Starting Western Europe map

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Max Olson

Sep 7, 2014, 1:33:43 PM9/7/14
Wed Apr 09 2014 14:21:44 GMT-0700 (PDT) @maxolson:

The USSR map is now merged into the base-map, and initial admin-1 maps for Western Europe are up (with the breakup of Yugoslavia).

We are starting by working backwards from the modern boundaries, as it's easier to work from the current base.

Speaking of which, I just added a Best Practices document to the Github repo. Feel free to add to or edit this with any best practices you encounter while making history maps.

Max Olson

Sep 7, 2014, 1:35:23 PM9/7/14
Wed Apr 10 2014 14:39:57 GMT-0700 (PDT) @PirateJenny:

Ok... I forked the Base Map github repo a while ago and last week after some searching figured out how to update my forked repo with the main one. (I clicked "create pull request" on my repo, then switched the 2 head repos, then "Merge pull request").

I've been experimenting a bit with QGIS... anything simple I can help with on the Europe map??

Max Olson

Sep 7, 2014, 1:36:19 PM9/7/14
Wed Apr 10 2014 19:15:24 GMT-0700 (PDT) @maxolson:

@PirateJenny, for the 1991-1992 period in Western Europe, the Czech Republic and Slovakia need to be combined into Czechoslovakia. Not sure what the closest change before that is.

If you import the GeoJSON file into QGIS you should be able to merge the 2 countries.
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