I've started a new web page with Observed Trials info mainly for
Australia. It's got (will have) state-based info on Dealers and Clubs
that cater for trials riders/bikes, plus a What's On with event
details. I'd like to start a classifieds page as well if you have a
bike to sell.
I need some help with States other than Victoria. If anybody has a
list of Dealers or Clubs, or the Events this year, please email me.
Trials DownUnder is at http://connexus.apana.org.au/~jobsok/tdu.html
My email is job...@connexus.apana.org.au
\ Keith Jobson
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-^*****(_ @)==- '94 BMW R1100-GS
__ \\ \_/ __ '86 Montesa Cota 304
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See the R1100 towing the 304!! Check out: