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Working on back-end DB system

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Max Olson

Sep 7, 2014, 1:09:51 PM9/7/14
Wed Feb 05 2014 17:21:33 GMT-0800 (PST) @maxolson:

Hi everybody, I'm a little under the weather so may not respond over the next few days.

I'm currently working on the database and storage methods for all the map data. I was nearly done with a method that used PostGIS + some SQL-relational linking but have put that on pause while I investigate switching over to the "OpenStreetMap" method, which stores each coordinate separately. This should take another couple weeks to sort out. 

In the mean time, @rnealon has been working on the 1935 map on Github and is making progress. Once this map finishes the other time periods should go much faster. If you have any questions about the map and I'm not available you can direct them towards him.

(* With this said, if there is anyone on the board familiar with the OSM back-end who would be willing to offer some advice, I'd really appreciate it.)
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