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The Listener

Mar 30, 2006, 3:44:35 AM3/30/06
Australia's electronic media had some end of workday fun with the main
program carrying Optus satellite not being able to be found by their
control centre in Belrose, Sydney at 5:55pm EDT.

ABC regional stations in Vic and NSW I've heard are playing dead air,
while Macbank and smaller networks that rely on sat programming have
been forced to "shock, horror", go local. However, as seems to be the
case around S.E Qld (as I heard it about 15mins ago driving home), all
that means is some local automation.

What are the stations in your area doing to 'fill' the black hole of

My Optus cable TV which receives its programs from an Optus sat does
seem to be workin when I arrived home, so is all alright now?

The Listener

Wombat Lover

Mar 30, 2006, 6:58:32 AM3/30/06

2WG, 2RG, 7BU...all these stations that would normally be playing the same
thing, Are playing different music

2WG has a local presenter in tonight, But there seems to be a mix of AFL and
music on 558, so Im unsure if 7BU have reverted to footy tonight instead.
2RG, well Ive heard music, I'll see if there's a presenter

From Robert | Wombat Lover | Melbourne | |

Wombat Lover

Mar 30, 2006, 7:47:43 AM3/30/06
Righto, ACE stations in Victoria seem to be either with music, or AFL.

AFL stations tonight, included, 3HA, 3YB, 2AY and 3WM

Music stations were, 3SH, 3GV and 3CS

The Easy Listening stations (im comparing 1071 to 1467) are on different
music tonight, with an automated playlist and a definately pre recorded
message heard on 1467 Saying "Your on the Easy Mix, and we've got more of
those hits coming up straight after this"

7BU was playing Triple M footy tonight. While 7LA has been playing music,
reception isnt that good for 7AD or 7SD to be noted

2RG seems to be at the music still, just heard an ID "The Riverina and MIA's
2RG" then more music. Havent heard a presenter yet

2LF were pretty quick coming from ads into music, so Im guessing its

And, aren't 2RE supposed to be playing 2SM stuff? Definately got their own
thing happening there, no talkback, but more music, 2AD on 1143 is on the
2SM feed though....actually, they are in front of 2SM by 5secs

On The Wireless

Mar 30, 2006, 8:00:53 AM3/30/06
Apparently the Optus B1 satellite has shit itself...... so MRRW, Southern
Cross and other stations which send out network program via the bird are

"Wombat Lover" <> wrote in message

uncle henry

Mar 30, 2006, 8:16:29 AM3/30/06
more than just radio...

"On The Wireless" <> wrote in message

Wombat Lover

Mar 30, 2006, 8:23:00 AM3/30/06
Thats why Im putting my observations into this thread mate...Marcus said it
was screwed, and it seems to be screwed still

2AY seem to have been playing 3AW weather, and the Overnight program from
3AW. No 2UE content at all. Even 3AW ads, in full are being played to 2AY,
delay about 30seconds, but there's no local content in ads

The ABC station on NSW thats on 675, was dead air until midnight, now Tony
Delroy seems to be back on air

I forgot to mention, that 2TM was also playing its own automation tonight,
as most stations I've referred to tonight that are playing music...all seem
to be on their local automation

uncle henry

Mar 30, 2006, 8:43:39 AM3/30/06
Hi Wombat

the abc has some of it's services rolling through optus C1, i would say they
may have ditched some services to get the most important back on air via the
C1 serives.

as for 2AY, maybe taking a net stream?

