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very scary

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Jul 16, 2005, 8:01:06 PM7/16/05
DH was driving home last night from work. there are 2 ways to get to our
house, either the F3 freeway (that runs from sydney to central coast to
newcastle) or the old windy road (the old pacific hwy). he usually takes the
windy road as the F3 is a death trap.

anyway, he thought he'd go on the freeway to get home quicker. DH has a 70's
vw kombi so it is slow up hills. there is lots of traffic around & a guy in
a prado is literally travelling *centimetres* from DH in the slow lane as he
is pissed off that DH is not going faster (ie speeding at 130 like all the
other idiots on the freeway). and because there is traffic, prado can't get
into the other lane to pass. very very dangerous.

this goes on for many kms with prado cm away. (so much for the new penalties
by the rta for tailgating). finally prado gets an opportunity to pass. DH
sticks up his finger at prado. ok, prolly shouldn't have done that, but alot
of us would have.

anyway, DH said prado was right next to him at this stage. prado loses it
and *swerves his car right at DH*!!!!!! OMG DH was so lucky he had quick
reactions and managed to miss prado by a mm.

it was fate that didn't have policemen at my door last night saying my
husband was now in a million pieces smashed against a rock wall next to the

ok, DH shouldn't have given him the finger, but this guy was truly insane.
in his shock, DH didn't even think to get the prado's number plate. after
prado doing alot of gesticulating, yelling & slamming on of brakes, he took
the next exit, thank goodness. i can't imagine what may have happened if
they had stopped & prado had gotten out either.

i made DH promise never to drive on the freeway of death again. i don't care
if it takes longer for him to get home. at least he'll get home.

can't wait till we move.

elizabeth (in australia)
DS 20th august 2002
#2 due 14th october 2005 (currently: 27 weeks)

"I always find that statistics are hard to swallow and impossible to digest.
The only one I can ever remember is that if all the people who go to sleep
in church were laid end to end they would be a lot more comfortable." --
Mrs. Robert A. Taft

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Jul 16, 2005, 10:04:45 PM7/16/05

"michelle" <> wrote in message

> On Sun, 17 Jul 2005 06:01:06 +1000, "arachne"
> <> wrote:
>>i made DH promise never to drive on the freeway of death again. i don't
>>if it takes longer for him to get home. at least he'll get home.
> bloody moron.. geez you would of been terrified for him.. he okay?
> calm down?

yep. he just couldn't believe the whole thing.

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Jul 16, 2005, 11:10:01 PM7/16/05
"michelle" <> wrote in message

> On Sun, 17 Jul 2005 08:04:45 +1000, "arachne"
> <> wrote:
>>yep. he just couldn't believe the whole thing.
> road rage is becoming so common... people are so impatient on the
> roads now...

Tell me about it! The other night I'm coming home from my evening shift, so
it's dark and was a little drizzly too. I turned right onto Gaffney street
at a big roundabout, when there was a good sized gap in the traffic and
quickly got up to 55ks when in my rear vision there's this bloody great 4wd
suddenly right up my bum. He proceeds to tailgate me for a few seconds, then
pulls out onto the wrong side of the road and accelerates wildly past, only
to turn right at the next intersection. What on earth did it prove? I was
already going 60 by the point he passed me. I just don't get some drivers.



Jul 16, 2005, 11:26:11 PM7/16/05

"Staycalm" <> wrote in message

no brains. they think they are invincible in their pieces of metal.

A s s i l e m

Jul 16, 2005, 11:38:37 PM7/16/05

"arachne" <> wrote in message

> can't wait till we move.

Argh what a scare. Pity DH didnt get the prados lreg number. I've dobbed in
a lot around here for doing stupid shit like that. One mum in particular was
repeatedly causing traffic problems turned out she was PLASTERED!



Jul 17, 2005, 10:35:15 AM7/17/05

"arachne" <> wrote in message
Ughhh. How awful.

Hope you've all calmed down now.

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Jul 17, 2005, 11:17:13 PM7/17/05

> i made DH promise never to drive on the freeway of death again. i don't
> if it takes longer for him to get home. at least he'll get home.
> can't wait till we move.

what an ass! shame he didn't get the number plate!

Amy Lou

Jul 18, 2005, 6:09:17 AM7/18/05

"michelle" <> wrote in message
> On Sun, 17 Jul 2005 08:04:45 +1000, "arachne"
> <> wrote:
>>yep. he just couldn't believe the whole thing.
> road rage is becoming so common... people are so impatient on the
> roads now...

Your not wrong. My husband did a stupid thing one night when travelling
along the highway. He ended up racing a car and they both were doing
160km/hr. A roundabout was rearing up in front (the speed limit was 80). I
was furious as not only were our 2 kids and I passengers but a friend's
16y/o son as well! I begged DH to give in to the other car, our 7y/o yelled
out "slow down Dad" and still he wouldn't give up. :(

He 'won' the 'race' but things could easily have ended in tragedy. DH of
course reckons he was always in complete control. It was days before he
admitted it was stupid.


A s s i l e m

Jul 18, 2005, 6:34:07 AM7/18/05

"Amy Lou" <> wrote in message

> He 'won' the 'race' but things could easily have ended in tragedy. DH of
> course reckons he was always in complete control. It was days before he
> admitted it was stupid.

