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2d Collisions Gizmo Answers Key Pdf

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Arline Masullo

Nov 28, 2023, 7:14:46 PM11/28/23
How to Use the 2D Collisions Gizmo to Learn Physics Concepts
If you are looking for a fun and interactive way to learn about physics concepts such as momentum, energy, and elasticity, you might want to try the 2D Collisions Gizmo from ExploreLearning. This online simulation lets you investigate elastic collisions in two dimensions using two frictionless pucks. You can change the mass, velocity, and initial position of each puck and observe how they bounce off each other. You can also measure the speed, kinetic energy, and momentum of each puck before and after the collision.

2d collisions gizmo answers key pdf

In this article, we will show you how to use the 2D Collisions Gizmo to answer some common questions about collisions and physics. You will need a computer with internet access and a free account on to access the Gizmo.

What is an elastic collision?
An elastic collision is a type of collision where the total kinetic energy and the total momentum of the colliding objects are conserved. This means that no energy is lost or gained during the collision, and the objects bounce off each other without any deformation or damage. Elastic collisions are idealized scenarios that rarely happen in real life, but they are useful for studying physics principles.

How do I set up the 2D Collisions Gizmo?
To set up the 2D Collisions Gizmo, follow these steps:

Go to and log in with your ExploreLearning account.
Click on Launch Gizmo to open the simulation window.
You will see two pucks on a square grid. The red puck is labeled A and the blue puck is labeled B. You can drag them to any position on the grid.
On the right side of the window, you will see four tabs: Introduction, Collision Lab, Data Table, and Graphs. Click on Collision Lab to access the controls for the simulation.
Under Collision Lab, you will see sliders for Mass A, Mass B, Velocity A x, Velocity A y, Velocity B x, and Velocity B y. You can use these sliders to adjust the mass and velocity of each puck along the x-axis (horizontal) and y-axis (vertical).
You can also click on Show values to see the numerical values of each parameter.
Underneath the sliders, you will see checkboxes for Show trails, Show vectors, Show center of mass, Show kinetic energy bar graph, Show momentum bar graph, and Show speedometer. You can check or uncheck these options to display or hide different features on the simulation window.
To start the simulation, click on Play. To pause or resume the simulation, click on Pause. To reset the simulation, click on Reset.

How do I answer questions using the 2D Collisions Gizmo?
To answer questions using the 2D Collisions Gizmo, you need to use the Data Table and Graphs tabs to collect and analyze data from the simulation. Here are some examples of questions you can answer using the Gizmo:

Question 1: How does mass affect momentum?
Momentum is a vector quantity that depends on both mass and velocity. The formula for momentum is p = mv, where p is momentum, m is mass, and v is velocity. To answer this question, you need to compare the momentum of two pucks with different masses but equal velocities before and after a collision.

To do this, follow these steps:

Set up the simulation with Mass A = 1 kg, Mass B = 2 kg, Velocity A x = 5 m/s, Velocity A y = 0 m/s, Velocity B x = -5 m/s, Velocity B y = 0 m/s. This means that both pucks have equal speeds but opposite directions along the x-axis.
Click on Data Table to open a table that records the speed, kinetic energy, and momentum of each puck at different times.

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