"Wombat Lover" <> wrote in message


Wombat Lover

Mar 30, 2006, 9:05:55 AM3/30/06
Thanks uncle henry for that ABC info, all the major centres were all working
when I tuned in, But with 774 and 891 at AFL before 11:30pm ESDT, they might
not have noticed anything

2AY is a strange one, you wouldnt think its a webstream, but over an AM
radio playing a 10kbps stream would be a big difference from the satelitte
wouldnt it? It sounds better than the webstream, so I reckon its the 3AW
feed...probably being used for the first time in an overnight slot to a
regional station (unless someone corrects me on that)

They're still at it, and it would seem 2AY brekky presenter Steve Block will
be the first person to bring some local stuff onto 2AY in the morning


Mar 30, 2006, 9:23:34 AM3/30/06

"Wombat Lover" <> wrote in message

> Thanks uncle henry for that ABC info, all the major centres were all
> working
> when I tuned in, But with 774 and 891 at AFL before 11:30pm ESDT, they
> might
> not have noticed anything

I can tell you, they noticed!

The Listener

Mar 30, 2006, 10:22:04 AM3/30/06
I'm just home from dinner shortly before midnight (Qld time) and heard
some interesting radio on the quick flicks I had to the out of town
stations eg. Caralis stations all doing own thing, 2HD the network
originator after midnight is also heard on 2SM via a landline I guess
and Macbank stations seem to be on local automation with Sea Sunny
Coast seeming to be running the network log locally.

The fact that the Optus sat control centre at Belrose can't actually
talk to the satellite is a 'big deal'. As I understand it, satellites
(and these in particular) need periodic maintenance to keep them
exactly on orbit via remote commands from earth to the sat which has a
limited amount of 'fuel' on board to execute this periodic maintenance,
so therefore is used sparingly. If the sat can't be controlled from
earth, then there's a likely chance it will be lost from use. From
previous discussions, I've been told that the Optus B1 has exceeded its
expected lifespan and currently, much more capacity than the original
specs are being pushed through the sat. So it certainly has been a
handy workhorse for the region.

I could imagine the Fed gov will cop a bit of flak over this since
Optus acquired the old OTC which initiated this sat program. Unsure if
its warranted?

How are cap city TV stations outside of Syd/Mel coping, any probs?
Regional TV's, do they rely on the B1 sat? Have the TV stations
switched to relying 100% on microwave links? I know NBN's related
companies and SCB have their own microwave networks.

What are all the regional radio stations doing? Will 2UE send Laws out
on a landline for Friday's edition? Geez, I bet it's headache for SCS
tonight, all the best to them. What of the racing stations originating
from Brisbane for Qld, SA, NT, Sydney for NSW and Melbourne for

Robert brought up a great point, there are some ingenious stations
using the main SCB station internet audio streaming via a computer
soundcard output and plugging into their desk for on air product...
guess the community stations who do that for AW news were leading the
pack and they didn't even know it! ;)

As I said, only heard the radio about 1hr after it happened and then
again round midnight Bne time and heard 4MMM pumping Spoonman fine, but
B105 didn't have the 'Late Date Show', instead running a comedy team,
but guess that was planned (great to hear some new talent).

Those stations blissfully free of this crisis are again the quality
independents, with Hot Tomato and Hot 91 charging on as usual, then all
the Novas would be fine as is River 949. Interesting those to keep the
dream alive of all locally originated programs are rewarded by not
being affected by this outage.

What's everyone's experiences from the market you're reading this
newsgroup in? Get yourself a fake e-mail address and post your news!

The Listener

The Listener

Mar 30, 2006, 10:46:25 AM3/30/06
The Listener wrote:
> As I said, only heard the radio about 1hr after it happened and then
> again round midnight Bne time and heard 4MMM pumping Spoonman fine, but
> B105 didn't have the 'Late Date Show', instead running a comedy team,
> but guess that was planned (great to hear some new talent).

Oops, the late hour got me - Austereo don't make much use of satellites
to link their stations do they?

This is why I don't usually post late at night!

The Listener


Mar 30, 2006, 10:56:46 AM3/30/06
SKY in New Zealand (The Primary PayTV provider like Foxtel in aus) is
completely out nationwide!!

"The Listener" <> wrote in message

The Listener

Mar 30, 2006, 11:53:46 AM3/30/06
I wonder what "Should the satellite not return, we will have alternate
delivery methods" actually means in terms of other 'delivery methods'?

