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Transmitters for MW AM, Shortwave AM and VHF FM -

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Apr 4, 2010, 7:52:43 AM4/4/10

If you're after AM transmitters for your mediumwave AM broadcast
station, shortwave AM broadcast station
or to transmit a nice AM signal on 160 metres then this site has
equipment that's very affordable and just up your alley.

Follow the links on the page - they're located in Germany and the
prices are quoted in Euros.

(use google language translator from German to English)

Also - there's VHF transmitting apparatus for sale including

Mark Chapman Smith

Apr 4, 2010, 7:26:25 PM4/4/10
What is the verdict on these Doctor Petey, the price looks good, can we
get a 400 watter from them as a special order????

"LBP" <> wrote in message

Station X

Apr 4, 2010, 11:06:42 PM4/4/10
I'm suss. They look like Mos Fets for the FM stuff. But Valve for all
the MF / HF stuff. Valves will need replacing at some point and who's
to say they will be available when you need them.

I'm not convinced these guys are fully on the level. Be prepared to
send money and get nothing back!

No emails returned as of yet - but it is easter. So allowing for that.


Apr 5, 2010, 12:28:57 AM4/5/10
Also they're in Germany so it's a different time zone and language for
that matter.

The VHF FM mitters look quite nice but it's the mediumwave and
shortwave TX'ers that look rather interesting to me...

According to their site they will custom build to suite your frequency
and power level.

So for stations wanting transmitters for Shortwave HF Doms
2355, 2368.5, 3210, 5050 KHz

and Mediumwave AM NAS 1611 - 1701 KHz

It could be a solution for activating some of those dormant licenses.

And I imagine they could custom build a TX for VHF NAS 151.39375 to
152.49375 MHz
(and the associated VHF NAS bands - narrowband FM)

They also mention that they have spare parts such as valves for
customers who want back up parts supplies.

I get the feeling that their main market may be for off-book radio
activity - but never-the-less it's interesting apparatus..

Mark Chapman Smith

Apr 5, 2010, 3:59:17 PM4/5/10
I want a couple of NAS transmitters at the right price so I can go into
direct competition with some service providers I can clean up against, wots
wrong with valves Petey, they used to glow in a lovely fashion back in the
good old days, lots of people still use them in amps for a softer sound.

Keep us posted if anybody gets to communicate with these guys, 400 watts for
me please, how much, how long, can we get a reliable supply of parts etc

Marky, with a lovely soft glow.

"LBP" <> wrote in message


Apr 7, 2010, 4:04:06 AM4/7/10
The Philistine is impressed..

"Mark Chapman Smith" <> wrote in message

I do like the price of these, but I reckon I'd stick to RF Power or Fordray
or SRK Electronics for LPON transmitters - locally made to local
requirements. (Although for a ten watter, the one they got in a nice
rack-mountable unit is quite elegant). But for a MF-NAS the 100 Watter for
285 Euro (what's that, about $750?) - who cares if it is based on tube
technology. Well, I care, but when Fordray's AM50 is around $2000 for 50
watts, I'd go with the savings in buying and importing this beast of a
thing. Even the 30 Watt version would suffice for a NAS station in a
smaller country town like Kempsey where I have a 1620 kHz (which might soon
be for sale - enquiries welcome). Anyway, I'm bookmarking the page. Does
it say they can do VHF NAS frequencies as well? Yes the antennas are cheap,
but are they also nasty? I like my B13 or b46 from ZCG Scalar.

Still needing a new computer, but working towards it.


Station X

Apr 7, 2010, 6:38:55 AM4/7/10
Sorry every one - Mark hasn't been on his meds lately!

He's forgotten that valves burn out and need constant monitoring due
to their properties changing as they go through their life cycle! Oh
yes and get harder to source with everyday that passes!

atec7 7

Apr 7, 2010, 8:13:27 AM4/7/10
Pssstt mister you wanna buy a Russian postcard ?

on the back it has sources for 4cx5000 from the same man over there >>>


Apr 7, 2010, 11:46:43 AM4/7/10

Look radio peoples - there's a lot of second guessing and coming up
with answers that are largely based on pre-conceived mindsets going

From what I have read on the web site - these transmitters are made
really for the european free radio market - (i.e. pirate radio).
That's not to say that they're bad or don't work - their target is for
a market that is off-book and thus free from close scrutiny.

