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Best Signs in Australia?

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Adrian Biankin

Jun 16, 2021, 6:04:18 AM6/16/21
to Aussie Highways
What do you guys think are the best signs in Australia? As in the best graphics and has advance directions.

Pacific Highway at Wyoming


Jun 17, 2021, 8:01:10 AM6/17/21
to Aussie Highways
Here's a list of what I think are the best:
  • The A1 sign near the Victorian border 
  • All the new borderless signs between Jervis Bay to Bega
  •  A couple of A39 Newell Highway signs
  • This sign located on the Sturt Highway in SA
  • This one in the NT looks nice, but it's missing the C24 marker
  • This highly graphical one at the B30 junction with A1

Paul Rands

Jun 19, 2021, 12:08:49 AM6/19/21

New South Wales apart from most of the pap churned out during the 90s. Followed by WA, Tas, Vic, SA, ACT, QLD and NT

Paul Rands
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Jun 20, 2021, 5:42:25 AM6/20/21
to Aussie Highways
I sort of half agree and disagree with you there. Here's what I think:
NSW, Tas, WA, SA, Vic, NT, ACT, JBT, Christmas Island (based on images), and Qld.

Surely tiny Jervis Bay Territory even having terrible signs, could be better than ACT.

Paul Rands

Jun 20, 2021, 10:01:08 AM6/20/21

JBT is administered by the ACT, so the same designers and manufacturers that do the ACT signs do the JBT stuff.


Jun 20, 2021, 11:25:13 PM6/20/21
to Aussie Highways
it explains why the JBT signs look massive. (and the terrible "Shops" sign  is definitely an ACT design where in reality it should be "Shop" as there's only one shop :) )

Kay Blythman

Jan 6, 2024, 1:02:12 AM1/6/24
to Aussie Highways
I had an idea to make this thread and turns out it already exists. - A complement to the "Worst Signs in Australia" thread; what are the best signs in the country?

My nomination: some of the newly installed exit signs along the M1 (Monash/Princes Freeway) in Victoria are really clean and well-designed. And also, they are a nice shape, being sort of squarish.
Belgrave-Hallam Road: (also the fact that this and the above sign are located neatly on the same gantry - it's just all so neat)

There are more examples along the freeway but I remember these ones distinctly.


Jan 20, 2024, 6:10:42 AM1/20/24
to Aussie Highways
This ID sign at Roe Hwy/Gt Northern Hwy in WA is one of my faves. Very rare to see all 3 shield types together in a triplex like this. Looks very 'regal', & also helps that the sign is well made and up to standard.

(It's actually also wrong re: NR1 so probably shouldn't qualify...but oh well)
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