid.


"Steve Wertz" <> wrote in message

Steve Wertz

Dec 30, 2000, 10:47:17 PM12/30/00
"Lonnie D. Durham" wrote:

> The Ryan's that I've eaten at in BMT is much better than the Golden Coral.
> Pretty good food, fair price.

Is that BMT as in "Bermont"?

> I've never seen a Ryan's in Austin or Houston, I would like to know if there
> is a Ryan's in South or Central Austin.

You gotta move northward, my man. It seems all the food (at least)
is up this way. For example, look at the Citysearch restaurant reviews
this week (Strip Mall Food) - there's nothing south of 38th street,
even though south austin is strip mall-junkie heaven.

Anyway, the Ryan's is across the street from the McDonals Originally
in question: Metric and Parmer. I seem to remember they were some sort
of employee-owned corporation with a religous (Morman?) backround.


Robert Myers

Dec 31, 2000, 11:44:18 AM12/31/00

"Steve Wertz" <> wrote in message

> "Lonnie D. Durham" wrote:
> > The Ryan's that I've eaten at in BMT is much better than the Golden
> > Pretty good food, fair price.
> Is that BMT as in "Bermont"?
> > I've never seen a Ryan's in Austin or Houston, I would like to know
if there
> > is a Ryan's in South or Central Austin.
> You gotta move northward, my man. It seems all the food (at least)
> is up this way. For example, look at the Citysearch restaurant
> this week (Strip Mall Food) - there's nothing south of 38th street,
> even though south austin is strip mall-junkie heaven.

That sounds like they don't give a F*K about South, not that there
aren't any.

The ones I can think of off the top of my head, in no particular order,
skipping national chains:
Tien Jin
El Reys (It's in a strip mall, but stands by itself. Does that count?)
Super Bowl
Hao Hao
Tres Amigos
China Bowl
La Salsa


Lonnie D. Durham

Jan 4, 2001, 10:23:54 PM1/4/01
Hi Steve,

W/ regards to your earlier question, "BMT," is Beaumont. 90 miles east of
Houston by the Louisianna border.

W/ regards to moving north of Austin, make me a job offer I can't refuse.


"Steve Wertz" <> wrote in message

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