Grannies across Australia will be saved a heart attack by not missing
an episode of Laws as it seems he'll be on network stations.

After Friday, the big commercial programs over the weekend that other
capitals and regionals will be sweating on is the Continuous Call team
for league and Rex Hunt for AFL, but seems they'll be on one way or

The Listener

Below (as at time of my post) is from:

Programming & Services
Service Interruptions

All Programs

The Aging Optus B1 Satellite suffered an outage at 1755 30/3/06
(AEDST). At this stage, Optus can not give us an ETA for return of

Optus B1 carries the bulk of the Australia's radio network feeds
including the feeds from Southern Cross Syndication. As a result our
audio and data services are not available at this time.

Southern Cross Syndication has plans for such an unexpected outage, and
have already commenced rolling out our emergency delivery systems.
Should the satellite not return, we will have alternate delivery
methods for many of our services ready for breakfast.

While our staff work to implement these plans we will keep stations
informed via our web site.

This site will be updated as information comes to hand. We ask that
stations that check this site regularly and only call the control room
if the information they need is not there, thus keeping our lines free
for the most urgent needs.

Should you need to contact us the only number to call is (02) 9930


Mar 30, 2006, 4:08:07 PM3/30/06
she's back!


Mar 30, 2006, 6:15:14 PM3/30/06

"The Listener" <> wrote in message

Foxtel/Optus/Austar TV use Optus C1.

Optus B1's main job is Sky TV NZ which was out until 8AM NZ time today. It
also provides radio & tv feeds around Aus. It is well past it's useby date.
The replacement satellite - Optus D1 - was originally scheduled to be
launched late last year, then early this year, but it doesn't appear on
world wide launch schedules anywhere, so who knows? Optus are now saying mid

Optus B1's primary guidance system failed early last year, & it's been
operating on it's backup ever since. Optus at Belrose were performing a
routine orbital positional adjustment last night & lost contact. When they
regained contact, they had to adjust the position so that the beams were
pointing correctly (i.e. the bird was in the right spot in the sky, but
wasn't quite facing the right way). To perform this manauvre, they needed
full charge from the solar panels. Whoops - full solar eclipse last night!
They had to wait until they had full charge to complete the adjustment.


The Listener

Mar 30, 2006, 7:06:33 PM3/30/06

matt wrote:
> she's back!

Great, that local automation was sounding a real cop out anyway.

Congrats to the hard workers employed at the Optus sat control centre
in Belrose. I don't think many of you would realise what 'smart'
Australians they are. They are an extremely clever bunch of people
doing some very advanced tasks (not only in satellites) as daily work.

The Listener

The Listener

Mar 30, 2006, 7:08:15 PM3/30/06
Final update from:

Programming & Services
Service Interruptions

Services on Optus B1 have been restored at 0717 31/3/06 (AEDST)
following an outage which distrupted all programs.

Stations should now resume taking network programming via satellite. If
audio does not appear on the satellite, please power cycle the receiver
by removing the power cable for 20 seconds.

We are continuing to monitor the situation and request all network
stations remain checking this website for updates, and any further
outage details. If you have any questions please contact Network
Control on (02) 9930-9853.


Mar 30, 2006, 8:17:55 PM3/30/06
Last night 2CA also had music intead of AFL.
I wonder if it was Optus B1 going belly up or wheather they ditched all
relays of 3AW AFL???

"Wombat Lover" <> wrote in message



Mar 30, 2006, 8:18:34 PM3/30/06


"Justin" <> wrote in message


Mar 30, 2006, 10:59:57 PM3/30/06
apparently the satellite didn't correct it's position and was facing
the wrong way.I heard this on 4RO just as it was fading,re-explanation
of programming dificulties the previous night,


Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Mar 31, 2006, 8:25:33 AM3/31/06
That would explain 2CC's version of Stuart Bocking's
show...webstream...whoever the panel op was did a fantastic job
though...there were a couple bits of 2UE ads here and there, but
overall it was a great job under what must have been difficult

Ray, from the people I've spoken with at 2CA, they are supposed to be
running AFL...although I forgot to check if they had the Bulldogs V
Tigers match or not. I'll keep an ear on it this afternoon.


