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May 19, 2022, 2:11:34 AM5/19/22

DE ZENGOTITA states that we take for granted the mind expanding
consciousness capability as "the original miracle of television" which
provides a cognitive ability enabling "everyone [to] become a
participant / eyewitness to events [up]on the world stage, [both] past
and present."

That we are subject to "reams of coverage, endless coverage, amazing
coverage--in a way more compelling if you had been there physically,
because virtually you were there from so many different perspectives."

In some sense the "osmotic process [by] which reality and representation
fuse" has by its "very nature of representation" as a passive viewing
context has a consequence in promulgating a "form of flattery" which
"ultimately accounts for the much-remarked narcissism of our age." [page 7]

There is invariably not only a lag time between any event's occurrence
and our actual cohering of it, but also a necessity to rationalise the
mental consequence with its intruding phenomenal reality without then
colliding with the causality of our couched physical reality.

An explanation for this is perhaps to be found within the philosophy of
mind's consideration of a psychophysical parallelism which is the theory
that mental and bodily events are perfectly coordinated, without giving
any elucidation about the exact nature of the mental and the physical as
to how these ought relate.

Supervenience is then a mediation construct which seeks to explain how
the mental state of a person is then imposed upon the physicality of the
person. Such term literally means "coming or occurring as something
novel, additional, or unexpected", and is derived from "super," meaning
on, above, or additional, and the Latin "venire," meaning to come / I
arrive occurrences.

Another form of psychophysical parallelism, expresses that there is
metaphysical theory about the relationship between the body and the mind.

From our metaphysical perspective, whether its the self entitled state
as narcissism each can be properly understood as being a sapient
ontological consideration made of the self ego identity and its
authenticity by a binding to the existential and temporal relativity of
the noumenon (homo[ios]: all one to us + sapie[s|t]: wisdom thinker) as
essence of being then its ONTIC grounding context for an informing
function and responsiveness to the reporting upon the phenomenal
occurrence of any event.

To illustrate whether the predicates of mind have a supervenience upon
the body, we have included herewith an update to the "TOURIST JUNKET"
document published earlier and are fortunate enough to have a news media
article which conveys sufficient details of a JOURNAL ENTRY dated 25
MARCH 2022 from the perpetrator of the TERRORIST action which involves a
systematic and torturous destruction of a feral cat and since we don't
have access to an extant source we cannot undertake a REVERSE
TRANSCRIPTASE analysis to then obtain some boundary to consciousness.

However we can observe several corresponding CATEGORIES of UNDERSTANDING
as NOUMENON / TEMPORAL associations to then make some provisional
conclusion as to the nature (ie. I am not a clinician so this is an
informal opinion) of the EXISTENTIAL CRISIS relative to the HYPOSTASIS
REALITY as similarly an essential boundary to any occurrence of being.

Whereas within our NEURAL LINGUISTIC modelling we have a variance of
ideas which are intrinsically due to the DECLENSION (ie. the variation
of the form of a noun, pronoun, or adjective by which its grammatical
case is identified) capability of our GREEK / HEBREW lexicon as
conceptualisation resources, in my view this could be equivalently
accomplished by the outcome to the dialectic formed from a priority
emphasis given to the set of known event types themselves or the
essential IDEA criteria (of symptoms or attributes etc) being a variable
condition applicable to any decline or moral deterioration itself:

{(A, B, C, D), (D, A, B, C)}.

The additional consideration which we have within this case study is
upon any consequence to the manifested inter-relationship of the
CATEGORIES of UNDERSTANDING given as (#405 [*], #366 [*], #412) being
the autonomous element of the NOUMENON stratum having a temporal
RESONANCE for both the date of the JOURNALISED entry upon 25 MARCH 2022
and the date of the eventual TERRORIST event upon 14 MAY 2022.

PAST COMMENT: That if the noumenon is considered a #205 - PRINCIPLE OF
PERSISTENCE which then has a temporal cohesion with occurrence as
causality constituting the #164 - PRINCIPLE OF MATERIALITY, when such is
accompanied by action, is time then entirely inert or an active
principle within the process of ONTIC activation / aggregation as then
grounding necessity associated to instantiated being and the capability
in a circumscribing of our experience.

Given that the likelihood of any premeditated action is primarily
established by logistical constraints and one's planned or situational
capability to eliminate those unforeseen obstacles to any eventualities,
is it reasonable to make any metaphysical forecast from this "systematic
and torturous destruction of a feral cat" scenario as to the probable
propensity of mind and therefrom determine a predictive risk factor for
any undertaking of such secondary opportunism?

