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The Evil That Men Do II

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Peter Jason

Feb 16, 2024, 4:35:20 PM2/16/24
Notifications are in over Victorian Land Tax.

It's gone up 40% from last year within the same bracket.
This is economic disaster of the first magnitude, and now we know
who's paying for all those roadworks! And for the Vic Covid Debt
repayment plan.
Well, I guess all the tenants are gonna pay eventually.
What's to be done?

Rod Speed

Feb 16, 2024, 4:51:25 PM2/16/24
Peter Jason <> wrote

> Notifications are in over Victorian Land Tax.

> It's gone up 40% from last year within the same bracket.

> This is economic disaster of the first magnitude, andnow we know who's
> paying for all those roadworks! And for the Vic Covid Debt repayment
> plan.

> Well, I guess all the tenants are gonna pay eventually.

> What's to be done?

You need to set fire to yourself in the steps of
Spring St after notifying the media of the event.

Borax Man

Feb 17, 2024, 6:40:57 PM2/17/24
Well, you can switch out of property and invest in something else?
Then the tenanant can buy the house instead.

Property Investors are the whiniest most entitled people in Australia.
The poor dears, having to pay tax on an asset that appreciated in
value rapidly (due to tax payers). They've seen massive gains in the
value of their assets, sell, then invest in something else.

Rod Speed

Feb 17, 2024, 7:25:40 PM2/17/24
Borax Man <> wrote
> Peter Jason <> wrote

>> Notifications are in over Victorian Land Tax.

>> It's gone up 40% from last year within the same bracket.

>> This is economic disaster of the first magnitude, and now we know
>> who's paying for all those roadworks! And for the Vic Covid Debt
>> repayment plan.

>> Well, I guess all the tenants are gonna pay eventually.

>> What's to be done?

> Well, you can switch out of property and invest in something else?

> Then the tenanant can buy the house instead.

If the tenant could be the house, they wouldnt be a tenant, stupid.

> Property Investors are the whiniest most entitled people in Australia.

Even sillier and more pig ignorant than you usually manage and that's
saying something.

Its renters that are that.

> The poor dears, having to pay tax on an asset that appreciated in
> value rapidly (due to tax payers).

Due to the stupid immigration rate, actually.

> They've seen massive gains in the value of theirassets, sell, then
> invest in something else.

You are too stupid to have done that yourself.
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