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Picton Road Upgrade

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Feb 3, 2024, 4:28:13 PM2/3/24
to Aussie Highways
The Review of Environmental Factors (REF) is now on display for the 
The main take from this is that the Hume Mwy / Picton Rd interchange will be upgraded to a diverging diamond interchange
Hero Image - Picton Road upgrade Diverging Diamond interchange.jpg


Feb 4, 2024, 3:48:16 PM2/4/24
to Aussie Highways
Very interesting choice to have a diverging diamond here of all places. The other NSW one will be at the dreaded DFO roundabout.

I like this, it's a very clean and huge road upgrade. The only issue is that if they don't upgrade the Hume Hwy and Menangle Road, and build a Picton Bypass, this is only going to move the bad traffic further up the roads. There's so many huge new developments being built down south west that the infrustructure needs to be ready for it.

Jason Kumar

Feb 4, 2024, 7:20:57 PM2/4/24
They will need a 3rd lane soon on the Hume Mty between Narellen and Picton Rds. That section gets a fair bit of traffic at most times of the day.

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Feb 4, 2024, 9:02:00 PM2/4/24
to Aussie Highways
Agree and was just going to mention this. Eventually they will plan. It's a fairly long stretch as well. 


Feb 4, 2024, 9:04:40 PM2/4/24
to Aussie Highways
IIRC from last time I was up that way, there's no exit from the Hume between Narellen and Picton?

With the housing development south of Narellen Road, I'm surprised they haven't added at least one more exit in there somewhere. A lot of traffic would have to go do some serious backtracking around there.

Michael Mak

Feb 4, 2024, 9:36:21 PM2/4/24
The Spring Farm Parkway off ramp is being constructed and eventually it will link up with Camden Bypass.

Sent from my iPhone

On 5 Feb 2024, at 13:04, MisterMarcus <> wrote:

IIRC from last time I was up that way, there's no exit from the Hume between Narellen and Picton?


Feb 5, 2024, 5:22:10 AM2/5/24
to Aussie Highways
I think the money spent upgrading the motorway would be much better spent upgrading the rail line [SHL] in despair. The traffic won't magically dissolve if it remains the only viable way between the Southern Highlands and Sydney.
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