I have no problem with valves in transmitters and in fact valve
transmitters are usually quite resilient and allow for tuning up into
random wires and inverted Ls, Vs and loaded T antennas more easily
than no doubt a 50 Ohm transistorized rig.

There are still many people still using things like the Yaesu FT101B/E
and Kenwood 520S etc that are still working after 30 years.

If you look after valves then they should last for years.

Tune for maximum brightness and away you go !!

The other thing is they are jolly cheap and the mediumwave and
shortwave tx'ers are quite sexy beasts in their appearance.

The gang on top band 160 are all nuts over AM and valve mitters.

Check the conversion of the Euro to the Au Dollar -

The 30 watt mediumwave AM transmitter is

285.00 EUR = 410.243 AUD

The 100 watt mediumwave AM transmitter is

485.00 EUR = 698.000 AUD

If you are interested in finding out more and determining if this is
bona fide - contact the site direct

Email your enquiry to

Now I haven't contacted them yet - but I am maintaining an open mind
to this site and their equipment claims.

When you have a reply from Sender BAU please post your findings here..

For amateurs a 100% duty cycle AM TX for 160, 80 or 40 metres could be
an interesting consideration.

Mark Chapman Smith

Apr 7, 2010, 4:36:33 PM4/7/10
Petey these prices are good, I like valves, they are sooo "Broadcasting"
lets think about this, has anybody made contact yet.

your Valve Job guy

Station X

Apr 8, 2010, 8:23:16 AM4/8/10
Nothing heard - what a surprise!

Never in a million years will I ever recommend valve gear for any Mark
Smith cheapo installiations!

Get over it! They will need constant monitoring! Always did!


Apr 8, 2010, 9:27:37 AM4/8/10
Well my fine friends I contacted the site and must inform you that I
have heard back which is indeed positive
and I am considering getting something custom built - more for
experimental purposes than anything else.

So have faith and be polite and friendly and let them know what you
are specifically interested in and I am sure
you will hear back.

I believe the transmitter constructor does use valves for mediumwave
and shortwave mitters so if you're only interested
in solid state then you may be better contacting another supplier.

I have used valve transmitters in the past and I never had any
Really I wanted a TX for 12 V DC portable field use rather than 240V
AC operation - but I will be flexible with what is available
and work out some kind of compromise for my approach to it all.

Mark Chapman Smith

Apr 8, 2010, 3:34:32 PM4/8/10
Cheapo, which one would that be, why spend money you may never get back, if
something works I am for it, now surely these transmitters might be what we
all have been looking for, what aspect of the device needs constant
monitoring, it seems we need some more feedback from the techy brigade on
this one, plus if it does need a look at every now and then, we will do it
or get somebody on the ground at regional locations to keep an ear on it.

Paying thousands of dollars for a solid state NAS transmitter and antenna is
not a viable proposition as I don't believe the revenue return for the dodgy
frequencies and sound quality is all that flash, some ethnic or christian
thing with mindless followers who let a dipping into the collection plate
might afford their delusions, but a more main stream competitive format
certainly needs to be on the new digital, which is what the Government needs
to do now.

Surely getting one to test might be worth a shot Petey, anyway we have some
bigger fish to fry right now so lets not get sidetracked.

I wonder what Melbourne Brian thinks of valve transmitters, maybe if we
spell something rong he will pop out of his cage in the swingers room for a

"Station X" <> wrote in message

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Apr 8, 2010, 6:49:10 PM4/8/10
Now I do agree that we need a solution for inexpensive solid state
transmitters for mediumwave and shortwave AM operation.

Dave Martin of station WNKR has some very tasty designs

Here's a look at his 50 watt Commando mediumwave AM TX

Station X

Apr 9, 2010, 5:22:30 AM4/9/10
LBP they have not replied to me so i dunno.
I'm getting very sick of this bullshit! The next complaint will be the
service sounds like shit or something that indirectly relates to the
same fact.

