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Some good news!

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John Plunkett

Aug 16, 2023, 6:08:07 PM8/16/23
to AtlantaSinging
Many of you are aware of the ongoing issue for Oscar and Katie McGuire of Roberta, to be able to see and visit with their grandchildren, following Bentley's death.  They have been working with attorneys and some state congress folks to address this situation.  Oscar reports that they have now won visitation rights!!

Also a reminder for Atlanta area/W. GA. folks - please remember the B.M. Smith/Philip Denney Memorial singing this coming Saturday (19th) at Emmaus Church in Carrollton. Also, the 3rd Sunday singing moves back to Church of our Saviour in Virginia-Highlands, starting at 6pm with an Introductory Lesson on the Memorial Lesson with Jeannette DePoy. (singing will start at 6:30p). (and if you're in outside the metro area, help support the Cedar Creek Singing at Mt. Pisgah Church near Sylvester).

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