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Jul 30, 2008, 1:32:03 PM7/30/08
to rwthaug22
Hi, a new offer has come up regarding accommodation. Here is the mail
from Ramanathan:

hi there,
the new room in Seilgraben is in the center of the city, but for the
first month you have to be in haarner grat which is a little bit
far....but after a month you guys would be changed to
seilgraben.....but i cannot book these rooms, only you students
can....so please check with your colleagues about it and write an
email to the lady for the rooms....and book four rooms there....i am
also sending the email to you so that you can get an idea....

Dear new Masterstudents!

I'm Flora Rauber the student assistent from the Master Office of the
International Academy. We've got a request for you.

If somebody of you still needs an appartement for Wintersemster (or
august / september), please let us know until Friday, then we can
arrange you something.
We have two opportunities. One is a place called "Haarener Gracht" in
Aachen. These apartments are around 16-20 qm, including bathrooms and
kitchenette. It will cost you between 260 and 290 Euros per month. We
offer you to rent these apartments for the months august and
september. In october you will have the opportunity to change to a new
residental accommodation at the "Seilgraben" in Aachen. This place is
very close to the center of Aachen. The rooms there are cheaper, they
will cost you between 160 and 190 Euros per month. There you will
also have your own room, but the kitchen and the bathrooms must be
shared with 4 other students.

So if you are interested in one of these appartements let us now until
friday. You have to know that it's diffucukt to find an cheap
appartement in Aachen in September/October because there are lots of
new students in town.

Best regards from the Master Office

Flora Rauber

Flora Rauber
Master Office

RWTH International Academy GmbH
Templergraben 55
52064 Aachen, Deutschland / Germany

so please inform me asap about the things before friday or latest on
monday.....if the uni thing doesn't workout i will book rooms in
Newton...until then...


MSc(Automotive Systems Engineering),


Jul 31, 2008, 5:51:57 AM7/31/08
to aug2...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mahesh,

AS discussed over phone, I don't think it is better idea to go for haarner

1. It is about 7 km from the city. Transportation will be costly as we will
not have student pass during Aug and Sept.
2. We will be some what isolated from the city.
3. Don't know whether the apartment is fully furnished or not.
4. To get groceries and other things we might have to come to the city.



Dear new Masterstudents!

Flora Rauber

Flora Rauber
Master Office


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hariharan vivek

Jul 31, 2008, 6:25:50 AM7/31/08
to aug2...@googlegroups.com
Hello Mahesh ,
I feel we should look  a fixed cost apartment atleast for the next 3 months as we need to regulate our cost till we find a small part time job . Newton apartments provides us that option as everything is included in their offer . So what I feel is until we acclamatize to the place I would recommend to stay near the city . I feel Newton apartments is a safe bet currently . If something better evolves we can consider that .


Jul 31, 2008, 6:50:45 AM7/31/08
to aug2...@googlegroups.com



I agree with Hari, we can go ahead with Newton Apartments for the time being.






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