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Raod Construction near Oltorf Street and Congress Avenue Restaurants

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James A. Cooley

Jun 19, 1996, 3:00:00 AM6/19/96

To all:

A friend of mine owns an excellent place to eat on Oltorf Street
(Texicalli Grille). Since the street work began at the corner of
Congress and Oltrof, his business took a sizable hit. I would guess that
everyone else in the area (Curras, Rosie's Tamale House, etc.) is also
seen lunches slow way down as folks are afraid to chance the traffic
around a construction site.

Anyhow, it is really not bad. I have found many alternate routes and was
amazed that the intersection work itself caused only a very minor delay.
So, if you are planning to avoid eating at any of these fine
establishments, I urge you to reconsider. The roadwork is not a problem
and the food makes the trip worth it.

I wanted to pass this along because prolonged road work can starve a
business that depends on easy access (like a restaurant). The seemingly
endless work on Barton Springs Road was pretty hard on the businesses
there. So, if you see construction cones in the road near a place you
like to eat at--drop in for lunch. They might really need the business!
The same goes for any other retail establishments.


Q & A Research "My employer loves my opinions.
11000 Applewood Drive I own the company."
Austin, TX 78758-4202
James A. Cooley, Owner "Big Government Sucks!"

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