Wombat Lover

Mar 31, 2006, 8:51:44 AM3/31/06
Friday morning, Jon Faine spoke about this subject on ABC Melbourne

I've whacked the audio on the front page of Surf Net Victoria, it's
basically an interview that touches on what happened with Jon talking to a
tech person in New Zealand


Mar 31, 2006, 8:28:41 PM3/31/06
last night 2CA had their MMM "rip off" Cold 40 countdown from about 1967
instead of AFL!
Yes I would be interested if they take it this afternoon. It seems that
there are only two old things from the old 2CA in the new 2CA, The live
Jukebox Saturday Night and AFL!!! Everything else at 2CA has changed.
Their ID is also a rip off, "the old stuff you love and new stuff you like",
Bass Radio in Tasmania had it on air before 2CA. Unfortunatley the format
is now also a rip off.
Even their themed at 9am is a rip off, other stations were doing it long
before 2CA. 2CA used to do things first, hasn't the new program manager got
anything fresh instead of pinching it from other stations? As I said in a
earlier post the changes caused me to switch off!!!
No wonder Robbo jumped ship, BJ was the first, I wonder if Gregg Easton,
Thomas McCoy, Glen Paul and the Doug Mulley will also leave because of the
"Samuel Gordon-Stewart" <> wrote in message


Mar 31, 2006, 10:18:38 PM3/31/06

"Wombat Lover" <> wrote in message

> Friday morning, Jon Faine spoke about this subject on ABC Melbourne
> I've whacked the audio on the front page of Surf Net Victoria, it's
> basically an interview that touches on what happened with Jon talking to a
> tech person in New Zealand

I think it's safe to say John Faine isn't exactly tech savvy. As far as he's
concerned, Optus = mobile phones.

Glenn Hampson

Mar 31, 2006, 10:53:17 PM3/31/06
Everything on radio is borrowed or rehashed with different names 2CA arent
friggin Crusoe in doing that
"Ray" <> wrote in message

Samuel Gordon-Stewart

Mar 31, 2006, 11:36:26 PM3/31/06
Ray wrote:
> Samuel,
> last night 2CA had their MMM "rip off" Cold 40 countdown from about 1967
> instead of AFL!
> Yes I would be interested if they take it this afternoon. It seems that
> there are only two old things from the old 2CA in the new 2CA, The live
> Jukebox Saturday Night and AFL!!! Everything else at 2CA has changed.
> Their ID is also a rip off, "the old stuff you love and new stuff you like",
> Bass Radio in Tasmania had it on air before 2CA. Unfortunatley the format
> is now also a rip off.
> Even their themed at 9am is a rip off, other stations were doing it long
> before 2CA. 2CA used to do things first, hasn't the new program manager got
> anything fresh instead of pinching it from other stations? As I said in a
> earlier post the changes caused me to switch off!!!
> No wonder Robbo jumped ship, BJ was the first, I wonder if Gregg Easton,
> Thomas McCoy, Glen Paul and the Doug Mulley will also leave because of the
> change?

Unfortunately 2CA are reminding me of Mix 106.3, which is a very odd
move on 2CA's behalf as nobody who listens to an FM music station is
going to switch to an AM music station...even if it is in stereo. The
format itself works, just not on 2CA. Mind you, if 2CA win the next
ratings survey...or even have an increase, I'll eat my hat and write
them a letter saying that they were right and I was wrong.

I loved 2CA in 1999, will that 2CA ever return?


Radio Girl

Apr 3, 2006, 5:18:16 AM4/3/06
2CA win the next survey???!!!**@!!!!.

Sammy, what are you smoking dude?

Mind you, it would be a major achievement for them if they ever get
above a 5. I don't know how they get by on their current pathetic

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