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Spree Shooter Protector Laura Ingraham Accuses The Free Market 'Plot to Silence Conservatives' in Return to Fox News Show - Says It's "A BIG CONSPIRACEEE!!!"

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Rich Keebler

Mar 6, 2021, 2:13:23 PM3/6/21
Pro spree shooter, anti-victims possible transgender, right wing Fox News
nut job says free market capitalist businesses who boycott her show are
violating her first amendment rights. I wonder how many autographed
Nikolas Cruz pictures she has in her office?

(It's usually the Trump lovers who take it in the ass)

Violent radical right wing pro-Trump Sinclair pundit resigns after
threatening Parkland survivor David Hogg on Twitter

He said he’d like to “ram a hot poker up” the student activist.

A commentator with the Sinclair Broadcasting Group has resigned after
sending a tweet about a Parkland teen survivor in March, in which he
threatened “to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s ass.”

Jamie Allman, a St. Louis–based conservative TV and radio host, tweeted,
“When we kick their ass they all like to claim we’re drunk. I’ve been
hanging out getting ready to ram a hot poker up David Hogg’s ass tomorrow.
Busy working. Preparing.” The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that the
context of the tweet was unclear.

The tweet was posted on March 26. But it was resurfaced by the Riverfront
Times and led to calls for advertising boycotts of his TV show on the
Sinclair-owned local ABC affiliate and his talk radio show last week. A
similar boycott effort took off against Fox News host Laura Ingraham after
she mocked Hogg for not getting into four colleges.

By Monday night, Allman had resigned from Sinclair, the Washington Post

“We have accepted Mr. Allman’s resignation, and his [TV] show has been
canceled,” Sinclair spokesperson Ronn Torossian told the Post.

On Tuesday morning, the Post reported that Allman also didn’t host his
radio show. The substitute host said Allman is “taking a couple of days

Allman’s Twitter account is now private.

Although largely a local media figure, Allman’s remarks drew national
attention both because of how out-of-line they were and because they
exemplified a broader pattern in conservative media of personally
attacking Hogg, Emma Gonzalez, and other survivors of the mass shooting at
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, which killed 17

Many conservatives have been critical of the Parkland survivors’ political
and policy beliefs, which isn’t too surprising given that the survivors
have called for gun control measures that conservatives are opposed to.
But some conservative figures, like Allman, have gone further than that —
attacking the kids in vicious and personal ways.

It’s not unusual for politics to get personal. But it’s particularly
glaring when prominent pundits and even lawmakers are going after
teenagers in such a personal way.

Allman isn’t the only conservative personally attacking the Parkland
Other examples of false, bizarre, and personal conservative attacks on the
Parkland survivors:

Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, the host of Infowars, has
pushed conspiracy theories that the March for Our Lives organizers are
“being funded” and “given scripts” — insinuating that they’re actors.
Conservative documentarian and noted troll Dinesh D’Souza tweeted in
February, “How interesting to hear students who can’t support themselves
for one day giving us lectures about American social policy.”
The campaign of Rep. Steve King (R-IA), who has a history of racism,
posted a meme on his Facebook page mocking March for Our Lives organizer
Gonzalez for her Cuban heritage. The meme stated, “This is how you look
when you claim Cuban heritage yet don’t speak Spanish and ignore the fact
that your ancestors fled the island when the dictatorship turned Cuba into
a prison camp, after removing all weapons from its citizens; hence their
right to self defense.”

On Twitter, conservative figures, including actor Adam Baldwin, have
shared fake images of Gonzalez tearing up the US Constitution. In the real
image, she was tearing up a gun target.
The conservative outlet Breitbart rounded up tweets that falsely suggested
Hogg performed a Nazi salute during the March for Our Lives in Washington,
Infowars’ Jones also put out a video of Hogg’s March for Our Lives speech
dubbed with an Adolf Hitler speech, and a separate video that depicted
Gonzalez as a member of the Hitler Youth.

Leslie Gibson, a Republican candidate for the Maine state House, called
Gonzalez a “skinhead lesbian” and Hogg a “moron” and a “baldfaced liar.”
The comments drew so much criticism that he dropped out of the race.
Rick Santorum, a former Republican senator from Pennsylvania, argued that
instead of advocating for gun control, Parkland survivors should take
personal responsibility for preventing deadly shooters — and learn CPR:
“How about kids instead of looking to someone else to solve their problem,
do something about maybe taking CPR classes or trying to deal with
situations that when there is a violent shooter that you can actually
respond to that.” Santorum later said he misspoke.
Several conservative outlets falsely suggested that Gonzalez admitted to
bullying the Parkland shooter. This is part of a broader victim-blaming
campaign: It has become a common talking point to insinuate that the
shooter only carried out the attack because he was socially isolated, so
students should have tried to befriend him to prevent the shooting. (A
Stoneman Douglas student wrote an op-ed in the New York Times in response
to the claim, detailing the time she tried to befriend the shooter to no
Fox News host Laura Ingraham on Twitter mocked Hogg for getting rejected
by four colleges. After Hogg called on advertisers to boycott her show,
Ingraham apologized. Companies from Hulu to Nestle have continued dropping
ads on her program anyway.
Frank Stallone, actor and brother of Sylvester Stallone, on Twitter called
Hogg a “pussy,” saying that he’s “getting a little too big for his
britches” and that “someone from his age group is dying to sucker punch
this rich little bitch.” Stallone also called Gonzalez “another headline
grabbing clown.” Stallone quickly deleted the tweets and later apologized
for his remarks.
Ted Nugent, NRA board member and rock musician, called the Parkland
survivors “liars,” “poor, mushy-brained children,” and “soulless” during
an interview on The Joe Pags Show in March. “These poor children — I’m
afraid to say and it hurts me to say this, but the evidence is irrefutable
— they have no soul,” Nugent said. Nugent later stood by his comments.
Allman’s comment, then, isn’t a one-off incident of a conservative
attacking one of the Parkland survivors. It’s part of a broader character
assassination campaign against these students.

Lions Growl of Butchers Foul

Mar 6, 2021, 4:39:22 PM3/6/21
On Sunday, March 7, 2021 at 6:13:23 AM UTC+11, Rich Keebler wrote:
> Pro spree shooter, anti-victims possible transgender, right wing Fox News
> nut job says free market capitalist businesses who boycott her show are
> violating her first amendment rights. I wonder how many autographed
> Nikolas Cruz pictures she has in her office?


3-year old news.

WTF is wrong with people that they are posting 3-year-old news? Are they completely demented?


Mar 8, 2021, 6:00:30 AM3/8/21
Lions Growl of Butchers Foul wrote on 7/3/21 8:39 am:
Posting something/anything is better than posting nothing, maybe!!

And thank you for cutting all the cross-posts. Saved me having to do it!
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