Cannot measure through JRiver

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Johnny Jensen / JJAZ

Dec 12, 2020, 9:12:31 AM12/12/20
to Audiolense User Forum

Hi All,

I am having severe issues when I try to measure through JRiver.

My setup is as follows:
OS: Windows 10 Pro
CPU: AMD Ryzen 1700
Soundcard: Prism Sound Atlas

When I measure with Prism Sound ASIO driver (both input and output), measurements work perfect.

But, I am not able to measure through JRiver, with no matter what I choose:
JRiver ASIO gives me a broken signal (wav file of "Check Speaker Connection" signal)
JRiver WASAPI reports "The channel setup is not supported by the sound card. Perhaps too many channels?" (WASAPI channel issue)
JRiver Direct Sound mostly gives me an "paUnanticipatedHostError" (paUnanticipatedHostError), though sometimes I will have audio through Direct Sound but then the measurement failes with a "File open error" (File open error), and other times it will "measure" although both output and input are dead quiet.
JRiver Win MME has channel routing issues, no matter what I do the subwoofer channel is routed 50/50 to the left & right main channels (MME routing issue)

I have tried tinkering with "Use separate play and record streams" with no succes, and also tried to mix ASIO/Direct/MME.

I am considering trying the JRiver feature "Open Live -> ASIO Line-in", to route the audio from the Prism Sound Atlas inputs through JRiver to the outputs. Then I would use a separate sound card (Focusrite Scarlett 18i20) for Audiolense, but that is quite a deroute to make measurements through JRiver.

Does any of you have some good advice for me? And yes, I do need to measure through JRiver, because Audiolense will not let me setup my subwoofer audio-architecture the way it works best in my room.


Dec 12, 2020, 6:33:31 PM12/12/20

I have not used AL to measure through JRMC, but I have been able to do it via REW to validate convolution filters. 

FWIW, here is my procedure.


·         Set JRMC’s WMD as the default output device for Windows so everything that uses the system default normally goes through it.

·         Set JRMC’s WMD Windows default as 24-bit/48KHz to match the UMIK-1.

·         Set JRMC to output to the specific hardware device’s driver (not the JRMC WMD else you will be in a loop).

·         Set REW’s output device to JRMC’s WMD.

·         Measure in REW -> JRMC WMD -> specific hw device driver -> specific hw -> amps -> speakers


I have only tried this with 2-channel in and up to 8 channels out.


Hope this helps.

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Mitch Barnett

Dec 13, 2020, 2:35:27 PM12/13/20

I use JRiver’s ASIO line in to measure, in this case, using REW and with the filters in place. See attached diagram. I have not tried using AL…


I use a Lynx Hilo which has a multi-client ASIO driver and loopback routing. This is what allows me to use the ASIO driver for both REW and JRiver. I would presume Prism Sound allows you to do loopback, but not sure if the ASIO driver is multi-client…


From: [] On Behalf Of Johnny Jensen / JJAZ
Sent: Saturday, December 12, 2020 6:13 AM
To: Audiolense User Forum <>
Subject: [audiolense] Cannot measure through JRiver



Hi All,



Johnny Jensen / JJAZ

Dec 14, 2020, 4:42:56 AM12/14/20
to Audiolense User Forum
Hi Mitch,

I have considered that approach, but not really sure how to set it up with the Prism Sound device. Also, I need a lot of loop back channels, as my setup use 10 or 11 DAC outputs (essentially a 6.1 system with bi-amped fronts and 2-3 subwoofer channels).

Therefore my thoughts on using an extra Soundcard, although it would be a LOT easier if Audiolense would support my particular subwoofer-configuration-wish :)

Another option for me would be to temporarily use a miniDSP (Balanced 2x4), to delay two of my subwoofer channels (which is what I want). Then I can measure and correct them as one channel in Audiolense. Post correction I would insert the delay in the JRiver Parametric Equalizer and remove the miniDSP. For this to work, the miniDSP must have a flat phase response to <20Hz, which it may not have. It is not a big task to measure the phase response of the miniDSP, but I would like to avoid having to make strange mock-ups whenever I want to remeasure my system :-)

Bernt, please consider allowing the configuration I ask for. A group of subwoofers with individual delays, and one common FIR filter based on the measurement of the summation of the delayed subwoofers.

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