There is an excellent summary of the
article, "Early Deprivation Revisited: Contemporary Studies of the
Impact on Young Children of Institutional Care" by Megan Gunner &
Brie Reid in the August 29 2020 issue of ScienceNews. They find that
puberty and the hormonal and neurological reorganization that occurs
then can help heal stress responses impaired by early trauma. Very
The full article is in the Annual Review of Developmental Psychology, November 21, 2019. The abstract states:
There is clear evidence that early deprivation in the form of early institutional
care affects children both immediately and long after they are removed
from the institution.This article reviews the modern literature on the impact
of institutional care from animal models to longitudinal studies in humans.
Importantly, we examine the current understanding of neuroendocrine regulation
in the context of early deprivation.We discuss the opportunities and
limitations of studying the effects of deprivation in previously institutionalized
children, review behavioral findings and related neurobiological studies,
and address the physical health ramifications of institutional care. Finally,we
touch on future directions for both science and intervention.
best regards