GraphSON export/import usage with Titan 0.5.3 + Cassandra/ES

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Andy Coates

Aug 1, 2017, 9:19:55 AM8/1/17
to Aurelius
Hi All,

We wrote a basic groovy script that made use of the following:

We got it exporting JSON, but we're puzzled by the usage of it for importing/restoring in a fresh DB.  If we try and import with the GraphSON reader then it appears to lose all edge relationships unless we set "graph.set-vertex-id" to true to allow it to re-use the IDs specified in the JSON export, but then we can't change it back since its a FIXED setting and all our normal queries/updates break because we don't normally specify IDs when adding vertices.

Is there some basic concept we're missing?  We just want to be able to export an entire DB to file and import/restore on another system, and the GraphSON libraries sounded ideal for that, but there seems a disjoint in usage somewhere.

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