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April 2024 Atlanta Sacred Harp Newsletter

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John Plunkett

Mar 28, 2024, 6:54:12 PM3/28/24
to AtlantaSinging

April 2024 Atlanta Sacred Harp Newsletter

Some good opportunities to sing this month!

Last minute reminder!! - Saturday, March 30th –Georgian Harmony singing at Sweetwater Chapel, 1000 Pleasant Hill Road, Lawrenceville, GA. 30044, - 10am start.  DotG at noon!!

CAMP Applications are open!!

FASOLA -July 1st - 5th -

DOREMI - Sept 12th - 15th - contact Jane at crvjanecannon at gmail dot com –


April 4,Indoor singing from The Sacred Harp and The Eclectic Harmony. Emory Presbyterian Church, 1886 North Decatur Rd, Atlanta GA 30307. Park behind the church, off Westminster Way.  "Test-to-Sing" COVID precautions: Vaccination is required; don't come if you have any COVID or flu-like symptoms; same-day COVID antigen test required.  Test at home, and bring the details to be verified.  Tests are also available on site, if you arrive early.  Info: Jim Neal at jim_neal-at-bellsouth-dot-net

Apr. 6, Saturday before the 1st Sunday, 10:00a-3:00p. 2nd annual All day singing at St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church, 1188 Hamp Mill Rd, Dahlonega, GA, All are welcome. We will begin singing from The Sacred Harp (1991) at 10 am and conclude around 3 pm. There will be a dinner on the grounds at noon. Participants are invited to bring a covered dish to share. A full kitchen is available. This is an indoor singing. We will be taking COVID precautions to protect our vulnerable community members. Please test at home and show up with a photograph, or else arrive 20 min early to test on site.

Apr. 7, 1st Sunday, 9:30 am Central Time, Edwardsville Baptist Church, Edwardsville, AL. 6 miles west of Fruithurst, just off U.S. Hwy. 78 (about 10 miles west of the Georgia - Alabama line).  contact: Cecil Roberts (770) 574-7832 

Apr. 12, Friday evening before the second Sunday, 6:30 pm, Elder Homer Benefield, Katherine Benefield, and Mildred Johnson Memorial. Shiloh Primitive Baptist Church, 225 Shiloh Church Rd, Waco, GA. Info: Cecil Roberts (770) 574-7832 

Apr. 13, Saturday before the 2nd Sunday, 10:00 am EDT. The State Line singing will be held on the Saturday before the 2nd Sunday in April, April 13, at 9:00 CT, 10:00 ET. However, circumstances dictate that we hold the singing at Holly Springs Church in Bremen, GA, instead of at State Line.

Due to lack of use during the Covid years, there are repairs that need to be made to State Line Church in order to make it usable for an April singing in Alabama. We really appreciate the generosity of Judy Henry and her family for allowing us to use Holly Springs on such short notice. Please bring a covered dish for lunch.

Apr. 20, Saturday before 3rd Sunday, 10:00 am, Middle Georgia Sacred Harp Singing, Union Primitive Baptist Church, Goggans, GA. On Johnstonville Rd between I-75 and Barnesville. Info: Oscar McGuire . 478-955-6135 (text preferred) 

Apr. 21, 3rd Sunday, 9:30 am Central Time, Old Harmony Church Singing, Abernathy, AL. Approximately 10 miles east of Heflin, AL. From I-20, take exit 210 (Ranburne/Muscadine exit), turn south (right) on County Rd. 60, go 1 mile; church will be on the right.

April 21, 3rd Sunday singing at 6:00p-8:30p, Church of our Saviour in Virginia-Highlands. Singing School at 6:00pm.  New and experienced singers are encouraged to come! 6pm, Jenna Strizak will lead a lesson on a special topic, TBA. 6:30-8:30 Singing, with a snack break at 7:30. Church of our Saviour, Garrison Hall (building across from main church entrance) 1068 North Highland Ave. Atlanta, GA 30306. Parking along N. Highland or Los Angeles. Metered spaces are free on Sunday. Contact Amy Wells at 404-436-4522 or amyarmstrongmidwife at gmail dot com for additional information.

Apr. 27, Saturday before the 4th Sunday. Atlanta All-Day Sacred Harp Singing, Saturday, 27 April 2024. Outdoors at Westside Park Pavilion, rain or shine. GPS: 33.782, -84.441 Venue info & directions:, Ample free parking, 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM. Dinner on the Grounds at Noon, Please bring a dish to share.  The Sacred Harp, 1991 Edition. Loaner books available. Beginners are welcome. Free!  COVID precautions:

• Testing is not required for this outdoor event

• Face mask is optional

• Vaccination & booster required

• Do not attend if you have symptoms:

. Chair: Andy Ditzler, andy-at- andyditzler-dot-com

BONUS Singing: We'll plan to have a follow-on house singing on Sunday afternoon, 28-April, 1:00 PM. Details at the Atlanta All Day on Saturday or contact Andy at the above email.

April. 28, 4th Sunday, 9:30 am Central Time, Alewine-Laminack Memorial, St. Michael Lutheran Church, 2213 County Rd. 14, Fruithurst (Cleburne County), AL. Take US 78 to Fruithurst, turn north (County Road 35) at Post Office, go to County Road 49, follow it north to County Road 14 (Rosewood Community), turn right, go about 2 miles, church is on the left. GPS: 33.815000, -85.406839.  Please contact: Cecil Roberts (770) 574-7832 to confirm.


May Singing opportunities - 

May 4th Saturday, 117th Etowah Christian Harmony Spring Singing, Etowah Lions Club,  Hendersonville, NC

May 11th - 1st Valdosta Sacred Harp Singing (Cooper Book) - Powell Hall at Valdosta State University

May 11th - Pumpkintown Singing - Pickens, SC - Sacred Harp (Denson) and Christian Harmony

May 19th - Lower Cane Creek Church - Heflin, AL


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