Thats disgusting. Does he admit now he should not have done it?? Personally
I would have refused to get in a car with him again.

It does remind me of my ex though. He only had a learners permit for a car
even tho he had a full bike liscence. I let him "drive" my car one day and
he decided that he'd speed and over take while displaying his "L"plates.
Anyway I made him pull over and told him to get out and walk...was only a
few more blocks home. He couldn't understand why I kicked him out. Like
HELLO, riding a bike is one thing driving a car is another...I didn't know
how well he could or couldnt drive and needless to say he was never allowed
to drive me cars again


> Amy


Jul 18, 2005, 6:50:53 AM7/18/05
Best bumper sticker I ever saw read "The closer you get, the slower I

If someone is tailgating me, I often just slow right down and pull over
to the side of the road, let them pass and then get going again. It
pisses me off to have to do it, but I'd rather be pissed off than rammed.


A s s i l e m

Jul 18, 2005, 7:02:17 AM7/18/05

"eggs" <> wrote in message

nah the best one I've seen was "if you can read this I hope you're insured"


Amy Lou

Jul 18, 2005, 7:16:10 AM7/18/05

"A s s i l e m" <> wrote in message

You are good! You did the right thing. I couldn't think of a good way to
deal with DH's stupidity at the time. I was sure the 16y/o was going to tell
his parents about it. Haven't heard from them about it but I still feel
dreadful for him. After we got home and I could discuss it with DH I said I
would do the driving from then on. He baulked at first but the next day
agreed that it was a good idea because he simply couldn't say no to that
sort of road situation. In other words he would do it again. This sort of
thinking is very common. On the same day we were overtaken by a speeding
(male) P plater.



Jul 18, 2005, 10:14:45 AM7/18/05
In article <_GICe.51719$>,
"Amy Lou" <> wrote:

> After we got home and I could discuss it with DH I said I
> would do the driving from then on. He baulked at first but the next day
> agreed that it was a good idea because he simply couldn't say no to that
> sort of road situation. In other words he would do it again.

How old is your DH? 14?

Chookie -- Sydney, Australia
(Replace "foulspambegone" with "optushome" to reply)

"In Melbourne there is plenty of vigour and eagerness, but there is
nothing worth being eager or vigorous about."
Francis Adams, The Australians, 1893.

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Message has been deleted


Jul 19, 2005, 12:41:08 AM7/19/05

"michelle" <> wrote in message

> On Mon, 18 Jul 2005 16:50:53 +1000, eggs <>
> wrote:
>>If someone is tailgating me, I often just slow right down and pull over
>>to the side of the road, let them pass and then get going again. It
>>pisses me off to have to do it, but I'd rather be pissed off than rammed.
> throw on the hazard lights... lol.... i keep touching the brakes...
> just enough to put the lights on...

you don't need to even put your brakes on. if you turn your headlights on,
your brake lights should come on.

Amy Lou

Jul 19, 2005, 6:50:37 AM7/19/05

"Chookie" <> wrote in message

> In article <_GICe.51719$>,
> "Amy Lou" <> wrote:
>> After we got home and I could discuss it with DH I said I
>> would do the driving from then on. He baulked at first but the next day
>> agreed that it was a good idea because he simply couldn't say no to that
>> sort of road situation. In other words he would do it again.
> How old is your DH? 14?

Normally he is 45 but when he gets behind a steering wheel.......yeah. NO
make that when he gets into a car be it drivers side or passengers. When I
drive things are completely different. Slow and steady. Big gaps in the
traffic before I will pull out, happy to sit behind a slow vehicle etc. He
*hates* being my passenger.



Jul 20, 2005, 7:53:49 AM7/20/05
eggs wrote:
> Best bumper sticker I ever saw read "The closer you get, the slower I
> drive".

i remember seeing a sign in india once that read "drive like hell and
you will get closer to god". the road snaked along a mountain side. it
was in an area called ladakh which has some pretty impressive mountains.
the river below was a sheer drop of a few hundred metres.

> If someone is tailgating me, I often just slow right down and pull over
> to the side of the road, let them pass and then get going again. It
> pisses me off to have to do it, but I'd rather be pissed off than rammed.

i often get tailgated in a 90 zone on the way home from work. what
annoys me most is the fact that there is another lane for them to pass.
i just sit right on 90. there is a 110 zone. i make a point of
suddenly accelerating straight to 110 right at the sign. when they catch
up, they usually do some macho, bullshit thing like overtake me in
triumph. fine by me - i'm used to wallies on the road. i followed a
bloke once down ballarat road during peak hour, morning traffic who had
his newspaper spread out across the steering wheel. i'm fairly rarely
dumbfounded, but haven't yet seen any greater wally than that.


Jul 21, 2005, 9:39:43 AM7/21/05
I saw a Prado speed past me AS I WAS BACKING OUT of a parent's parking space
(ie, kids around and close to the shopping centre entrance) today.

Prado... Italian for Prat!


Jul 21, 2005, 10:06:36 PM7/21/05

"Chookie" <> wrote in message

>I saw a Prado speed past me AS I WAS BACKING OUT of a parent's parking
> (ie, kids around and close to the shopping centre entrance) today.
> Prado... Italian for Prat!

here here after DH's run in with one.

elizabeth (in australia)
DS 20th august 2002

#2 due 14th october 2005 (currently: 28 weeks)

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