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December 2022 ASH Singing Update

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John Plunkett

Nov 29, 2022, 9:39:58 AM11/29/22
to AtlantaSinging

December 2022 ASH Singing Update

Greetings All!!  A few opportunities to gather this month and sing!!

We will hold the annual Holiday Singing on Sunday, December 4th at Haygood UMC.  Please note the details below.


Saturday and Sunday, Dec 3rd & 4th - Florida State Sacred Harp Convention (Cooper Book). Saturday 10:00am, Sunday 9:30am. Dinner on the Grounds at noon. Sacred Harp Singing Hall, 1387 County Road 177, Bonifay, Florida. Fairfield Inn & Suites,, 100 Brabham Drive, Enterprise, AL, 334-348-1580.  Contact - Stanley Smith.

Sunday, Dec 4, ASH Holiday singing, Haygood Memorial United Methodist Church, 1015 E Rock Springs Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30306. This singing replaces the 1st Thursday and 3rd Sunday singings for this month. Singing from 3:30-5:30, followed by "supper on the ground," and then an additional session of singing to follow. Beginners welcome! Loaner books will be available.  We'll sing from the Sacred Harp, Christmas Harp, and Eclectic Harmony. Also, feel free to bring copies to pass out of any holiday song (written in 4-shapes) you'd like to sing. Please bring a covered dish to share. To minimize our sharing of germs, we'll use "test-to-sing" COVID precautions: Don't come if you have any COVID symptoms; same-day COVID antigen test required. Test at home and bring the details to be verified. A photo of the box with lot #/exp date works well. Tests also available on site, if you arrive early. Details:  Info: David Brodeur, david .at. davidbrodeur -dot- com, or Amy Wells, amyarmstrongmidwife-at- gmail -dot- com.     

Saturday and Sunday, Dec 10th &11th - the Georgia State Christian Harmony singing will be held at Sweetwater Memorial Chapel,1000 Pleasant Hill Road, Lawrenceville, GA. Singing begins at 10:00 a.m. both days. Songbooks will be available on site to buy or borrow. The venue, with lovely acoustics, is located approximately 2 miles east of I-85 northeast of Atlanta. Dinner on the grounds: If convenient, please bring a covered dish  to share for lunch at noon both days. There are kitchen facilities on site. Accommodations: Numerous hotel options are located at  I-85/Pleasant Hill exit 104. Health protocols: If you have symptoms of or known recent exposure to a contagious illness, please stay home and we'll sing for you this year. For your own protection, appropriate vaccinations and boosters are advisable. And for the consideration of others, self-testing for COVID each day of singing is recommended.  Some COVID self-test kits will be available on site. Masks are optional.  And please buckle up. Contacts: Shannon Primm, sprimm-at-yahoo-dot-com or Michael Spencer, fishman.mds-at-gmail-dot-com.


New Years Day, January 1st, 2023 - All day Georgian Harmony singing at the home of John and Elsie Hollingsworth.  10:00am start.  (GPS coordinates for the Hollingsworth’s mailbox: 34.152384, -83.322767. Directions: From Athens: Take Hwy 29 north, towards Danielsville. At the light near the Ingles store, bear left onto Hwy 106. Just past the 9-mile marker, turn left onto Adams Clarke Rd (at the Hill's Automotive sign). Go 1.5 miles to mailbox on right numbered 1574. When driveway splits, bear left. From I-85 North: Take Exit 149 to Hwy 441 at Banks Crossing outlet malls. Turn right onto 441 South. Go about 5 miles to Hwy 98 and turn left. In about 8 miles you'll reach a 4-way stop in Ila. Turn right and go 0.8 mile, then turn right on Adams Clarke Rd, go 1.5 miles to mailbox on right numbered 1574. When driveway splits, bear left.   Dinner on the grounds at noon (please note, Elsie will provide the meat, so please bring side dishes.) John Hollingsworth, 706-789-3916, john -at- billnet -dot- org

Hope you all have a safe, healthy, and joyous holiday season!!

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