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*** WARNING *** do not deal with Garry Beattie

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Mar 14, 2007, 10:28:48 PM3/14/07
Hi Guys,

As he frequents this group, I would advise against buying anything
from Garry Beattie, also trading as Wholesale Marine Australia, and
Discount Marine World

In December bought a new Navman 4433 Fishfinder from his auction on

Finally got to fit it and try out in Feb. Item was faulty, with
erratic readings.

Emailed Garry, and he said send it back, and he would replace it, as
it would be quicker than sending off to get repaired.

Emailed him several times over the next 4 weeks.

Fianlly answers an email, and says he has sent it off for repair.

I reminded him, that he would send a new replacement, and he emailed
back to say that they dont manufacture the 4433 anymore.

I emailed Navman Australia, and they said that is incorrect, they
certainly do manufacture the unit, and they have not received any
4433's from Bunderberg, Garry, or his companies in the last 2 months.

I have emailed him several more times, with no response.

Have also left messages on his answering machine, with no response.

I see that he is no longer registered on eBay. and also his phone
number that was working, is now disconnected.

I have the bank investigating possible charge back on card. If no luck
there, and I havent received a replacement, then I will pass the
matter onto the police for further action.

For info, he does use an email spam service, and only senders that
have been verified get emails thru to him. Mine has been verified.



Alan Stuart downunder in Perth, Oz
Local Weather:
Stuff for sale:

* Remove NOSPAM.AND.EGGS. from email address for replies.

And just to try and stop spammers:,,,,,,,,

Making life REAL hard for spammers with:


Mar 14, 2007, 9:40:56 PM3/14/07
what was his ebay ID ?


I have been stubng by this man also im pretty sure
"Moby" <> wrote in message


Mar 14, 2007, 10:49:09 PM3/14/07
On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 01:40:56 GMT, "Michael" <>

>what was his ebay ID ?



Mar 14, 2007, 10:38:45 PM3/14/07
yes this is the guy - i paid $915 for my item and he claimed it was held by
australia post as it was sent via COD - I have the receipt right here for
the payment to him

"Moby" <> wrote in message


Mar 15, 2007, 12:01:34 AM3/15/07

How long ago ya buy it?

Got it yet?

White pages show him at 10 Pierson Street, Bundaberg, tel 07 4154 3393

As mentioned, phone was connected, but now disconnected.

On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 02:38:45 GMT, "Michael" <>


Mar 14, 2007, 11:41:27 PM3/14/07
10/12 - where do we stand withour money ?

Some how we must get something back from ebay - does anyone live in Bundy ?

"Moby" <> wrote in message


Mar 15, 2007, 7:35:07 AM3/15/07

>10/12 - where do we stand withour money ?
He stands good with your bux.

>Some how we must get something back from ebay - does anyone live in Bundy ?

time for a road trip, take a holiday and visit in person.


Mar 15, 2007, 8:47:21 PM3/15/07
we might need a bus with all the people he has ripped - pick me up on your
way up there

"Biggus....." <> wrote in message


Mar 15, 2007, 11:53:18 PM3/15/07
mmm, see his website has been suspended

Looks like the theiving bastard is making a run for it ...

Anyone live in Bundaberg that can do a drive past and see if his house
has been cleared out???

On Fri, 16 Mar 2007 00:47:21 GMT, "Michael" <>



Mar 15, 2007, 11:55:41 PM3/15/07
Deliberately planned to RIP people off - organised scammer ay !

"Moby" <> wrote in message

Garry Beattie

Mar 29, 2007, 6:28:52 AM3/29/07
Well this has certainly made for some very interesting reading I must say,
not to mention the defamation and slander angles.

Just to set the record straight for the others who are within this group,
the following are the facts.

Yes Moby did buy a fish finder off us and, as he said, it was delivered to
Yes he did have a warranty claim which is currently being serviced. His unit
IS being fixed under warranty right now.
Moby had a major dummy spit because we would not replace the unit, even
though he had had it for quite a few months.
Yes I was happy to replace it for him (which is what we usually do) but
Navman advised us they could not supply any more of that model.
After a number of abusive emails where by we were accused of just about
everything under the sun, intermixed with some very colourful language, we
decided to end our communication with him and just send the unit back to him
once it was repaired. This is still our plan and we do not intend swaying
from it.
Moby has not been ripped off, he has just had a major meltdown because we
refused to bow to his tantrums. In fairness to Moby though, he has been fed
the wrong information from a 3rd party which, understandably, has raised his
stress levels.

