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November 2023 Atlanta Sacred Harp Newsletter

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John Plunkett

Oct 31, 2023, 8:20:50 PM10/31/23
to AtlantaSinging

November 2023 Atlanta Sacred Harp singing update:

Nov 2nd, First Thursday - Nov 2, First Thursday, 7:00 PM  to 9:00 PM.  Indoor singing from The Sacred Harp and The Eclectic Harmony. Emory Presbyterian Church, 1886 North Decatur Rd, Atlanta GA 30307. Park behind the church, off Westminster Way.  "Test-to-Sing" COVID precautions: Vaccination is required; don't come if you have any COVID symptoms; same-day COVID antigen test required.  Test at home, and bring the details to be verified.  Tests are also available on site, if you arrive early.  Info:Jim Neal,, or Amy Wells, amyarmstrongmidwife-αt- gmail -δόt- com.

Nov 4th, Saturday - 10:00am,  Denney Memorial at Emmaus Primitive Baptist Church on Oak Grove Road, Carrollton, GA. 

Nov 5th, Sunday - 10:00am, Holly Springs Memorial Singing at Holly Springs Primitive Baptist Church, Bremen, GA.  Dinner on the grounds at noon.  Note that the last hour of the singing this year will be set aside as a Memorial for Rebecca Over from the UK.  Following the singing all are invited to travel over to Mt Zion UMC for a brief service for the interment of her ashes.

Nov 18th, Saturday - 10:00am start.  All day Georgian Harmony Singing at Roberta Civic Center, Roberta GA. Directions: Dinner on the grounds at noon. From Atlanta, I-75 South to I-475 South. Turn right/west onto Hwy 80W (Eisenhower Parkway) to Roberta. Or, from Macon, take Hwy 80W to Roberta. In Roberta, turn left/south on N. Mathews Street. It becomes S. Mathews Street when you cross over Agency Street. The Civic Center (an old wooden church with good acoustics), is located at 93 South Mathews Street, just south of the old part of the town, next to the recycling center. S Mathews St is one block east of Highway 341. Contact/info: Oscar McGuire . 478-955-6135 (text preferred)

Nov 19th, Sunday -  3rd Sunday singing at 6:00p-8:30p, Church of our Saviour in Virginia-Highlands. 6:00 Singing School: Introductory Lesson at 6:00pm.  New and experienced singers are encouraged to come! 6:30-8:30 Singing, with a snack break at 7:30. Church of our Saviour, Garrison Hall (building across from main church entrance) 1068 North Highland Ave. Atlanta, GA 30306. Parking along N. Highland or Los Angeles. Metered spaces are free on Sunday. Contact Amy Wells at 404-436-4522 or amyarmstrongmidwife at gmail dot com for additional information.

—---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posting on behalf of Oscar McGuire - Clyde Avery passed away on October 21st and his memorial will be on November 11th at 11:00 AM at the First Baptist Church in Wedowee Alabama. Clyde had requested My Home page 560 be sung at his memorial. Clyde is Diane Avery's cousin and Bill Avery's son. Bill was Elder Roy Avery's brother. 


Mark your calendars:

Dec 10th, 11th - Georgia State Christian Harmony Convention - Sweetwater Chapel, Lawrenceville, GA.  10a-3p.  Dinner on the grounds at noon.

Dec 17th, combining 3rd Sunday singing & the annual Atlanta Sacred Harp Christmas get-together at Holy Trinity Parish in Decatur.  3pm start, covered dish meal at 5pm.

Looking way ahead - The Georgia State Sacred Harp convention, 4th Sunday and Saturday before in March, will be held at the Alpharetta City Hall!

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