I've posted the petey aproved brand. That isn't too costly and has the
power needed without breaking the bank and they are not valves. So no
issues down the road with sources drying up.

They are not ttested yet but have been very informative on the emails
and keen.


Apr 9, 2010, 6:07:28 AM4/9/10

Going off on a tangent ... Sydney TV's Channel 31 is going digital
about now.

Melbourne's C31 will also next month.

The federal government took forever before helping this to happen.

Can anyone now argue that community radio stations shouldn't embrace
digital radio?

Many of you techsperts argue for what SHOULD happen. Most of it never
will. There are far too many options.

Try to accept what can happen ... and is happening.

Digital radio is here. And it is more successful than even the
commercial beancounters predicted. It mightn't be the best system in
the world, but is not far short. It will take 25 years to kill it if
it turns out to be a dog.

Jump up on the bandwagon ... or you'll be punching in the dark.

(loving the hi-fi stereo)


Apr 9, 2010, 6:30:40 AM4/9/10
Hi Pete -

I think these are the ones which Station X reccomend and both brands
are quality and Aussie made.

Fordray Electronics 50 Watt AM transmitter

SRK is very nice equipment and of professional quality

Pete do you know the price on the 50 watter from Fordray

Station X

Apr 9, 2010, 7:58:32 AM4/9/10
2000 bucks for a 50 watter from fordray.

No it was

These will not break the bank and you will get 300 watts in a 2 RU
rack sized unit. I've not run one yet but I'm happy with what you get
for your money!

2000 bucks AUD for a Fordray 50 watter AM vs 300 watter from Et
Broadcast at 1800 Euro. What's that 2,600 AUD?

To me I'd pay that! Look at the difference in power for your money!!

I'm cautious in saying this as real AM Txers are 16,000 bucks. You
want every bit of realiablity you can get! That is my big point
against the valves designs! They need to be watched! They need
tweaking throught their life span as they burn out! Constant watching
and care isn't someone's thing on this NG! ;)

atec7 7

Apr 9, 2010, 9:44:46 AM4/9/10
and you think trannys don't need adjustments at full power ?

gimmie a valve for real power any day
( but then I am old enough to not know everything)


Apr 9, 2010, 5:58:53 PM4/9/10

Pete the transmitters from Cyprus based ET Broadcast are indeed
elegant and from what you say good value for money.

The 2 - 7 MHz Shortwave TX'ers looks very nice as do the Mediumwave
well, they all have the ET Broadcast signature look about them.

The ET Broadcast SW 50 would be very nice for my a.r. station on 80m
or maybe 40m (it would have to be tweeked to go up to 7.3 MHz)

The ET Broadcast SW300 300 watt Shortwave transmitter would be a good
unit for the HF Doms operating on 2355, 2368.5, 3210, 5050 KHz

Station X

Apr 9, 2010, 10:59:57 PM4/9/10
I'd agree they are a much more solid device for power and cop a lot
more nastiness from the aerial itself.

Not so flash on the power consumption for power out to the stick
though as most here would know.

Some people here however want to toss them in the back of farmer
Brown's tractor shed and never look at them again.

This scares me no end. I'm visualising Txers covered in thick red dust
and blocked vents. Sand blasted glass on the tubes. All equals less
time before it blows up or they need replacing.

Station X

Apr 9, 2010, 11:09:36 PM4/9/10
Yep everything is good from what I can see with them LBP. They aren't
the size of a bath tub for 300 watts. I'd say they are possible the E
class type - I've not asked the questions out right.

The thing to watch here is all these items are seemingly made for the
european pirate or off book market (i think that's your term). To me
that sets a little alarm bell off saying the audio might not be quite

That other Comando design looks very simple and scares me for when
trying to maximise the audio for your little service. I'm suspiscious
of them sounding like telephone. No the warmth of AM phatness.

Untill I've tested one I'm not going to push them any more. I could be
in for a shock they might sound like shit!

Message has been deleted


Apr 10, 2010, 7:34:21 PM4/10/10
Pete I am sure Dave Martin of Radio WNKR is very particular about his
audio quality -
but as you know these are for the UK pirate broadcast scene and
are (as I say) off-book from regulatory scrutiny.

