Borax Man <> wrote
> Peter Jason <> wrote
>> Notifications are in over Victorian Land Tax.
>> It's gone up 40% from last year within the same bracket.
>> This is economic disaster of the first magnitude, and now we know
>> who's paying for all those roadworks! And for the Vic Covid Debt
>> repayment plan.
>> Well, I guess all the tenants are gonna pay eventually.
>> What's to be done?
> Well, you can switch out of property and invest in something else?
> Then the tenanant can buy the house instead.
If the tenant could be the house, they wouldnt be a tenant, stupid.
> Property Investors are the whiniest most entitled people in Australia.
Even sillier and more pig ignorant than you usually manage and that's
saying something.
Its renters that are that.
> The poor dears, having to pay tax on an asset that appreciated in
> value rapidly (due to tax payers).
Due to the stupid immigration rate, actually.
> They've seen massive gains in the value of theirassets, sell, then
> invest in something else.
You are too stupid to have done that yourself.