v4, unable to surface all channels?

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May 5, 2015, 10:25:22 AM5/5/15
to atla...@googlegroups.com
Using the v3 api I can deduce that the v4 channel id for: 102 Capital FM is: hmpv (this is a random example of many) - I'd classify this as a local radio station, so it has no region or platform.

Using the v4 api I can fetch its schedule: http://atlas.metabroadcast.com/4/schedules/hmpv.json?from=now&to=now.plus.6h&source=pressassociation.com&annotations=channel_summary,content_detail&key=

http://atlas.metabroadcast.com/4/channel_groups.json (as with v3) will only return channels that have a platform (although, under v4 it no longer identifies that platform in the data).

I can't find any way to get the hmpv channel included when using: http://atlas.metabroadcast.com/4/channels.json?annotations=channel&key= ...this only seems to return what look to me like the BBC local radio stations.

Under v3: http://atlas.metabroadcast.com/3.0/channels.json returns many, many, more channels than it does under v4.

Assuming all of this is correct :-) then it seems that the v4 api is not able to surface all of the available channel id's?

Maybe a platform of 'local' would be a cunning plan? So, it would work like the Irish platforms (which also have no regions) but return all of the local services.

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