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Go To Hell HMOs!!

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Oct 9, 1999, 7:00:00 AM10/9/99
If you work for an HMO tuck your head in shame and then go to hell.
But first, contact your Senator and ask him to support Charlie
Norwood's bill allowing consumers to sue their HMOs.

Tell him or her that a health system based on a bunch of money
grubbers making money instead of providing health to people never will

HMOs who have been constantly maiming and killing people are the only
bastards that are exempt from due process of the law besides


I thought I saw a putty cat.

Tweety Bird, Putty Cats, Chap. 1, page 1, 1962.


Oct 9, 1999, 7:00:00 AM10/9/99
In article <>,

> If you work for an HMO tuck your head in shame and then go to hell.
> But first, contact your Senator and ask him to support Charlie
> Norwood's bill allowing consumers to sue their HMOs.
> Tell him or her that a health system based on a bunch of money
> grubbers making money instead of providing health to people never will
> work.
> HMOs who have been constantly maiming and killing people are the only
> bastards that are exempt from due process of the law besides
> diplomats.
> Holger

Shut up, Claire.

Steve McDonald

Oct 9, 1999, 7:00:00 AM10/9/99
Holger <> wrote:

>If you work for an HMO tuck your head in shame and then go to hell.
>But first, contact your Senator and ask him to support Charlie
>Norwood's bill allowing consumers to sue their HMOs.
>Tell him or her that a health system based on a bunch of money
>grubbers making money instead of providing health to people never will
>HMOs who have been constantly maiming and killing people are the only
>bastards that are exempt from due process of the law besides

>I thought I saw a putty cat.
>Tweety Bird, Putty Cats, Chap. 1, page 1, 1962.

Not only that, but 44 million Americans with no health
insurance. Booming economy? Look closer! It's a
booming economy if you're adept at sucking other
people's blood. Are you listening, politicians?


Oct 9, 1999, 7:00:00 AM10/9/99

Holger wrote:
> If you work for an HMO tuck your head in shame and then go to hell.
> But first, contact your Senator and ask him to support Charlie
> Norwood's bill allowing consumers to sue their HMOs.
> Tell him or her that a health system based on a bunch of money
> grubbers making money instead of providing health to people never will
> work.

So the best health care givers are non profit?
Yeah, right. Go talk to Dick Gephart.

> HMOs who have been constantly maiming and killing people are the only
> bastards that are exempt from due process of the law besides
> diplomats.

No, it is the AMA (American Murders Association) that
does the maiming and killing of people with the full
compliance of the government (FDA). IT does not matter
who pays for it.

M.D.s kill more people than tobacco, guns, and illegal drugs.
Visit one at your own peril. It does not matter who pays...
And don't bitch to me when they make you more ill.

> Holger

"Socialism is the myth that two people
can live off each other indefinitely
without either of them doing any work."

It is also a ready-made heaven for those seeking to
blame society as the source of their condition while
avoiding examination of their own contribution to
their difficulties.

Oct 9, 1999, 7:00:00 AM10/9/99
part of the fault id the doctors. they have PACs that do things like make
it very difficult to access information on them things like they cut off
the wrong appendage. some states do not provide credentialing agencies
with ssns. so the credentialing agency cannot get a for sure match due to
things like women married equals name change, common name like richard
jones, giving invalid address information.

the medical profession is just as bad as insurance agencies and lawyers.
they want one thing and one thing only, money. they think its your damn
fault if you arent educated on something. then get pissed if you tell them
how to do their job.

i say huck'em. I go to the doctors about once every 10 years. I am just
lucky and not a hyperchrondriac.

fight the good fight. educate others about this industry. the more people
know the better customer service, better prices, and fewer quacks we will

Holger wrote:

> If you work for an HMO tuck your head in shame and then go to hell.
> But first, contact your Senator and ask him to support Charlie
> Norwood's bill allowing consumers to sue their HMOs.
> Tell him or her that a health system based on a bunch of money
> grubbers making money instead of providing health to people never will
> work.

> HMOs who have been constantly maiming and killing people are the only
> bastards that are exempt from due process of the law besides
> diplomats.

The Sanity Inspector

Oct 10, 1999, 7:00:00 AM10/10/99
to (Steve McDonald) shared with usenet this

>Not only that, but 44 million Americans with no health
>insurance. Booming economy? Look closer! It's a
>booming economy if you're adept at sucking other
>people's blood. Are you listening, politicians?

Have you seen the price of satellite dishes, jet-skis, Eddie
Bauer package Explorers, and windsurfing lessons lately? Who the hell
can afford health insurance!

The dignified don't even enter in the game.
--The Jam


Oct 10, 1999, 7:00:00 AM10/10/99
In <> (Steve McDonald) writes:

#Holger <> wrote:

#>If you work for an HMO tuck your head in shame and then go to hell.
#>But first, contact your Senator and ask him to support Charlie
#>Norwood's bill allowing consumers to sue their HMOs.
#>Tell him or her that a health system based on a bunch of money
#>grubbers making money instead of providing health to people never will
#>HMOs who have been constantly maiming and killing people are the only
#>bastards that are exempt from due process of the law besides
#>I thought I saw a putty cat.
#>Tweety Bird, Putty Cats, Chap. 1, page 1, 1962.

#Not only that, but 44 million Americans with no health
#insurance. Booming economy? Look closer! It's a
#booming economy if you're adept at sucking other
#people's blood. Are you listening, politicians?

Sorry, I have yet to find a section of our Constitution giving Congress or
the Federal Government any power to provide health care. Closest I can
see is the 'general welfare' clause, which has been distorted to the extent
that the Ninth and Tenth Amendments have been practically forgotten, even
though as amendments they are supposed to have greater weight than the original

*I* am one of those 44 million Americans without health insurance. Why?
My wife hasn't returned the paperwork to me so I can get it through my
company. Health insurance is out there for those who are willing to budget
for it, and there are various government programs to provide minimal protection
for those who are both too foolish to plan ahead and too poor to make payment

As for that booming economy, yeah, I'm doing well in it, but I look at
my pay stub and find more than 1/3 of my earnings have disappeared before
I get a penny. I look closer and find that the real number is closer to 1/2
when I count the other half of FICA, property taxes, gas taxes, etc... That's
money that COULD be going to fix my house, buy new clothes for my daughter,
put food on the table, etc... So if you want to buy insurance for someone
who doesn't have any, start a charity. Keep your paws OUT of my wallet, I'll
support the charities I approve of, not the ones some dipshit politician
thinks I should be paying for (and I don't have much sympathy for someone
who complains about paying less in monthly rent than I earn in an hour, I'm
where I am because I worked my tail off at two hourly wage jobs to get
the extra college classes I needed to get in the IT field, the higher paying
of which paid 7.50/hr, and I worked 60-70 hours per week PLUS taking my
class and working on programming assignments. Someone willing to work and
willing to show up on time, in the proper attire, neat, and with motivation,
CAN improve their situation. I worked as a supervisor for a security company
and the biggest problems I saw were people who showed up late, or never, in
a shabby uniform, poorly shaven, no work ethic, no professionalism, etc...
Security may not be much, it certainly isn't glamorous or high paying, but
I saved at least one life while doing it because I was alert and knew what
to do in a medical emergency, even though I had NO intention of working
security any longer than I had to). Cold hearted? Call me that if you wish,
if someone isn't willing to take some basic steps to improve their situation,
I have little sympathy. Show me a genuine intent to improve their situation,
instead of whining for a handout, and I'll give a hand up (which is why
Habitat for Humanity is one of the improvement programs I like the most).


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