Literal Mistake

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Henry Story

Oct 30, 2006, 5:38:46 PM10/30/06
For some reason I have been thinking for a while that one could have
literals such as

[] :title "<b>Silly</b> Mistake"@en^^:html .

I think it was the fact that there were two symbols (@ and ^^) that
made me think this way.
But of course the similarity between the N3 ^ and the literal ^^
should have sounded the alarm bells more clearly.

This does not affect the current ontology, but it does seem to put an
end to some of my recent hopes of simplifying the ontology by having
the object of the :title, :subtitle, :summary relations be a literal.

I needed to be able to specify the language, the base url and the
literal type for html content especially. This is because the atom
spec specifies that text constructs are language sensitive

3.1 Text Constructs

A Text construct contains human-readable text, usually in small
quantities. The content of Text constructs is Language-Sensitive.

atomPlainTextConstruct =
attribute type { "text" | "html" }?,

atomXHTMLTextConstruct =
attribute type { "xhtml" },

atomTextConstruct = atomPlainTextConstruct | atomXHTMLTextConstruct

For xhtml it is possible to push the language tag onto the
"<xhtml:div>" that starts the xhtml and even add a base tag on there
to deal with relative links.

Plain text has no use for the base attribute, and the xml:lang can be
dealt with with the @ notation.

It is with html that this all comes to a big crunch. Here the base
and the language attributes make sense, but unless we do html
rewriting, I don't know how to deal with either of those pieces of
information using literals. We can specify the :html literal type as

[] :title "<a href="bang.jpg">Important</a> entry"^^:html .

But where do we put the base info, or the language info? It looks
like we are stuck with using the :Content class. And html rewriting
is not easy thing to do using xquery. (or is it?)

Or is there something I have not thought of?


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