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December 2024 Atlanta Sacred Harp Singing Update

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John Plunkett

Nov 30, 2024, 12:08:52 PM11/30/24
to AtlantaSinging

December 2024 Atlanta Sacred Harp Singing Update

Greetings All!! 

A few opportunities to gather this month and sing!!

No 1st Thursday Emory Presbyterian singing for December. We will hold the annual Atlanta Sacred Harp Holiday Singing on Sunday, December 15th at Church of Our Saviour in Virginia-Highlands.  Please note the details below.

Georgia State Christian Harmony Convention at Poplar Springs PBC in Bowdon, GA.

As of now, there are no plans for a New Year’s Day Georgian Harmony singing.


Dec 3rd - Tuesday, 7:00pm - Dahlonega Sacred Harp singing, We sing at the Vickery House on West Main Street, Dahlonega, GA. The Vickery House does not have a street address, but it is on Google Maps. Since we sing in the evenings, you can park in any UNG spot or right next to the back door of the Vickery House. We start with a brief introduction for newcomers at 6:45. Then we sing until at least 8:45, although sometimes we go a bit longer. All are welcome! Contact Esther Morgan-Ellis - emellis at gmail dot com. 

Saturday and Sunday, Dec 7th & 8th - the Georgia State Christian Harmony Convention will be held at Poplar Springs Primitive Baptist Church, 6465 Smithville Road, Bowdon, GA, United States, Georgia  Singing begins at 10:00 a.m. both days. Songbooks will be available on site to buy or borrow. Dinner on the grounds: If convenient, please bring a covered dish  to share for lunch at noon both days. Accommodations: Numerous well-known hotels are located at I-20, exit 11 in Bremen, GA and there is one hotel on Hwy 100 at I-20, exit 5.  Contacts: Shannon Primm, sprimm-at-yahoo-dot-com.-dot-com or Jane Cannon, crvjanecannon-at-gmail-dot-com.

Sunday, Dec 15th, ASH Holiday singing, December 15th, 3-7:30pm, at Church of our Saviour, Garrison Hall (building across from main church entrance) 1068 North Highland Ave. Atlanta, GA 30306. Parking along N. Highland or Los Angeles. Metered spaces are free on Sunday. 

We’ll plan to sing from 3-5pm from a packet of songs for the revision committee, “supper on the ground” from 5-6pm, followed by singing of your seasonal favorites from approx 6-7:30pm. Beginners welcome—no experience needed! We'll sing from the Sacred Harp, Christmas Harp, and Eclectic Harmony, with loaner books available. If you’d like to sing other holiday songs (printed in 4 shapes!), please bring copies (approx 20). If you’re able, please bring a covered dish to share. Hope you’ll join us to “sing in” the holiday season! Contact Amy Wells at 404-436-4522 or amyarmstrongmidwife at gmail dot com for additional information.


Hope you all have a safe, healthy, and joyous holiday season!!

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