Talking about pirate radio - every Sunday the MP3 podcast is available
from Pirates Week

Well worth downloading and listening to - deals mostly with the US
Shortwave activity
mostly centered around 6925 KHz

On another note, got myself a nice new Yaesu FT2800M VHF narrowband FM
transmitter/receiver yesterday, 5 - 65 watts output (5/10/25/65 W)
on 144-148 MHz and works beautifully as a VHF NAS receiver.

Great selectivity and full RX range 137 - 174 MHz.
The heatsink on this baby is amazing - using passive cooling.

Station X

Apr 10, 2010, 8:55:55 PM4/10/10
If you get one and find out it sounds like a telephone. Don't cry to
me. You were warned!

Yep that's right made for the pirate market. Where it will get siezed
when the authorities come for you. That means "disposable" to me. It
also equals cheap as possible so that would also mean not the most
regged design.

Don't think I'm bagging these blokes for a second. I'm pointing out
the dangers. I fully am of the beleif that a MF NAS Service engineered
"properly" can kick some but.

Most people have the typical first reaction to the mention of AM. But
if you have them over for a cuppa and the radio is on in the back
ground they at some point say that sounds alright for AM or they never
even notice. To have that chance you need to have everything right.

atec7 7

Apr 10, 2010, 9:43:27 PM4/10/10

I have to ask have you as worked as a bops op
or is your bias garnered elsewhere ?
valves tend to last a very long time


Apr 10, 2010, 9:53:14 PM4/10/10
Agree with you completely - if you're gonna do it above ground - do it
right, or as right as your budget & transmitter site allows.

Talking of which, Pete how are things going with the mediumwave
antenna designs for MF NAS
have you got a test 'tenna in the making..

STATION X guide to Mediumwave antenna solutions

Message has been deleted

Station X

Apr 11, 2010, 5:03:10 AM4/11/10

These guys are going goo goo over designs made for the European pirate
market. I'm trying to point out valves need a little care and
attention through their life. There is no argument from me about the
warmth, life span and robustness from a valve TXer. IF they are
installed in a proper place and looked after! The only down side is
the same reason they are getting pulled out by commercial operators
every where is parts and replacement valve costs! You would know this.
Maybe a little also with the effiency from the power consumed vs power

On the level of design. I'd question the audio spec of these imports.
There is a general idea that gear must be expendible for when the
authorities bust your door down for pirates. So it wouldn't be
engineered as an expensive item. There is a further understanding that
the sound of European pirates is VERY over cooked! There are presets
on various audio processors around that even imitate it.

There is the cost factor in a small operation. You might not think a
small station needs an expensive ac'ed TXer hut! But I've seen it
where the TXer has blown up and burnt half a house down! I don't think
you need to be told that a specific shed and an AC unit is cheaper
than rebuilding half a person's house!

Some people here just don't get it.

atec7 7

Apr 11, 2010, 7:24:43 AM4/11/10
The thing which makes me lean to valves is I trained on them , a decent
valve pa is clean and powerful although the cost of valves has risen
they are in general if well built very robust
In saying that I have only a Tl922 valve pa left here as I built several
mosfet pa's recently with good success and would expect them to work on
the bands easily from 160 metres up
Simple question to ask is operating freq which determines requirements
then power above or below several hundred watts
vhf is these days with good reason mosfet/modules and adapts easily to fm
As for the units mention I would have to see one on a test set for
analysis but I suspect dirty and marginal would come to mind as parts
alone for 500 watts on hf cost me a good anoumt $ au plus time and
assembly at no profit ( without contemplating am modulation)
Proper operation requires a slightly remote from the dwelling site as
the risk of rf and power problems precludes any other consideration
( wifes threat)
I wonder who will be first to try one of these pirate imports ?As for
"over cooked" much of that is from paying to little and running way to
much compression
A good mic and some filters and light compression does wonders without
pushing the pa to far

Anyone seen "the boat that rocked ?
Shame I sold the Henry last year as it would have made a great PA for

atec7 7

Apr 11, 2010, 7:57:45 AM4/11/10

Incidently this sort of thing wouldn't be xpensive to build

I know a bloke eqquiped to do so here in Brisbane with all the test
gear required

all it would take is a bribe and some parts

Station X

Apr 11, 2010, 9:05:36 AM4/11/10
Yep cool. What about getting these guys to put together a kit. For us
not so confident types! That's the part of this gig I'm over 100 %.
Chasing down shit!

