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Atlanta Sacred Harp March 2024 Newsletter

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John Plunkett

Feb 28, 2024, 4:29:56 AM2/28/24
to AtlantaSinging

Atlanta Sacred Harp Singing Update March 2024

Some good singing opportunities coming up in March.  Note the new location (for 2024), Sweetwater Memorial Chapel, for the Georgian Harmony singing at the end of the month.


Mar 2, Saturday before the 1st Sunday - NEW SINGING! Immanuel Lutheran Church, Old Fellowship Hall, 501 E. Creswell Avenue, Greenwood, South Carolina 29649. Join us on Saturday from 10:00 to 3:00 pm.  An introduction to Fa-Sol-La participation will be offered at 9:30 am.  For more information, call Bill (334) 414-1953 or Nancy Hogan (334) 730-2090 or send an email to hoganbill56 at gmail dot com . Come and sing from the Sacred Harp 1991 Edition, first published in 1844 from Hamilton, Georgia and the most common book in homes in the 1800s, second to the Bible.  The songs are written in 4 parts to teach singing in harmony. Since that time Singings have been held in this rural southern tradition to share the spirit of joyful singing and fellowship with church and community. Come a few minutes early for coffee.  We hope to see you there!  No experience necessary and loaner books will be provided.  Please bring food to share for the covered dish lunch at 12 p.m.  Directions:  Take US Hwy 25 South in Greenwood about 4 blocks past uptown and turn left at the 2nd light across from Miss Ann’s Chicken onto East Creswell Street.  Go about 5 blocks to Immanuel, the red brick Church, at the center of the fork in the street.  There is a parking lot on the left and spots behind the Church and along the street on the right side. The Old Fellowship Hall is downstairs from the Sanctuary and on the same level as the rear entry.

Mar 3, 1st Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers Memorial, Ephesus School Auditorium, Roopville, GA.  The singing will start at 10:00 A.M. at Ephesus Elementary School on Highway 100 between Bowdon and Franklin, GA. The address of the school is 24414 Highway 100; Roopville, GA 30170. Contact: Karen Rollins, krollins-at-westga-dot-edu.

Mar 7, 1st Thursday - First Thursday, 7:00 PM  to 9:00 PM.  Indoor singing from The Sacred Harp and The Eclectic Harmony. Emory Presbyterian Church, 1886 North Decatur Rd, Atlanta GA 30307. Park behind the church, off Westminster Way.  "Test-to-Sing" COVID precautions: Vaccination is required; don't come if you have any COVID or flu-like symptoms; same-day COVID antigen test required.  Test at home, and bring the details to be verified.  Tests are also available on site, if you arrive early.  Info: Jim Neal at jim_neal-at-bellsouth-dot-net, or Amy Wells, amyarmstrongmidwife-αt-gmail-δόt-com.

 Mar 8, singers needed! A special singing will take place as part of the Appalachian Studies Association Conference at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, NC, on Friday, March 8 from 4 to 6 pm. Singers do not need to be registered for the conference. The singing will take place on the second floor of the University Center in 227 (the Raleigh Room). A map of the University Center is here:!m/264647 Information about visitor parking can be found here: If you have any loaners, please bring them! Contact esther DOT morgan-ellis AT ung DOT edu with any questions.

Mar 16, Saturday before 3rd Sunday, Hoboken Singing (Cooper Book), Hoboken, GA - Mars Hill Primitive Baptist Church. We will start singing at 9:00 AM, have dinner on the grounds at 12, then sing on until 2:30-3:00 PM. The church address is 12540 Central Avenue Extension Hoboken, GA 31542. There will be a Lloyd Hymnbook sing that evening from 7-9:00 PM at the church. Refreshments will be served.Contact: Riley Lee, rc.lee-at-hotmail-dot-com.

Mar 16, Saturday before the Third Sunday, 29th South Carolina State Singing in Memory of William Walker, SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 438 N Church Street, Spartanburg, SC (across from Wofford College). Free parking available across College Street from the church. 10:00 AM to 3 PM,  Books: The Sacred Harp and The Christian Harmony (2010) Sacred Harp and Christian Harmony books will be available for loan or sale. Lunch: on your own, many walk across the street to eat in the cafeteria at Wofford College. Following the singing (weather permitting), a group may walk to Mr. Walker's gravesite to sing a song or two for him. CONTACT: Dave Farmer at davefarmer-at-charter-dot-net or Frances Carnell, 864-862-4373, email: carnelllh-at-att-dot-net

Mar 17, 3rd Sunday singing at 6:00p-8:30p, Church of our Saviour in Virginia-Highlands. Singing School at 6:00pm.  New and experienced singers are encouraged to come! 6:30-8:30 Singing, with a snack break at 7:30. Church of our Saviour, Garrison Hall (building across from main church entrance) 1068 North Highland Ave. Atlanta, GA 30306. Parking along N. Highland or Los Angeles. Metered spaces are free on Sunday. Contact Amy Wells at 404-436-4522 or amyarmstrongmidwife at gmail dot com for additional information.

Mar 23 and 24, 4th Sunday and Saturday before, 10:00 am, 60th session of the Georgia State Sacred Harp Convention,  Alpharetta City Hall, 2 Park Plaza, Alpharetta, GA 30009.  Singing will be in the Rotunda.  Covered dish at noon.  Parking is in front and to the side of the building and there is also a free parking deck. Directions: Take Ga. 400/U.S. 19 North to Exit 9, Haynes Bridge Road. Turn left onto Haynes Bridge Road. Turn left onto Old Milton Parkway, then right onto S. Main Street. The courthouse will be on the right. Info: Faye Holbrook, , Kathy Williams at  katzenhw47-at-gmail-dot-com, Matt Hinton at mattandericahinton-at-yahoo-dot-com.

Mar 30, Saturday before the 1st 5th Sunday - Georgian Harmony singing.  10:00am - 3:00pm. (New location for 2024) -Sweetwater Memorial Chapel,1000 Pleasant Hill Road, Lawrenceville, GA.  Dinner on the grounds at noon. If able, please bring a covered dish to share. Contact: John Plunkett - bildad12-at-hotmail-dot-com or  Oscar McGuire . 478-955-6135 (text preferred)

Mar 31, 1st 5the Sunday (Easter Sunday) - Ivey Memorial, Liberty Baptist Church, Henegar, AL. Info: DavidIveyUSA at gmail dot com 



April 6th (Sat) - 2nd annual Dahlonega all-day Sacred Harp singing at St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church, Dahlonega, GA.

April 20th (Sat) - Middle Georgia Sacred Harp Singing, Union Primitive Baptist Church, Goggans, GA.

April 27th, (Sat), Atlanta All-Day Sacred Harp Singing. Outdoors at Westside Park Pavilion, rain or shine.  10:00 AM to 2:30 PM, with dinner on the grounds at noon. 1991 Edition. Masks are optional; vaccination is required. Chair: Andy Ditzler, andy-at- andyditzler-dot-com

Details for these in the April Singing reminder.

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