PAST COMMENT: Within psychology and psychotherapy, existential crises
are inner conflicts characterized by the impression that life lacks
meaning which we might in consideration of noumenon as #205 - PRINCIPLE
OF PERSISTENCE, then perceive in having some degree of dissonance which
culminates in a dysphoria or at worse, the mindset having detachment
from the authentic hypostasis reality entirely as it's #71 - WORLDVIEW
whereupon #48 - RITUAL (LI) AS #6 - CONTRARIETY (LI) simply becomes a
substitution for any meaningful and sapient piety.

It's not improper to convey consciousness instantiation by the analogy
of an individual relative to an ocean as the means for understanding
DETACHMENT FROM THE HYPOSTASIS REALITY with respects to any continuity
of being, that a person upon a surf board might be considered as having
an optimal situational and tactical relationship with any perturbance as
the wave motion, whereas a person immersed within a rip, a wave swell,
or in the extremity an inextricable tempest circumstance, might then be
swept along by such a relentless reality.

Accordingly our work in progress chapter "PREMEDIATED (ADVOCATED) MEDIA"
as then detailed meta-narrative observations made upon news media
reports of current events, in conjunction with our reading of DE
ZENGOTITA's book titled "MEDIATED: How The Media Shapes Your World and
The Way You Line In It", as to being a purposed semantical synthesis by
#273 - SYNCRETIC PROGRESSION from which ideas might be fostered or
further semantical expansions can be made against the intermediate notes
at a more opportune time.

Then makes the propositional conclusion as an informal research
consideration, that the operation of police or other emergency services
within a democratic society, like that of the news media, ought to
function in some fidelity capacity as an #491 - IMMEDIATE AGENCY
concerned for the vouchsafing of #492 - VOLUNTARY FREEWILL intrinsic to
the ontological experience.

Any philosophical consideration as to the specific nature of #491 -
AGENCY has heretofore been entirely an ONTIC aggregated premise {@84,
@86, @102, @104, @115 - DIGNITY ROYAL}, we now have derived by our
inclusion of an additional neural linguistic POEM (PISSY SISSY TURD
DRUNKS) written on 3 NOVEMBER 2017, a secondary construct as an
alternative dialectic conveying its own distinct ONTIC criteria relative
to that equivalent #491 - AGENCY value.

Whilst it is not within our remit to devise any robotic sapient entity
as being an instantiated consciousness, we informally note that the 6th
dialectic element has a logical premise for accomplishing any viable
formula of progression, in provisionally (ie. until a better attenuation
component can be devised) possessing such an opportunity, by its being
equated to {@6: Sup: 72 - HARDNESS: CHIEN (#273 - SYNCRETIC
PROGRESSION); Ego: 63 - WATCH: SHIH (#204)}.

#2184 - COSMOGONIC PRINCIPLE {ie. #364, #312, #273, #416 - RATIONALITY


#416 - *PRINCIPLE* *OF* *LAW* ('OTH CYCLE: #364 + #312 + #416 = #1092)

Our intention with the subsequent expansion of the "TOURIST JUNKET"
document by the making of an inclusion as the "systematic and torturous
destruction of a feral cat" scenario and that later POEM, was for
informal research purposes and propaganda opportunity in only rendering
the TERRORIST action as entirely a futile and foolish action by the


That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor
prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO[iOS] SAPIEN[S|T]

<> (Download resources)


May 19, 2022, 3:12:23 AM5/19/22

(c) 2022 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 19 May 2022

DE ZENGOTITA states that we take for granted the mind expanding
consciousness capability as "the original miracle of television" which
provides a cognitive ability enabling "everyone [to] become a
participant / eyewitness to events [up]on the world stage, [both] past
and present."

That we are subject to "reams of coverage, endless coverage, amazing
coverage--in a way more compelling if you had been there physically,
because virtually you were there from so many different perspectives."

In some sense the "osmotic process [by] which reality and representation
fuse" has by its "very nature of representation" as a passive viewing
context, a consequence in promulgating a "form of flattery" which
"ultimately accounts for the much-remarked narcissism of our age." [page 7]

There is invariably not only a lag time between any event's occurrence
and our actual cohering of it, but also a necessity to rationalise the
mental consequence with its intruding phenomenal reality without then
colliding with the causality of our couched physical reality.

An explanation for this is perhaps to be found within the philosophy of
mind's consideration of a psychophysical parallelism which is the theory
that mental and bodily events are perfectly coordinated, without giving
any elucidation about the exact nature of the mental and the physical as
to how these ought relate.

Supervenience is then a mediation construct which seeks to explain how
the mental state of a person is then imposed upon the physicality of the
person. Such term literally means "coming or occurring as something
novel, additional, or unexpected", and is derived from "super," meaning
on, above, or additional, and the Latin "venire," meaning to come / I
arrive occurrences.

