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Ukraine maps

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Max Olson

Sep 7, 2014, 1:21:44 PM9/7/14
Thu Mar 06 2014 19:37:24 GMT-0800 (PST) @maxolson:

We (@rnealon and I) are going to pause on creating the world map of the 1930s to work on some maps of Ukraine and the surrounding area. I think due to current events there will be a lot of interest in this, even if we just release it as a series of individual maps unconnected with other historic maps.

Please post here if you have any maps, data, or anything else that would be useful re: history of Ukraine, Russia, etc.

Here's the Google Doc we're working on for anyone interested (links, periods, etc.):

Max Olson

Sep 7, 2014, 1:31:05 PM9/7/14
Fri Apr 04 2014 14:37:16 GMT-0700 (PDT) @maxolson:

@rnealon and I completed the USSR map we've been working on and it is now up on

Styling the map and figuring out the best ways to manage the data attributes took longer than expected. However, we now have a much better template, and will be able to publish more map updates a lot quicker.

The USSR map (currently on Github at will shortly be integrated into the Base Map. From there, with help from contributors, we'll expand outward in both time and space.

The part of the world we'll go to next (though your free to contribute anything) is Western Europe.

First, the USSR. Then Europe. Then the World!!!!
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