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Suite Caroline - Count Your Blessings

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Pastor Dave

Sep 16, 2009, 2:31:15 PM9/16/09

No, I didn't misspell it. It is "Suite Caroline". :)

Artist: Suite Caroline
Song: Count Your Blessings

12 years old! This girl's gonna be a huge star! :)

If you like what you heard, then please visit:


If you do write to her, please tell her that you heard
about her through "a usenet message that Dave
sent out" and where you're from. And no, I don't
get paid anything for advertising for her. I just really
love her music and I told her that I would be sending
these messages out to try to share her music with
others and I if you do write to her, I just want her
to know that I did keep my word. :)

Plus I know that she would really love to know that
her music is bring joy to people in other places! :)

Enjoy and God bless! :)


Pastor Dave

The following is part of my auto-rotating
sig file and not part of the message body.

Save the Earth! It's the only planet with chocolate!

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