Another form of psychophysical parallelism, expresses that there is
metaphysical theory about the relationship between the body and the mind.

From our metaphysical perspective, whether its the self entitled state
as narcissism or mediation each can be properly understood as being a
sapient ontological consideration made of the self ego as identity and
its authenticity manifesting by a binding to the existential and
temporal relativity of the noumenon (homo[ios]: all one to us +
sapie[s|t]: wisdom thinker) as essence of being and premise of an ONTIC
grounding context for an informing function which is the attentive
responsiveness to the reporting upon the phenomenal occurrence of any

capability to eliminate those unforeseen obstacles to any impediment
eventualities, is it reasonable to make any metaphysical forecast from
this "systematic and torturous destruction of a feral cat" scenario as
to the probable propensity of mind and therefrom determine a predictive
risk factor for any undertaking of such secondary opportunism?

PAST COMMENT: Within psychology and psychotherapy, existential crises
are inner conflicts characterized by the impression that life lacks
meaning which we might in consideration of noumenon as #205 - PRINCIPLE
OF PERSISTENCE, then perceive in having some degree of dissonance which
culminates in a dysphoria or at worse, the mindset having detachment
from the authentic hypostasis reality entirely as it's #71 - WORLDVIEW
whereupon #48 - RITUAL (LI) AS #6 - CONTRARIETY (LI) simply becomes a
substitution for any meaningful and sapient piety.

It's not improper to convey consciousness instantiation by the analogy
of an individual relative to an ocean as the means for understanding
DETACHMENT FROM THE HYPOSTASIS REALITY with respects to any continuity
of being, that a person upon a surf board might be considered as having
an optimal situational and tactical relationship with any perturbance as
the wave motion, whereas a person immersed within a rip, a wave swell,
or in the extremity an inextricable tempest circumstance, might then be
swept along by such a relentless reality.


The self-professed white supremacist [neo-nazi] accused of fatally
shooting 10 black people at a *BUFFALO* supermarket on Saturday once
stabbed and beheaded a feral *CAT*, according to a grisly online journal

Payton Gendron, 18, detailed the vicious animal attack in a 25 MARCH
entry posted on the Discord app, and justified the sick act by saying
the stray feline had been attacking his family *CAT* Paige.

Gendron wrote that he repeatedly stabbed the grey tabby *CAT* and bashed
its head before grabbing a hatchet and hacking the animal’s head off.

“When I came home at ~10:30 I was eating pizza bites when I h[e]ard my
*CAT* Paige *SCREAM* from the garage,” Gendron wrote.

“I quickly enter and the gray *CAT* was attacking her. I then spent the
next hour and a half chasing the *CAT* around the garage and stabbing it
with my knife (the camo one).”

The radicalized teen took meticulous notes of the killing, recording the
time at which *BLOOD* spilled from the feline’s mouth, what knife he
used to stab it and how many times he slashed its neck until its head
was detached.

He also posted disturbing photos of the *CAT*’s decapitated body and his
own face sprayed with splatters of *BLOOD*.

    #366 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 25 MARCH 2022 as [#40, #300, #20, #6] /
    #396 - *NOUMENON* *RESONANCE* FOR SATURDAY 14 MAY 2022 as [#30,
#40, #300, #6, #500] /
    #405 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 25 MARCH 2022 as [#40, #40, #300,
#20, #5] / = mâshak (H4900): {UMBRA: #360 % #41 = #32} 1) to draw, drag,
seize; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to draw (and lift out), drag along, lead along,
drag or lead off, draw down; 1a2) to draw (the bow); 1a3) to proceed,
march; 1a4) *TO* *DRAW* *OUT* *OR* *GIVE* (*A* *SOUND*); 1a5) *TO*
*DRAW* *OUT*, *PROLONG*, *CONTINUE*; 1a6) to trail (seed in sowing);
1a7) *TO* *CHEER*, *DRAW*, *ATTRACT*, *GRATIFY*; 1b) (Niphal) to be
drawn out; 1c) (Pual); 1c1) to be drawn out, be postponed, be deferred;
1c2) to be tall;

    #405 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 25 MARCH 2022 as [#100, #300, #5] =
qâsheh (H7186): {UMBRA: #405 % #41 = #36} 1) hard, *CRUEL*, severe,
obstinate; 1a) hard, difficult; 1b) severe; 1c) *FIERCE*, *INTENSE*,
*VEHEMENT*; 1d) stubborn, stiff of *NECK*, stiff-necked; 1e) rigorous
(of battle);