As far as Micheal goes, well Michael perhaps you can email us some more
We have never, and will never, send any item COD. If the item was sent to
you COD, and you did pay for it, then why did you not pick it up at the time
you paid for it? That is what COD is all about.
We are not in the market of ripping people off so if you are genuine, and
you have not received what you paid for, please email us at the email
address which is always attached to my post's on any newsgroup, and I will
certainly do my best to rectify the problem.


As for some other issues raised:-
Yes we no longer trade on eBay as the fees are way to expensive ($7,000 per
month) and the amount of headaches we get from unrealistic customers, just
does not make it worth while.
Yes our web site is down at present, but only for remodelling and
relaunching with new products and services.
Yes our phone has been disconnected because we moved!! We have not done a
runner, we have simply moved to a better home.
Yes we do run an anti spam program on our emails, which anyone can get
through simply by verifying that they are a genuine person and not a machine
harvesting emails. We don't pick and choose who we authorise. You do that
yourslef and that is what Moby did.
Yes we did have some unhappy customers over Christmas due to a major
supplier going belly up on us and taking just over $20,000 of our cash with
him. We have worked with those people who did order and have just about got
everyone their product, a replacement product or their refund.

I really do not feel comfortable discussing further details of our business
and private life here, and will probably not respond to any more post's
about the subject, but I am happy to talk to people in private, via email,
if anyone else has any concerns.

Best regards



Mar 29, 2007, 11:38:25 AM3/29/07
On Thu, 29 Mar 2007 20:28:52 +1000, "Garry Beattie"
<> wrote:

>Well this has certainly made for some very interesting reading I must say,
>not to mention the defamation and slander angles.
>Just to set the record straight for the others who are within this group,
>the following are the facts.
>Yes Moby did buy a fish finder off us and, as he said, it was delivered to
>Yes he did have a warranty claim which is currently being serviced. His unit
>IS being fixed under warranty right now.
>Moby had a major dummy spit because we would not replace the unit, even
>though he had had it for quite a few months.

No, Moby had a 'dummy spit' because civil emails were spasmodically
answered, and phone messages were never answered.

>Yes I was happy to replace it for him (which is what we usually do) but
>Navman advised us they could not supply any more of that model.

Navman advised me they still do make that model. Who do I believe??

>After a number of abusive emails where by we were accused of just about
>everything under the sun, intermixed with some very colourful language, we
>decided to end our communication with him and just send the unit back to him
>once it was repaired. This is still our plan and we do not intend swaying
>from it.

Abusive emails were sent due to lack of answering to civil emails.
Abusive emails were the few ones answered.
If you had responded to my emails IN A TIMELY MANNER, there would not
have been abusive emails.

>Moby has not been ripped off, he has just had a major meltdown because we
>refused to bow to his tantrums. In fairness to Moby though, he has been fed
>the wrong information from a 3rd party which, understandably, has raised his
>stress levels.

The 'meltdown' was due to unanswered emails and calls, conflicting
information from Garry and Navman, ebay account no longer registered,
several negative feedback stating item not received or delays in
receiving, webpage closed down with 'account suspended' displayed on
page, phone being disconnected. What do you think people think with
all that?

My 'meltdown' was concern that I was not going to receive my item
back. This is still my concern. Nearly 8 weeks since returned.

>As far as Micheal goes, well Michael perhaps you can email us some more
>We have never, and will never, send any item COD. If the item was sent to
>you COD, and you did pay for it, then why did you not pick it up at the time
>you paid for it? That is what COD is all about.
>We are not in the market of ripping people off so if you are genuine, and
>you have not received what you paid for, please email us at the email
>address which is always attached to my post's on any newsgroup, and I will
>certainly do my best to rectify the problem.

Garry, if people email you, YOU NEED TO RESPOND in a timely manner,
not wait until frustration boils over to abuse.

You also need to keep your word. If you say you will send a
replacement unit, send a replacement unit. If you say you will send a
RO number, send a RO number.

>As for some other issues raised:-
>Yes we no longer trade on eBay as the fees are way to expensive ($7,000 per
>month) and the amount of headaches we get from unrealistic customers, just
>does not make it worth while.
>Yes our web site is down at present, but only for remodelling and
>relaunching with new products and services.

