Can Win-Widget or Zaudiodriverwin support native usb audio ?

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3 de jul. 2019, 2:46:293/7/19
a Audio-Widget
I want to write a usb audio driver (1.0 or 2.0), I found Win-Widget and Zaudiodriverwin. why Win-Widget and Zaudiodriverwin seems only support only some mode usb audio. such as its describe:

Henry Audio USB DAC 128 Mk 3 and its predecessors (Henry Audio USB DAC 128 USB DAC 128 mk II, QNKTC AB-1.2, AB-1.1 and AB-1.0)

Windows USB audio driver source for EMU CA0188- and CA0189-Based external audio devices. Existing products include EMU 0202 USB, EMU 0404 USB, and TrackerPre. 

but in my opinion, the DRIVER support USB AUDIO CLASS, the USB AUDIO support USB AUDIO CLASS, so the DRIVER should support all usb audio. because usb audio class is standard protocol.
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