Two Atom and His Package-y related things.

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Atom Gorengutan

Feb 19, 2019, 8:27:52 PM2/19/19
to Atom and his Package email list
If you're interested in listening, nice guy MC Lars interviewed me for his podcast,

Toxic Toast Records wanted to put out the first two Atom and His Package records out on vinyl.* They look really nice and kinda like calendars, as do lots of records.  The first self-titled one was never released on vinyl, and the second one, A Society of People Named Elihu, was released on vinyl eons ago on a friend's label X-Mist records in Nagold, Germany but has long since been out of print.  Commas (and clauses) abound in that last sentence.

Hope all is well with you**
Take good care, 

*I can't say I fully understand why, but I am very very flattered! 
**implied disclaimer that I know not all is well in lots of the world, and not in our continued self-inflicted national mess.    
***PS - if you're Paul Truitt - I absolutely plan on emailing you back.  I keep putting it off and thinking I'll wait until I have time to write a "real" note, and then boom, it's 2079.   
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