Yep seen "The Boat That Rocked" - funny! But really thought it wasn't
accurate enough. Would have rather they sent Nat Geo in with Sean
Riley on World Toughest Fixes to fix up the mast etc. Or Mythbusters
to just start blowing shit up :)

Seriously, A full length doco would have been better money spent. I
know this a fairly widely shared opinion.


Apr 12, 2010, 5:50:25 AM4/12/10

Watch this youtube vid of the gun forts in the Thames Estuary (UK)
used to house
offshore pirate Mediumwave AM radio stations and still, to this day,
Redsands Radio
are still making use of these forts for occasional RSL (Restricted
Service License) MW AM broadcasts.

In July 2010 Redsands Radio will be conducting a RSL broadcast from
Whitstable Harbour on VHF FM.

Learn more by clicking this link

The RSL's for MW/AM only allow for 1 watt RF output into the antenna.

Learn more about the UK system of hobby broadcast radio - RSL
Restricted Service License

Max RF output on Mediumwave AM = 1 watt
Max RF output on VHF FM 300 mW to 25 watts depending on the population
density and transmitter/antenna location

The RSL license is usually only for 28 days duration and then it's
over. A max of 2 RSL's are permitted within a 12 month period.

Application fee UKP400 (AU$665)
And on top of that is about another UKP2000 (AU$3323)

and this gets you 28 days of very low power radio broadcasting in the

The frequency sub-band of 87.7-87.9 MHz (FM) has been reserved by
Ofcom for use
by short and long-term restricted services.

AM services are licensed on a frequency in the medium waveband. It is
policy that the following frequencies will be available for LRSL use:
1134 kHz, 1251
kHz, 1278 kHz, 1287 kHz, 1350 kHz, 1386 kHz, 1431 kHz and 1449 kHz.

Read the official document from ofcom

Now compare all of this to our MF NAS, VHF NAS and LPON license
options - thank goodness we haven't followed the UK path !!

atec7 7

Apr 12, 2010, 7:01:57 AM4/12/10
Station X wrote:
> Yep cool. What about getting these guys to put together a kit. For us
> not so confident types! That's the part of this gig I'm over 100 %.
> Chasing down shit!
The parts are not hard to get
the difficult bit is getting it assembled and tested

> Yep seen "The Boat That Rocked" - funny! But really thought it wasn't
> accurate enough.

I doubt it was meant to although some believe it "was" all beer and
skittles ( foolishly)

Would have rather they sent Nat Geo in with Sean
> Riley on World Toughest Fixes to fix up the mast etc. Or Mythbusters
> to just start blowing shit up :)
> Seriously, A full length doco would have been better money spent. I
> know this a fairly widely shared opinion.

Nah it was fun and some excellent music

contact me off list if you cant find the parts as my bloke is pure
assembly and very good at it , 4 or 5 inputting should make it worth his
while although it would need some discussion to encourage him and he is
not the only one able .

Station X

Apr 12, 2010, 7:07:32 PM4/12/10
Thanks Atec seriously appreciated!

You are right the movie was a good effort. But for us that would be
also laughing becuase there is no way a TXer will work totally
submersed in water! I 'd like to see a bio pic style or similar. Still
be entertaining. A bio pic of Radio Caroline as a person. Would be
nicer for us technical types!

Hey not something made by two ham operators with as much karisma as a
box. A few you tube videos on anything to do with aerials etc will
show what I mean.


Apr 13, 2010, 1:12:41 AM4/13/10
Hi Atec7 7 and Station X

Not all Hams are old codgers who never leave 160m (frankly I like 160m
but not licensed to use it!) -
there are some amateurs that are true experimentalists and some who
are more into the broadcast scene
than the amateur bands. But there is a lot of cross fertilization that
goes on too.

And Pete besides - you have your certificate of proficiency so there
you go -

Now off that topic and on to one where there's no license required...

download and stream and learn about what goes on in the U.S. on

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