Cyclone Gaja HOTOSM - Help Needed (November 2018)

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Janny Phung

Nov 21, 2018, 4:23:33 PM11/21/18
to Austin OSM Mapathons
Dear GISCorps HOTOSM volunteers,

You have been in high demand recently, and there is another urgent request for help from the local OSM community in India.

Cyclone Gaja has impacted the east coast of India and there is an urgent need to map buildings and roads in the area. There are currently two Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) tasks for the disaster:

Task #5500 for roads:

Task #5501 for buildings:

Both tasks are suitable for beginners or more experienced mappers alike. There will be additional tasks for the cyclone coming soon.

If you participate in HOTOSM projects, and want an official GISCorps Certificate and Thank You letter (perhaps for GISP credit), we ask that you report your contributions in this form once you are done contributing to the project:

As projects evolve, we will continually update the active project list any time we send out a notification email. Anyone who submits the form will receive Thank You documents.

So please, jump in, contribute, and help support communities in need.

Thank You,

GISCorps Recruitment Team

Join us in our GISCorps Slack HOT-specific channel, we are trying to do better at answering questions and posting updates (#giscorps_hotosm): 
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