Atramhasis demo available in the cloud

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Koen Van Daele

Mar 6, 2015, 11:55:35 AM3/6/15
Together with our release of Atramhasis 0.4.1, we now also have an online demo of Atramhasis. We've packaged and deployed the demo that normally comes with Atramhasis to Heroku. This is a simple demo that will give you a good feel of what the application is capable of. It comes with four conceptschemes, two very small ones that contain some made up concepts and collections and two slightly bigger ones that consist of "materials" and "styles and cultures" respectively. Both were created from the thesauri we use every day in our heritage inventories. Needless to say, they are very much geared towards cultural heritage.

The demo has also been configured with a few external thesauri. There are two theasuri from the Getty Research Institute present: the Art and Architecture thesaurus (AAT) and the Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN). The other two thesauri are being served from, courtesy of English Heritage: the thesaurus of historic periods and the thesaurus of monument types. These four thesauri can be used as sources for importing concepts and collections. You can also create SKOS matches between the demo thesauri and the external thesauri. Once these matches are in place, you can compare and update your local concept with the remote concept.

You are free to use the administrative side of the application and start editing the thesauri. Please beware that as these are demo sites, we will destroy all data living in them from time to time. To be allowed to edit the
thesauri, you first need to log in. While Atramhasis itself is capable of interacting with any security backend that's available for the Pyramid framework, for this demo we have protected the site with a login through Mozilla Persona. Creating an account is simple and free. Just surf to the admin interface and follow the instructions provided.

The demo is currently hosted at, this is a temporary url and will change in the future.

We hope you enjoy our demo site. And feedback or questions you have is welcome.

The Atramhasis team.
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