Dojo tonight & Agile Austin sponsorship

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Ron Romero

May 17, 2012, 1:10:26 PM5/17/12
We've made the Code Dojo an official Agile Austin event.  This means we'll get better visibility and coffee sponsorship, plus Agile Austin's general support.

Also, we have a Dojo tonight.  Someone (me) forgot to announce it till today, but we'll still be having it. 

Here's the blurb:

The Dojo is tonight at Genuine Joe.

The All-New, Re-Imagined 
Agile Austin Coding Dojo

This Dojo is a place for various forms of programming practice, just as a martial arts dojo is a place for various forms of martial arts practices.  We will have a beginners kata for new coders, students, and managers who used to code; and a more advanced kata, if there's interest.  We also welcome all other forms of cooperative programming practice.  Solve a programming challenge, hack on an open source project, share some code you're working on, or just talk about programming stuff in a friendly, unstructured atmosphere.  The point is group practice of all sorts. 

The first meeting will be Thursday, May 17th at 6:30 - 9:30 pm.  We meet at Genuine Joe Coffeehouse, and we'll continue meeting on the third Thursday of each month. 

What: Austin Code Dojo
Where: Genuine Joe Coffeehouse, 2001 W. Anderson Lane, Austin, TX 78757
When: Thursday, May 17th, 6:30 - 9:30 pm

See you there,
Ron Romero

Matt Roberts

May 17, 2012, 1:28:19 PM5/17/12
Oh and Ron--feel free to open it up to food as well as coffee. A reasonable budget should be around $100, but we can talk further if this presents a problem. 

All the best,

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