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Time of Mercy

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May 3, 2022, 3:39:16 AM5/3/22
Time of Mercy

Now is the time of mercy, for us to correct ourselves. The time for
judgement has not yet come. There is no need to despair.

Because of our human, pardonable, and more trivial sins, God has
established in the Church set times for requesting mercy. We have a
daily medicine in our saying "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our
debtors," so that we may share in the Body and Blood of Christ."
--St. Augustine--Sermon 17, 5

Prayer: O Lord, give us your Christ; let us know and see him--and rejoice.
--St. Augustine--Commentary on the Psalm 84, 9

3 May – Saint Stanislaw Kazimierczyk CRL
Also known as Louis Scholtis, Louis Soltys, Stanislas Kazimierz,
Stanislaw Kazimierczyk

(1433–1489) aged 55
Priest of the Canons Regular of the Lateran--Apostle of the Holy
Eucharist and of the poor, of Confession, famed Preacher, ascetic,

Stanisław Sołtys was born 27 September 1433 in Kraków to Maciej Sołtys
and Jadwiga. His parents had long wanted a child and he was born on
exactly the same date that the remains of Saint Stanisłaus (1030–
1079), Patron of Poland, were being moved. His parents were members of
the Brotherhood of the Blessed Sacrament.

He received his education from the Canons Regular of the Lateran at
their school, not far from his home, which was attached to their
convent and to the local parish church of the Corpus Christi, that the
order administered. He went onto receive doctorates in theological
studies and in his philosophical studies from the Jagiellonian
University in Kraków. He received a bachelor’s degree in 1451.

The successful completion of his studies in 1456 saw him enter the
Canons Regular of the Lateran and thus became a novice. He took the
religious name of Stanisław Kazimierczyk after the patron of Poland.

He was ordained as a priest in 1456 and was then named as the
vice-prior of the order despite being a new priest and not having
experience. He was also made the novice master in charge of new
candidates to the order. He dedicated himself to the care of the ill
and the poor and was noted for the deep devotion of the Holy Mass. He
developed a reputation for great spiritual insight as a confessor. It
was his allure as a preacher and confessor that saw people seek him
out to preach and hear their confessions. He preached in strong
defence of the doctrine of the Real Presence in the Eucharist against
the preachings of the Polish followers of John Wycliffe and Jan Hus.
It was due to this, that he gained the title “Apostle of the Blessed
Sacrament”. Saint John Cantius (1390-1473)--a colleague of his at the
Jagiellonian and a major scientist of the period, was a close friend
of his.

He slept little and often slept on the ground more as a penitential
act. On one occasion he went to visit the tomb of his patron when he
saw the Mother of God with the Infant Jesus in her arms, Saint
Stanisław and other saints were around her. He often delivered his
sermons in German as well as his native Polish. King John I Albert
once attributed an 8 September 1487 battle win against the Ottoman
Empire to him.

He died on 3 May 1489 and immediately was acclaimed a saint by all who
knew him and those to whom he ministered. He had fallen quite ill
during Lent and requested anointing. He put his hands on his
conferees’ heads to bless them and to bid them farewell and died with
his hands upraised to entrust his soul to God.

The faithful referred to him often as “Blessed” despite the fact that
he had not been beatified but was called this due to his great
reputation for personal holiness--in the 1500s this title was recorded
as being given. His remains were moved in 1632 after the priest Martin
Kłoczyński commissioned a splendid altar in his honour to house the
remains--a total of 176 purported miracles were reported to have taken
place in the first year since his death.

The Canons Regular of the Lateran made several requests to the pope to
seek beatification in 1773 but no cause was ever initiated. The
Cardinal Archbishop of Kraków Karol Józef Wojtyła (the future St Pope
John Paul II) asked the order, in 1971, to collect existing documents
and evidence on the life of the late priest and set up a historical
commission to aid them in this on 15 December 1972. The beatification
process launched under Pope John Paul II on 14 October 1986 and the
priest was titled as a Servant of God once the Congregation for the
Causes of Saints (CCS) issued the official nihil obstat to the cause.
St John Paul II both named him as Venerable upon the confirmation of
his heroic virtue and approved his longstanding “cultus” which allowed
for the pope to preside over the Beatification on 18 June 1993 as a
solemnisation of that “cultus”.

Pope Benedict XVI approved a miracle on 19 December 2009 and on 19
February 2010 confirmed the date for Canonisation. He Canonised him on
17 October 2010 in Saint Peter’s Square. Patronage--of Preachers.


“Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you for so long a time and you
still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father.
How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? …” -John 14:9

REFLECTION – “In the Church, I know of only one image, that is, the
image of the unseen God. God has said about this image, “Let us make
man [humankind] in our image.” Of this image it is written that Christ
is the “effulgence of the glory and impress of His hypostasis.” In
that image, I perceive the Father, as the Lord Jesus Himself has said,
“The one who has seen me has seen the Father.” For this image is not
separated from the Father, which indeed, has taught me the unity of
the Trinity, saying, “I and the Father are one” and again, “All things
whatever the Father has are mine.” [In this image, also perceive] the
Holy Spirit, seeing that the Spirit is Christ’s and has received of
Christ, as it is written, “He shall receive of mine and shall announce
it to you.”
– St Ambrose (340-397)(Sermon Against Auxentius, 32)

O Most Holy God

O most Holy God, I adore Thee, through the Adorable
Sacrament of the Altar, and I offer Thee, through the holy
hands of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, all the consecrated
Hosts on our Altars as a sacrifice of expiation, reparation,
and atonement for all the sacrileges, profanations,
impieties, blasphemies, and crimes committed against
Thee throughout the universe. - Amen.
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