Atlanta Sacred Harp June 2023 Newsletter
Camp FASOLA is back! Camp Fasola announces a change of venue for 2023 to Camp Lee in Anniston. This change enables us to hold both Adult Camp and Youth Camp at the same location in the same week. Adults have the option of lodging offsite in hotel accommodations. Camp dates remain the same: Monday, July 3 to Friday, July 7. Registration is extended. Details and online registration is available at You can also register by mail by downloading the registration form from the website. Please let us know if you have questions: Y'all come! David Ivey
June 1, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm, 1st Thursday - the monthly singing held the 1st Thursday of the month at Emory Presbyterian Church singing from The Sacred Harp and The Eclectic Harmony. Emory Presbyterian Church, 1886 North Decatur Rd, Atlanta GA 30307. Park behind the church, off Westminster Way. Plan is to sing outside. Info: Jim Neal at jim_neal-at-bellsouth-dot-net, or Amy Wells, amyarmstrongmidwife-αt-gmail-dot-com.
June 3, Saturday before the 1st Sunday. Please note that the annual singing at Holly Springs will be SATURDAY ONLY for this year. 9:30 am. Holly Springs Primitive Baptist Church, near Bremen. Take exit #11 from I-20, turn south on Hwy. 27, go just past the top of the hill, follow the road markings to make a U-turn, immediately turn right beside the BP service station, turn left on Holly Springs Road, go to the dead end and turn left into the churchyard. Info Philip Langley - charlie5186 -at- yahoo-dot-com
June 10, Saturday before the 2nd Sunday, 10:00 am Raymond Hamrick Memorial Georgian Harmony Singing, Roberta Civic Center, Roberta GA. Dinner on the grounds at noon. [You can still do Dutch Treat lunch if you prefer, sack lunch, or nearby eateries include Subway, Big Chick, if they are open]. Directions: From Atlanta, I-75 South to I-475 South. Turn right/west onto Hwy 80W (Eisenhower Parkway) to Roberta. Or, from Macon, take Hwy 80W to Roberta. In Roberta, turn left/south on N. Mathews Street. It becomes S. Mathews Street when you cross over Agency Street. The Civic Center (an old wooden church with good acoustics), is located at 93 South Mathews Street, just south of the old part of the town, next to the recycling center. S Mathews St is one block east of Highway 341. Contact info: Oscar McGuire . 478-955-6135 (text preferred) -
June 11, 2nd Sunday, 10:00 am, the annual "June Singing" in Alpharetta, Alpharetta City Hall, 2 Park Plaza, Alpharetta, GA 30009. Singing will be in the Rotunda. Covered dish at noon. Parking is in front and to the side of the building and there is also a free parking deck. Directions: Take Ga. 400/U.S. 19 North to Exit 9, Haynes Bridge Road. Turn left onto Haynes Bridge Road. Turn left onto Old Milton Parkway, then right onto S. Main Street. The courthouse will be on the right. Info: Faye Holbrook, or Helen Bryson, 770-381-9093
June 15-16, Thursday and Friday before 3rd Sunday (no Saturday session),The National Sacred Harp Convention will be held Thursday, June 15 and Friday, June 16, 2023 9:30am -2:30pm (CT), at the Birmingham Square Dance Association (BSDA) Friendship Hall, 1024 Old Walker Chapel Road, Fultondale, Alabama. Contact - glennkeeton-at-gmail-dot-com.
June 17, Saturday before the 3rd Sunday, 10:30 am, Christian Harmony (2010) Blue Ridge Primitive Baptist Church, 134 Hyden Tyler Road, Chatsworth, Georgia. Covered dish lunch at noon. Contact info - Greg Smith - gsmith.gsmith-at-outlook-dot-com
June 18, 3rd Sunday, 10:00 am, Hopewell Primitive Baptist Church, near Ephesus, GA. You are cordially invited to sing with us at Hopewell Primitive Baptist Church; 2227 Hopewell Road; Roopville, GA. This will be the 155th session. Take Georgia Hwy 100 (Exit 5 from I-20) south to Ephesus. Turn left onto Ephesus/ Roosterville Road, go 2.5 miles, turn right. We start at 10 AM. Contact: Karen Rollins krollins -at- westga -dot- edu
June 18, Third Sunday evening, Haygood Memorial United Methodist Church, 1015 E Rock Springs Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30306. 6:30 to 8:30 PM for singing. Plan to sing in the Fellowship Hall. Info: Amy Wells at 404-436-4522 or amyarmstrongmidwife -at- gmail -dot- com.
A reminder - the singings previously held on the 4th Sunday in June and Saturday before have been canceled. (Salem UMC in Cherokee Co., AL and the DeLong-Roberts Memorial Singing)