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January Mapathon

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Janny Phung

Dec 13, 2018, 9:23:33 AM12/13/18
to Central Texas Humanitarian Mapathon
Join us for the January Central Texas Mapathon to contribute to OpenStreetMap. This event occurs every last Sunday monthly.

We meet to map on OpenStreetMap, an opensource community using aerial imagery. Our topic for the month will be based on need. We will evaluate what is needed in the community prior to the event.

OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world.

Local Knowledge - OpenStreetMap emphasizes local knowledge. Contributors use aerial imagery, GPS devices, and low-tech field maps to verify that OSM is accurate and up to date.

Community Driven - OpenStreetMap's community is diverse, passionate, and growing every day. Our contributors include enthusiast mappers, GIS professionals, engineers running the OSM servers, humanitarians mapping disaster-affected areas, and many more.

Open Data - OpenStreetMap is open data: you are free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit OpenStreetMap and its contributors. If you alter or build upon the data in certain ways, you may distribute the result only under the same license.

What to expect:
After getting you connected to the OpenStreetMap community, if you don't already have an account, we will work on examples together. Volunteers will be available for assistance.

Laptops are available but bringing your own laptop is recommended.

Parking Information:

Street parking is free on Sunday. Parking on University Ave., 18th St. and Colorado St. is suggested.

PDF Visitor's Parking Map:

Interactive Parking Map:

Map to the library:

Indoor Map of the library:

More information can be found here:

For future notifications regarding OSM Mapathons you can sign up here:

This meetup is open to all ages and abilities. This reoccuring event is welcoming and respectful to everyone. Novices and experts are welcome. There are tasks for all levels of experience.

See you there!

Janny Phung

Jan 27, 2019, 11:46:02 AM1/27/19
to Central Texas Humanitarian Mapathon
Maybe see some of you today!


Janny Phung

Jan 27, 2019, 12:27:11 PM1/27/19
to Central Texas Humanitarian Mapathon
Please register for slack #disaster channel: (takes about a day to process)

On Thursday, December 13, 2018 at 8:23:33 AM UTC-6, 'Janny Phung' wrote:
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