You should then have a 'home page' stating that, as a redirection to a
page that says 'account suspended' does not look good!

>Yes our phone has been disconnected because we moved!! We have not done a
>runner, we have simply moved to a better home.
>Yes we do run an anti spam program on our emails, which anyone can get
>through simply by verifying that they are a genuine person and not a machine
>harvesting emails. We don't pick and choose who we authorise. You do that
>yourslef and that is what Moby did.

Which is very strange why the young guy I spoke to on 27th Feb, 2007
at 3.40pm WDST stated that you get 'hundreds of spam emails a day'.

>Yes we did have some unhappy customers over Christmas due to a major
>supplier going belly up on us and taking just over $20,000 of our cash with
>him. We have worked with those people who did order and have just about got
>everyone their product, a replacement product or their refund.

IF you are genuine, and this has happened, I am sorry to hear.

But you still have obligations to your customers, that you need to
honour. I did my part of the bargain, I paid for the unit within
minutes of the auction ending. All I ask is that you communicate IN A
TIMELY MANNER, and you honour your word.

>I really do not feel comfortable discussing further details of our business
>and private life here, and will probably not respond to any more post's
>about the subject, but I am happy to talk to people in private, via email,
>if anyone else has any concerns.

Then ANSWER YOUR EMAILS in a timely manner!

>Best regards

Message has been deleted


Mar 29, 2007, 8:21:49 PM3/29/07
Garry - Im sure your sitting back hoping you have conviced people with your
well thought out reply to comments made - You sure are a master of cover
your ass tactics - you should write a book !

"Moby" <> wrote in message


Apr 7, 2007, 8:54:36 AM4/7/07
test - tried to respond earlier , didn't seem to get a result , please
ignore this .....


Apr 8, 2007, 5:45:30 AM4/8/07
On Apr 7, 10:54 pm, "Moniker" <> wrote:
> test - tried to respond earlier , didn't seem to get a result , please
> ignore this .....

O.k. , try it again , some of what I wrote is now a bit redundant as
Garry has been booted off ebay again , what I tried to post before was

"As for some other issues raised:-Yes """"we no longer trade on

Sure buddy , whatever you say.
By the way , you might like to do a bit of reading so you can make
your listings more truthful -
"Pre-sale listings are those that describe items for sale that are not
in the control or possession of the seller at the time of the listing.
The seller must also clearly indicate within the listing the fact that
the item is a pre-sale item ."

It's also always good to aware of other policies , like ,
you'd be surprised ( or perhaps not ) how many people try to inflate
the price of their goods by using one or more other accounts.

I don't believe you are greatly dishonest , however you are somewhat
flexible with the truth , if you play by the rules you could have a
nice little earn going but if you flaunt the rules , you'll just get
booted again , as you have before and off more than one site , e.g.

It's your choice buddy , the rules are there for everyone , play by
the rules or get out of the pool . I suggest you take Moby's comments
onboard about responding to buyers "IN A TIMELY MANNER" to quote him ,
if there is a delay , LET THEM KNOW !

If you have spare time to post on forums like this , you have time to
respond to buyers questions AND go thru your spam folder etc.
Prioritise your time. Be honest. Be scrupulously honest in fact , and
you have a trading future . You might think people are stupid , some
are , many are not. Don't become one of the stupid ones yourself.
Learn from your mistakes .

I look forward to seeing your future listings on ebay comply with
their rules .

Regards , Moniker a.k.a ( walks with a ) porpoisefulgait
Update -
OK Garry , now you've been booted again as great-aussie-outdoors just
reinforces what I said above , it wasn't me who got you booted
either , I was quite prepared to give you a go but someone else also
put 2 and 2 together , obviously. Refer to comment above about many
people are not stupid. I don't know what you're going to do now.

Michael and Moby might like to know that wholesale_marine had
something like 31 feedback comments mutually withdrawn before it was
closed down , indicating that Garry was doing what he could at that
stage to get people their goods , so he's not a thief , but he did
cause a lot of anxiety to a lot of people , partly his fault , partly

This is almost a soap opera.
Anyway , goodluck to all , I've said my piece , I'll be going now.

May 14, 2007, 8:33:26 AM5/14/07

What about me Garry you have $1300 of mine for a navman 6500. sine
dec06 you dont email often but when you do you strech the truth. where
is my refund I "will receive shortly". NOT HAPPY GARRY!!!

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