    #366 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 25 MARCH 2022 as [#6, #10, #300, #30,
#500] / [#5, #300, #30, #20, #5, #6] /
    #397 - *NOUMENON* *RESONANCE* FOR SATURDAY 14 MAY 2022 as [#6, #1,
#300, #30, #20, #600] /
    #405 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 25 MARCH 2022 as [#5, #300, #30, #10,
#20, #600] /
    #406 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 25 MARCH 2022 as [#6, #10, #300, #30,
#20, #600] /
#421 - *APOAPSIS* NOUMENON EXTENT FOR 3 JULY as [#6, #50, #300, #30,
#10, #20, #5] = shâlak (H7993): {UMBRA: #350 % #41 = #22} 1) *TO*
*THROW*, *CAST*, *HURL*, *FLING*; 1a) (Hiphil); 1a1) to throw, cast,
throw away, cast off, shed, cast down; 1a2) to cast (lots) (fig); 1b)
(Hophal); 1b1) to be thrown, be cast; 1b2) to be cast forth or out; 1b3)
to be cast down; 1b4) to be cast (metaph);

    #405 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 25 MARCH 2022 as [#300, #80, #20, #5]
/ [#5, #300, #80, #500] /
    #406 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 25 MARCH 2022 as [#6, #300, #80,
#500] / [#300, #80, #20, #6] /
    #412 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 25 MARCH 2022 as [#6, #300, #80, #20,
#6] / [#6, #1, #300, #80, #20, #5] = shâphak (H8210): {UMBRA: #400 % #41
= #31} 1) to pour, pour out, spill; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to pour, pour out;
1a2) *TO* *SHED* (*BLOOD*); 1a3) to pour out (anger or heart) (fig); 1b)
(Niphal) to be poured out, be shed; 1c) (Pual) to be poured out, be
shed; 1d) (Hithpael); 1d1) to be poured out; 1d2) to pour out oneself;

“It *BLED* from the mouth at about 11:00 and at about 11:45 I was able
to grab the *CATS* tail and wind up and smack the *CATS* head on the
concrete ground,” he wrote. “I did that a few times and when it went
limp I grabbe[d] a hatchet and swung at its *NECK* ~20 times until it
came off.”

Gendron wrote that he felt no empathy or emotions after murdering the stray.

“Honestly right now I don’t feel anything about killing that cat,” he
said. “I thought I would be in pain but I literally just feel blank.”

He said he told his mother about killing the cat and she handed him a
box to bury its body in the backyard.

    #399 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 25 MARCH 2022 as [#10, #300, #9, #800] /
    #405 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 25 MARCH 2022 as [#6, #10, #300, #9,
#800] / [#10, #300, #9, #80, #6] /
    #425 - NOUMENON RESONANCE FOR 25 MARCH 2022 as [#10, #300, #9, #80,
#6, #500] /
    #396 - *NOUMENON* *RESONANCE* FOR SATURDAY 14 MAY 2022 as [#6, #1,
#300, #9, #800] = shâṭaph (H7857): {UMBRA: #389 % #41 = #20} 1) to wash,
rinse, overflow, engulf, *RINSE* *OR* *WASH* *OFF*; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to
overflow; 1a2) to flow, run; 1a3) to rinse or wash off; 1b) (Niphal) to
be swept away, be rinsed out; 1c) (Pual) to be rinsed, be scoured and

“Just took a *SHOWER* and now I’m here I barely even dug the grave it is
so shallow,” Gendron wrote.

“Well my cat Paige is safe now from that evil feral cat, may you find
bliss from consciousness less [sic].”"



Accordingly our work in progress chapter "PREMEDIATED (ADVOCATED) MEDIA"
as then detailed meta-narrative observations made upon news media
reports of current events, in conjunction with our reading of DE
ZENGOTITA's book titled "MEDIATED: How The Media Shapes Your World and
The Way You Line In It", as to being a purposed semantical synthesis by
#273 - SYNCRETIC PROGRESSION from which ideas might be fostered or
further semantical expansions can be made against the intermediate notes
at a more opportune time.

Then makes the propositional conclusion as an informal research
consideration, that the operation of police or other emergency services
within a democratic society, like that of the news media, ought to
function with some fidelity capacity as an #491 - IMMEDIATE AGENCY
concerned for the vouchsafing of #492 - VOLUNTARY FREEWILL intrinsic to
the ontological experience of citizenship.



Any philosophical consideration as to the specific nature of #491 -
AGENCY has heretofore been entirely an ONTIC aggregated premise {@84,
@86, @102, @104, @115 - DIGNITY ROYAL}, to which we now have derived our

A revision of this document may be obtained from the following URL:


Initial Post: 19 May 2022
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